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post serious dating advice about older women

I would rather have my sexual experiences be with someone around much older.
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It is quite disturbing. just want a serious relationship


nobody knows how to sustain one.

Society sells relationships as a consumer service for adults.

Notice how age obsessed people are in dating?
"Teen love is shallow" yet wveryone over 18 seems to desire relationships as some trophy to show off to peoppe.

Adult love seems more concerned with playing God


If you want a chance of finding your perfect someone, you need to eliminate the competition by encouraging them to go after roasties so you can keep the untainted for yourself. however you shouldn't be spreading it to anyone other than your close friends as it will pollute the pool of men looking for pure women.


>implying hos give a damn about their peers & don't always seek older fags to ride
>implying older hos dont suddenly try 2 fuck anyone, yonger fags included.
Bitch, are you still in preschool or smfn? Even 10 yo hos chase faggots from highschool what are you on about?


How to stop being attracted to moms and mombods?

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Why didn't socialism catch on in America? Why are there no notable American socialist movements in history?
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This a strange non-sequitur.


>because it was propped up economically and militarily by the US
Sir, are you on drugs? Nevermind the fact that they were enemies basically right after WWII, you are also ignoring the insane amount of industrialization that happened.


Capital has always existed. You're just railing against Capital because you're a NEET.


Low autism score revisionist


You've died in Stalingrad while Hitler was enjoying his summer vacation at Berghof.

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Reproductive rights are human rights and we will be strong and joyful


That makes you an ultra-right wing fascist. Roe v wade was overturned under a Democrat government (and I'm pretty sure if they can bypass congress to send weapons to Israel they could have also stopped that from being overturned).

I'm not even in the US, I don't care, but it's easy to see who the military industrial complex prefers (Harris), she even has the support of a bunch of former republicans. Oh and that little thing they're perpetuating in the middle east what's going on there again? Oh yeah a genocide. Also a war with Russia.

Look I don't like Trump but people need to stop acting like he's to the right of the Democrats. He's not. We've already seen what his presidency is like. It's not as extreme.


You know what I actually don't give a fuck, voting is gay anyway.


>That makes you an ultra-right wing fascist
Blow it out your ass faget


but what of Trump assassinating that Iranian general?


That image is very cool and funny but otherwise shit thread

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He wouldn't be suprised in the least.


fuck, i didnt realize until today


Didn't realize what!?

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If you could have three of any super powers, what would you have?




this thread post gets me a "kys", yet the certain other threads do not? why is that?

i jusr wnted to make fun post to have fun with ppl..


The superhero dream Is essentially fascism. Fascism is that dog-eat-dog strength of the individual above all. So for those who dislike the trope of the übermensch, the trope of the superhero matches it a little too well.

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Why don't communists spread their genes by finding a loving communist wife, and impregnating her dozens of times and raising the kids to become communists over the course of their development so that the Marxist movement can grow exponentially? Just look at the Mormons! So much power comes from population numbers, so why not create and raise a swath of the masses to themselves create and raise a massive revolutionary body? That would be far easier than convincing your local petty-bourgeois imperialist.
Go on! Find a cutie communist girl and raise a batch of future revolutionaries!
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Every leftist i know, comes from a right wing family, and some rightist i know comes from a socialist family. I think leftists should BREED, but i don't think this will have a huge influence.


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>Why don't communists spread their genes


political views aren't genetic. they're a result of material conditions


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<“It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, political and moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would. It works for cows, horses, pigs, dogs and roses. Why on earth wouldn’t it work for humans? Facts ignore ideology”

Richard Dawkins

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Please Help Me? How to search this Play


Seriously, you can't find more info by googling "julius caesar central park play trump"? I found this result immediately:



Is It online Right Now?





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ITT: we pretend we're from 2012 era reddit and that today is our first day on leftychan
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greetings leftypolerinos


Wasn't there still CP jailbait subs on reddit back in 2012?


>hard timsmakes trng men

Here we go again with this meme.

Hard times soesnt make strong men.
Thats all comic book nonsense.

In times of difficulty, people become "every man for himself."

Life becomes tribal amd confusing.

All those "hard times" arent as virtuous as you think.


What is the deep state's goal?


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WW2 was good time?

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>be faggy sjw
>have a handful of mental disorders
>believe that basic facts and constraints of nature and biology are oppressive
>demand everyone cater to your wildly naive and idiotic worldviews
>claim that parents are being selfish if they won't let you indoctrinate their kids (but don't want to have kids yourself because muhreasons)
How can we stop people like this from being associated with the left? How will socialism handle people like this?


Identity crisis is a buzzowrd.
Thats caysed by the institution of adolescence.

Also, they wanna ban trans aid for kids yet they do nothing about bullying or compulsory law for schools?

Imo, you have people in "indentity crisis" well into their thirties.

As for the SJW thing, theyre no different from the reacrionaries.

Both sides care less for the young and more for vicarious living


"trans" kids need to be sent to a rehabilitation camp. They need to be forced to socialize and have fun while learning important skills like a basic manual of arms for their nation's small arms. We need discipline and teamwork not more money for Dr. Soystein to chop your cock/tits off


Trans kids and cis kids need to be sent to vocational classes rather than IB or AP classes.

We have so many young people whom did the right thing yet they end up in dead end jobs and student loan debt.

Our elders have failed the youth by banning them from dating, working, driving, free-range play, etc because "muh education".

Theres nothing wrong with some kids wanting to be trans. Also, trans care isnt as readily available to rrans youth as much as you think.


Professional Bullshit Artists

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>Ummm high yeah sweaty sorry
>We know you are struggling to acquire a living wage for your very necessary societal labor that our whole society actually needs to function properly, but, how about you actually just get back to work you fucking uyghur slave

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ITT: Reactionaries.

Not every teacher is your stereotypical art history teacher, also, kek. Like what a pathetic bunch of sniveling worms. If education is so ineffectual why are you two so stupid?


this is why college should be limited only to a select few.


teachers can go fuck themselve, they thaught me communism bad, they dindt even explain to me what unions are but i kno someone in my school who became a hooters waitress


College needs to be overhauled.


college needs to be abolished, it is an unjust hierarchy. poeople go to school to they can become fascist techbros or crypto currency miners and such

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