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i did an interesting experiment yesterday

it is based on this article :

or rather the data from the article

i did just calcualtions on how many passive labor / investment / land you need to sustain yourself with absolute minimum

if you have other provided to you (that is here : land (with no taxes), some tools, and maybe other things)

and if you already have some capital maybe

and the result was rather interesting, you need about 33 buckets / or about 5.5x5.5 m land to sustain yourself in absolute minimum

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>You're assuming land is free.
No I'm not. ;P

>When I talked about getting a minimum wage job that's called the opportunity cost in economics. Every hour you spend farming carrots in a commune is an hour you didn't spend working this other hypothetical job.

And every hour you spend beating the pavement in the hopes of getting a minimum wage job during a period of economic stagnation is time you didn't spend harvesting carrots, isn't it?

>Opportunity cost applies to all capital including land.

Land isn't really capital, though. Land is land. Nobody creates it, everyone relies upon it. I'm aware that there are some schools of thought which include every asset as "capital," but in my view that's very misleading.

>So if you want to be rigorous about it then you also have to factor in the price of the land your commune is using and see how many carrots that would get you at costco.

The carrots you buy at Costco are harvested with massive farm subsidies.
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Communist try not envision the most wrenched possible way to live challenge
>Difficulty level: impossible


bruh. this is one of the many things lefties discuss.

Also with landlords is that they want to give you so little for such a large price.

Also fores amd floods can affect rented places amd peoppe end up with no insurance coverage and/or they end up having to pay for repairs.


Dont forget about Billy Mays at a concession stand selling OxyClean.

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Anyone remember that? What happened?


died with socdem flag. tarnished by namefags

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Based Elon moment
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>the only people who get in trouble for their politics is right-wingers
Funny isn't it.


If you aren't getting in trouble for your "leftist politics" you aren't doing politics or leftism. Alternatively you live in a socialist country.


It's not true.

Also, contrarianism against the "estabilishment" is completely retarded. You know what's against the estabilishment? You know what they don't want you to do? Here's a small list: eat dogshit, throw buckets of vomit at people, yelling at 3am, licking door handles, eating soil, drinking from the sewer. Go do those things! Do not follow the mainstream! Think with your head!

Do you see how fucking retarded that is? Right wingers say this shit because they just the aestethic of the rebellion, thye have and cannot understand substance.


Anti-establishment is aesthetic.
Punk is a farce.


Thisnfaggotmwas never cool and always considered a huge sellout and a poser in the punk scene. The only people who idolize this loser have never listened to real anarchist punk music like crass who were investigated several times by the authorities and propositioned by the KGB

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That's a man.
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Taylor Swift is the most ugly mid woman I have ever seen. Men who find her attractive have mental illness.


Taylor swift glows brighter than the sun. That's a fed.


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I can smell Ross Luxemburg's penis from just looking at him.


Go back to Japan, you Keysean.

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>smoking on a crowded train
Why didn't New York City execute Castro?
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Its a shame that cigars and booze are hailed as cool and good just because it doesnt involve electricity.


Nah, just open the windows

You forgot to mention that it's fun and makes you feel great


>drug addict coping


Fuck driving in general. I can board the subway absolutely hammered and get home safe, probably quicker than if I drove too.

You kind of need to not be disabled though, but if you can climb stairs and walk (or rollerblade or skateboard) from the station to your destination it's much faster than driving.

I wanna check out china and japans public transit systems one day, I think I would love it.


I've only seen japan a decade ago, it was fuckbusy in the city but a high speed train is cool as.

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neuralink should have this cyber bussy thing from eXistenZ


My cock would not fit in that (8" girth).


it's not for dicks, it's for tonguing and fingering so it gets nice and lubed up for the neuralink plug

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Imagine fancying yourself as opposing porkie and US hegemony yet not liking Tucker.
If that's you, something doesn't add up.
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Anyone the billionaires don't like is a nazi
>Texas Border Convoy Descends into Antisemitism
>The Uncanny Resemblance of the Beer Hall Putsch and the January 6 Insurrection
>Swastikas and Confederate Flags Seen at Canada's 'Freedom Convoy'

>biden and the entire DNC uses every mention of china to call them communist dictatorship

Dictatorship yes. You added the communist part.

>irony is, everyone uses "commie" as an insult

This isn't about "everyone" this is about the establishment. Bernie Sanders, a sitting US Senator, calls himself a communist and nobody inside government or the corporate media regards this as a bad thing.


Bernie calls himself a socialist not a communist. that would cause an uproar


>This isn't about "everyone" this is about the establishment. Bernie Sanders, a sitting US Senator, calls himself a communist and nobody inside government or the corporate media regards this as a bad thing.

Thats because they dont take him seriously. Also he calls himself a socialist, not a communist.

Most Americans think socialism is social justice and handouts.
Sanders also lost the Democratic nomination to Hillary Clinton.
He was mocked.


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This is how Feddit copes with losing firm grip on The Narrative. With both the genocide in Gaza and Ukraine being unraveled we're going to see more and more unhinged takes on an already completely unhinged platform.

Also, an aside, but now that it's kind of obvious that Biden has dementia, how are people justifying him being the opposition to Trump? Surely they've run out of arguments by now…


I can answer my own question, I didn't have to look very far lmao take a look at these quotes from the comments:

>Biden being too old is literally the one bad thing you can say about him that's not twice as true about Trump, and that's just because of math.

>Anyone that thinks Biden is worse than Trump in the mentally correct dept is insane. Have they not listened to the blathering idiocy spewing out of Trump.

It's just FEDposting lol

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Is pic related worth fighting ww3 over?
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Calling people newfags while fucking up basic formatting in your post does deserve ridicule. He is right though, a (dead) darknet imageboard called nanochan used this picture of Nano Shinonome with a photoshopped swastika on their front page.


Shut up newfags.


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>the troon can't cope with newGODS


>troon troon troon troon
When did the edgy left become so boring?


maybe you wouldn't get called a troon if you didn't defend their retardation. try doing something else retarded like citing adrian zenz; then I'll call you a uyghur.

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>June Vass (she/her) is the editor-in-chief of the Red Phoenix, the Director of the Information Bureau of the American Party of Labor, and a member of the National Writers Union. She is based in Los Angeles, CA.
Why is it that troons ruin everything they touch. The APL had a nuanced and materialist view of firearms ownership in a 2018 article and didn't publish "queer theory" articles every week. Now with June Ass, they've decided that "common sense gun control" is the new party line. Discuss how troon opportunists invade workers organizations, push idealist and counter-revolutionary party lines, and betray the working class.



What's worse.
The giga honor the guy who never shuts up about the giga hon?


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bitches love horses
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If you crave/thrive on independence, stay away from women


Those are exemplary boobers


They're fake.


>muh human nature

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