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sex is procreation, not degeneracy or sodomy. The concept of "born this way" at least in its modern form was always more of a identity politics stance than anything else. Many of the people pushing it didn’t actually beleive it themselfs, but it was beleived that by presenting degenerate, lumpen behaviour as an inherent characteristic, rather than as a freely made choice, people would be more likely to soften up towards it.
A reflection of this is sometimes seen today with the category of "BDSM" or "queer" in which sexual fluidity (the idea that sexuality isn’t set in stone) is taken for granted most of the time, and its only when people criticise the parts of this ideology that haven’t been fully normalised yet that they retreat to "born this way" as a safer position which it is harder to attack.
BDSM and other forms of degeneracy in relationships aren’t reproductive and aren’t typically accepted by the masses due to this reason, outside of the parasitic west


Very based


can someone simplify this?


OP correctly points out that the "born gay" is just a motte where queer bullshit is the bailey. In reality a faggot queer is not born but rather becomes a faggot queer through molestation or porn addiction. When you call out their idealist tendencies, fags crawl back into their hole of "but I can't help it, I was always this way!" Which is harder to attack morally since it's presented as an affliction beyond their control.


fed post


this is a copypasta from a LeftyPol post.


I'll shove the new Apple usb-c down your urethra and we'll both enjoy it namefag


someone is suffering from withdrawal


Now this is just dumb.


I am gay and I have never been molested and I liked boys before watching porn…


iys funny how alot of peoole who oush this theory are often then caught with prettyboys in ther bed

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