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There's studies on this, girls who appear attractive and sexually mature are magnets for trouble.

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why does everything have to be about molestation with you guys?


Girls who hit puberty early and have behavioral problems aren't everything.


Early puberty isnt always due to molestation


>can be a sign of


ok my bad.
Im just tired of people always morally obsessing over sexuality, especially youth sexuality.

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the dog lovers' silence is deafening..

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What do you call a singer
who sings pop songs
for cow pedophiles?


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Moolanie Moortinez


michael jackson


That's not a pun you ass


Neil Hamburger, the best American white male comdian since George Carkin


A bull shit artist?

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every woman who has ever rejected you was actually a skinwalker working for the CIA to keep baiting you into desiring sex while always keeping it just out of reach. reject the black iron tartarean prison of sex and become /schizocel/.


Thanks, I'll keep this in mind.


>cia uyghurs have 2 employ whores 2 get 2 radicalized virgins
Wh@ a time 2 be alive.

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I'm eating dinner so I'm just going to assume you posted the equivalent of this.


it was a guy penetrating a fleshlight while a 'communist party' poster is in the background


Thank you comrade.

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I think maintaining diverse range of phenotypes is good. Sure, there are races nobody wants or wants to be (you know which ones), but I do not want to live in a world without cute redheaded whites or busty ebony blacks.

FINALLY!!! someone in this exact thread have the same opinion as mine. if you can choose which race you want to be, NOBODY in their right mind would choose to be a subcontinental browns. fuck pakistan. fuck india. fuck bangladesh. fuck sri lanka.

everybody who are brown or live in a brow country care. which is half the world. hence why we should do a multigenerational breeding program for the entire world.

post your breeding program
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Every leftist i know, comes from a right wing family,. I think leftists should BREED, but i don't think this will have breeding program.


>be born
>parents fuck you up
>unable to grow into an independent adult due to fuck up
>society demands you pull yourself by your bootsraps
what the fuck is this


take that bitch. yeahhh the mods spoke. go fuck urself hoe ass uygha


Get rid of earth tone skin colors.
Use the rainbow for skin color.

Make everyone look like manga characters


yet another slightly altered copy paste thread to make fun of the original thread from ORG

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the majority of insurgents dont succede. Have any of the dozens of the anti-Indian seperatists and communists groups succeded? No. What about the tamil tigers? How did Che end up? Did the Forest Brothers succeded in driving off the Soviet Union?

The vast majority of insurgents will die alone. People just glamorize it because they don't make it to the frontpage of the news.

usually these groups control territories for a long time until the regime waits them out, then they literally die of old age. this was largely true of the indian insurgents (who still exist btw) and the forest brothers. che died because he bit off way more than he could chew, he was very successful in cuba.

if you want an example of a "decentralized asymmetrical insurgency", then there's thousands of random bumfuck islamist and wignat groups to choose from. moreover street gangs continue to operate all the time regardless of police interference, and that's largely because it's still economically advantegous to do so given the sheer amount of capital to be had via the drug trafficking and distribution trade. don't even get me started on the actual cartels themselves. all this to say that yeah, some don't succeed, but counter-insurgency/counter-terrorism really isn't anywhere near as easy as just "arrest them all lol", if it was then we wouldn't have had a 20 year GWOT lol.

Fundamentally it's political. There was a lot going on in Cuba that made it possible for an insurgency to succeed that involved the politics of the country. It wasn't just the rebels inna Sierra Maestra but unrest with the urban population. It's too complex to get into and I don't even know a lot about it, but I believe there have been historians who have written books about all that. Che was a narcissistic and suicidal personality who couldn't deal with sitting around in boring meetings after they won, so he ran off to try to make revolution in Congo and Bolivia and it just didn't work at all, and then he was killed. He was going to end up like that one way or another. It's kind of a historical accident that he became this big hero because they won in Cuba, but in some slightly different circumstances he would've joined another one of these rebel groups in Latin America at the time, would've been killed and nobody would've ever known he existed.

