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File: 1694193860071.jpg ( 119.82 KB , 634x856 , article-2207664-152BC06800….jpg )


anyone else dislike milfs? Christina Hendricks literally looks like my grandma


There is no such thing as a milf


I just looked up this "milf" term and I AM DISGUSTED
What does FUCK MEAN?


it's when people take off their underwear and stuff happens


Never heard of it, doesn't exist


File: 1694253341225.jpg ( 64.22 KB , 640x360 , mpv-shot0024.jpg )

this but ur grandma


im not picky just dont be morbidly obese and have a grotesquely deformed face.


uygha u gay


You'd fuck my grandma?




File: 1706624598691.jpg ( 97.38 KB , 400x500 , 2009-03-02-rachaelrayfhm1.jpg )

I know that feeling OP. My mom looks like Rachael Ray.


she has a nice forehead


That's a nice thing to say, I'll let mother know about your compliment.


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Is it morally wrong for me to want to fuck her asshole and jizz on her feet?


File: 1706693240864.jpg ( 133.68 KB , 670x1191 , Nigella-Lawson.jpg )

There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's perfectly natural.


Yes, assholes are generally unclean. It's better to cum in her pussy like God intended.


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Go touch a real woman, but I guess you can’t if you’re so ugly and dumb.>>149157


Rape meat


holy kek good copypasta. missing the beginning though. could use more /x/ in the intro with area 51 stuff. abrupt beginning too seems like this isn't the full thing


tfw no motherly gf who'll let me suck on her titties


File: 1715509414511.jpg ( 288.91 KB , 1200x1383 , Sigmund_Freud,_by_Max_Halb….jpg )





I don't care

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