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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1628387394064.png ( 549.1 KB , 1000x1403 , 1628269229061.png )

 No.128448[View All]

non coal edition

Previous thread: https://archive.ph/pDgN6

Soycraft 1.16.5
103 posts and 41 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


calm down


I'm not angry you slimbo




ok? ok? What kind of fucking response is that? Stop it. Now.




Scared the SHIT out of me


File: 1628690541840.jpg ( 1.01 KB , 20x20 , 260204.jpg )



NONONONONONONONONONONONO stop it. stop just saying ok when it isn't ok at all. you made a claim and now you need to back it up with reasoning and evidence you can't do this to me. Trick me like I'm some kind of infant. Why do you have to be such sprangles to me, especially on a day like today!




File: 1628690864887.png ( 914.32 KB , 1280x1280 , ClipboardImage.png )

checks out




I don't understand what's happening anymore it's confusing to me. Why can't you all speak simply and sensically?


Here this should clear things up


I'm sorry but this video hasn't helped me understand. In fact it's made the entire situation even more confusing and perplexing. I really need someone to explain to me because I'm sat here panicking that I've done something wrong or that you people are outside my house watching and laughing.


anyone has the 5 eyes 'jak?


File: 1628784078682.jpeg ( Spoiler Image, 11.89 KB , 308x163 , 15233587347253.jpeg )



File: 1629073100675.png ( 121.81 KB , 708x800 , 1619893561614.png )

am i… the only one left here


Everyone is touching grass, even the Nazis lol.crazy how the constant spam stopped when the split happened.


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File: 1629107079788.png ( 5.3 MB , 3161x2108 , ClipboardImage.png )

need more /k/ jakks


new log vid


File: 1629136182377.jpg ( 32.38 KB , 393x382 , 1599259675975.jpg )

I hate communists so much it's unreal. Claim they want to unify the working class of the world, but can't even keep a site from splitting every three month.




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Does wojak wear black lipstick


hon wears brown LOGstick




Happy to hear that soyjak
are we gonna get a story?


LeftyFAGGOTs WILL help rebuild the 'ru


nice gems


soy me boss


when you touching ASS uygha huh??


only with the soyjak. Sex without the soyjak is treachery of the highest degree.



sex sex sex


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Why is there a y in soyjak when there's already a j? It makes no sense kurwa!


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File: 1641139883382.png ( 1.19 MB , 1369x2048 , Screenshot_20220102-161019.png )

soy twitter ad I just got in my feed


What's worse soyjack or Reddit?


where my soybros at


File: 1652982801763.gif ( 290 KB , 590x540 , 1651240567718.gif )

still here soybro


File: 1661470244857.mp4 ( 14.76 MB , 1280x720 , German Democratic Republic….mp4 )



where my soybros at


File: 1667516628987.png ( 113.31 KB , 600x860 , 4550 - closed_eyes distort….png )

You didn't respond to my last reply in may "soybro"


File: 1671858110687.png ( 226.3 KB , 660x340 , ClipboardImage.png )



I think I have a crush on soytan


File: 1696953059899.png ( 42.1 KB , 1378x1378 , 1695090266776.png )

This trans wolf one is cute






what's wrong with opening your mouth in excitement while wearing glasses??

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