It's interesting to read about left-wing groups in the U.S. in the late 60s who tried to cosplay as Che like the Weather Post too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Che was a narcissistic and suicidal personality who couldn't deal with sitting around in boring meetings after they won, so he ran off to try to make revolution in
You're full of shit. Even the way you sperg this out shows this.
No, uyghie, the bolivian operation was planned for years b4 the actual execution of it.
No, uyghie, 4sr this adventuristic che of yours actually called out the congo invasion cuz he understood th@ local uyghurs with their retarded peasant villager mindset could never be rallied towards a national-socialist marxist-leninist revolution.
& no, uyghie, all the cuban activity around the world was not happening cuz of cubans testicles having a need to liberate as many womyns as possible but because they wanted 2 rely as less on their nazi "'`buddies`'" from the su & china as possible, so their own nazi regime would stand even stronker in their socialist trade agreements.
& no, uyghie, the only guy who had anything 2 do with the jewish nigger wizard Karl Marx & Co. in castro movement was che himself. Everybody else was a pure nationalist, castro included. They even marxistly erect idolatric monuments only to some funny guy named Rivera, how strange of them hmm.


w8 a fucking sec, is Jewish nigger uncensored now? Props to the mods who are the real leftie culture preservationist ones if true.


<Guevara's known preference for confrontation rather than compromise, which had previously surfaced during his guerrilla warfare campaign in Cuba, contributed to his inability to develop successful working relationships with local rebel leaders in Bolivia, just as it had in the Congo.[254] This tendency had existed in Cuba, but had been kept in check by the timely interventions and guidance of Fidel Castro.[255]

<The result was that Guevara was unable to attract inhabitants of the local area to join his militia during the eleven months he attempted recruitment. Many of the inhabitants willingly informed the Bolivian authorities and military about the guerrillas and their movements in the area. Near the end of the Bolivian venture, Guevara wrote in his diary: "Talking to these peasants is like talking to statues. They do not give us any help. Worse still, many of them are turning into informants."


always has been

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< Woman may carry ex-partner's DNA in offspring.
< Study tests telegony with flies.
< Telegony theory: old idea of mates influencing offspring. Ancient Greece (4th century BCE)
< Suggests past partners affect future offspring, even with a different father. (4th century BCE)
< Historically accepted but later debunked: Early 20th century (1900s)
< Involves traits of past partners impacting genetic makeup
< Once used to discourage mating across social classes or races: Throughout history, notably during periods of rigid social stratification
< Debated concept with limited scientific backing
< Implies traits can be inherited from non-biological parents
< Raises questions about the nature of genetic inheritance
< Considered controversial within scientific community
< Lack of conclusive evidence in humans
< More commonly studied in animal models
< Male flies' diet manipulated for size
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>when you realize what causes Karens


aw shit


Holy fuck, they really can't help themselves.


Prior to 19 century "Telegony" was an all accepted concept and any breeder would tell you that its just how it works. Unfortunately, the secular scientists worked hard to hide these facts, however, after the DNA was discovered new studies started to come out, such as the study with the flies in 2014 where the offspring had characteristics of the first partner rather than the second one that the fly got the offspring with. They just renamed "Telegony" to "Microchimerism" and secularists are afraid to do a proper study with human females, as this would mean rethinking the implications of casual sex and accepting that long known virtue of virginity has basis is science.


Go kill yourself dumbass.

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what was his fucking problem?


He was psyoped by his wife into being a cuckold and never recovered.


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Blew a real uygha once & got mocked 4 this even after his death. RIP to the real leftard one.

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>be me
>average typical bat-rat-spider
>walking down the street
>when suddenly

>guy pulls up in a hybrid
>front is a bugatti, back is a rolls royce, middle is the most expensive high-end Amish horse-and-buggy that money can buy
>the engine is a slab of solid gold with no moving parts which propels the car only by acting as a conduit for resophonic emanations
>the horses in the Amish part are really exotic
>they're zebras
>none of the working parts are made by Tesla, but there's a Tesla hood ornament
>the driver rolls down the window, which are made out of some kind of melted sheets of a niche rich people brand of Jolly Ranchers, and yells at me that it's "problematic" to be a bat-rat-spider
>he says I'm gross and toxic masculinity
<my face.jpg

Don't you hate when this happens?




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>later that night
>go out to a bar with the boys
>uh oh
>it's guy-with-hybrid-car night at the bar
>walk in cautiously
>drink quietly
>when suddenly

>Mecha Godzilla shows up
>everyone starts picking on him
>they call him gay
>Mecha Godzilla is incapable of feeling sexual attraction
>he's a robot
>they're gay
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Mecha Godzilla is a real uygha

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