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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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Just got unbanned from ogre. Can't wait to not learn my lesson, get jannied again, and come back to this shithole.


thats a bit ungrateful. u may not like the host but that doesnt mean u should act like this. hasnt it been a good time?


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anons got his unique way of expressing affection, comrade.
good to know im not the only one who has this routine


>a beaten wife crawls back to her abusive Chad husband after getting free living space from her beta orbiter """friend"""
I swear we should build a wall against ogrefugees..



The .org mods are so erratic and unpredictable that this'll probably last like a week at best for OP. Also, that's just a dumb idea.


>nah, she will return to me anyway after getting enough of that Chad D
such is the cycle of life


good analogy. I support this idea



Anon isn't my girlfriend. Your analogy is weird and bad, and creating a problem where none actually exists. At worst, they get shafted again for their dumb mistake, the punishment is them getting shafted. Nobody else needs to lift a finger just to give them extra shaft, that's stupid.


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this u op?


Yeah you're right this place has a lot of faults but at least I can actually post here
Nope. I just posted music and called them cointelpro somewhere


This site would be deader without ogres finding refuge here


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>I can't help but bring up my antisocial hatred of women because they won't fuck me
>I can't help but talk about how much I love gore and seeing more dead Russian untermensch
>I can't help but talk about how much I love transhumanists since they're not women
>I can't help but talk about how much I hate nazoid communists and love rosa luxemburg
>I can't help but talk about how much I loved 9chan and how stupid leftypol is
<It's the leftypol refugees that's the problem not us the beautiful correct and valid 9nigs


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>I can't help but bring up my antisocial hatred of women because they won't fuck me
what, I'm supposed to thank them for deeming me subhuman and not worthy of intimacy?

>I can't help but talk about how much I love gore and seeing more dead Russian untermensch

I only posted gore as a reaction to you posting destruction porn like rocket strikes on civil infrastructure.
And I'm not untermensch anon.

>I can't help but talk about how much I love transhumanists since they're not women

I don't love them, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

>I can't help but talk about how much I hate nazoid communists and love rosa luxemburg

Yes, and? Rosa is maybe the only w*man in history that I can respect, tho she was chadsexual too.

>I can't help but talk about how much I loved 9chan and how stupid leftypol is

It was better when the modocracy was kept in check by the codemonkey. That's a FACT. I predicted this shit the moment FaggotBO expressed their desire to migrate to an echochamber where modocracy could run amok.

SO keep seething jannoid.

>It's the leftypol refugees that's the problem

well, it's ogrefugees who come here and bitch why this is not ogre but without transhumanists


>I can't help but bring up my antisocial hatred of women because they won't fuck me
Also, look how speaking against w*men is equated to speaking against society.
If this is not a confirmation that we live in a feminoid dictatorship then I don't know what else is..


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Accidentally posted another frog AND jak. Guess I'm gonna be staying here for another month again.
You got a couch I can sleep on?


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welcome back


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Out of all the mods on leftychan and leftypol who had a public persona,
the least insane were Comatoast and Caballo.

I'm sorry, but that's just a fact. And naturally, putting them in a room together is literally what catalyzed the last split.

Zul was an underhanded abusive cunt
Watermelon is a power-hungry antagonistic douchebag who fucked over this site
Pask is an insane power-tripping antagonistic douchebag
Tupa (whose presence was rarely by name) is a deranged, obsessed and delusional reactionary
WVobbly is a power-tripping serial blatant liar roleplaying as a public relations officer
Moody is a paranoid who has now completely gone off the deep end chasing users who don't exist, and a power-tripper (although to a lesser degree)
Comet is probably not malicious but oblivious beyond sense
Misato comes in at 3rd place; autistic as fuck but at least reasonable and well-intentioned.
Honorable mention to Discomrade, who only had much pretense after leaving.

By and large, the best mods were the ones we barely know existed. Which was actually about half of them. A well-run board is one where you can forget the staff exist. Leftypol and Leftychan were both doomed from the start. But shit, at least here I can still post this.




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>Out of all the mods on leftychan and leftypol who had a public persona, the least insane were Comatoast and Caballo.
I sort of have to agree with this. For all the shit we've given him, Caballo seems like the most 'normal' .org mod. Which is ironic considering the furry thing.

>By and large, the best mods were the ones we barely know existed. Which was actually about half of them

Not at all. These mods are usually the ones with about 3 mod actions/month and who are AWOL 90% of the time. As much as your .org mods like wvobbly and pask are hyper-online powertripping faggots, looking at the logs they do the bulk of the actual jannying. If it was just left up to the 'best mods' as you call them, CP and raid spam would remain up for days on end.
I think this is what you're missing, to properly mod a site you have to use it regularly and be active in the chat rooms, which inevitably leads to you developing a 'persona'. And ultimately the people who have the most free time to mod the site are your pask's and wvobbly's, NEETs with little else better to do than curate their personal echochamber. Not the type who handle power very well.

The solution isn't to try and find mods which aren't insane (practically an impossible task), but to have a way for mods to be held accountable and answerable to the users. This is where .org is fucking up the hardest.

>A well-run board is one where you can forget the staff exist.

We have achieved that on this site. I would say that ~95% of mod actions are against automatic bot spam, commercial advertising or /pol/ and sharty raids. The community largely regulates itself thanks to the sheer amount of debate which happens here.


>Out of all the mods on leftychan and leftypol who had a public persona,
the least insane were Comatoast and Caballo.
Comatoast yes, Caballo no.


Thanks for a quality reply.
I disagree with the assumption that doing the most mod actions is providing the most value.
If you look at some posts and believe they don't need deleting, and vobbly thinks the same posts do, then no matter how online you are, they will always appear more active in the modlog. They're making work for themselves, work that doesn't need to be done, and I would claim, is destructive. The modlog itself, along with the rate of invasions and commercial CP spam (a few posts a day), show that most of the moderation activity by the big names is unnecessary at best. So when I say users should rarely notice them, I'm not trying to suggest 'pick people who aren't there', I mean pick people who are less likely to delete posts from people using the site sincerely, who aren't taking the job because they think the mods aren't deleting enough to curate. And, like you said, this site does a decent job of that.
>but to have a way for mods to be held accountable and answerable to the users. This is where .org is fucking up the hardest.
I do agree, but I also acknowledge that accountability is hard to do online (in any material way). Not impossible, certainly not, and also not worth dismissing as 'too hard', but takes actual planning, user involvement and bureaucracy, especially if we don't assume a large amount of good faith.


>>147986 (me)
Actually, that said, you can actually have staff accountability work on a small enough site with a benevolent and aware admin, the only catch being that they themselves aren't accountable.


The site owner is really the only one who insn't completely accountable. Whoever owns the servers && domains.


>I disagree with the assumption that doing the most mod actions is providing the most value.
>The modlog itself, along with the rate of invasions and commercial CP spam (a few posts a day), show that most of the moderation activity by the big names is unnecessary at best.
That's a fair point. They definitely make much more work for themselves enforcing things like the pro-russia line in their ukraine thread, which does inflate their numbers.

Now while I obviously haven't seen the internal .org mod logs, I am almost certain that the non-schizo mods aren't logging in and clearing the report queue anywhere near as much as wvobbly and co. I think the point I was trying to make is that you do need a few mods who are NEET basement dwellers to have the site covered 24/7, but these types also tend to be the insane ones.


I genuinely believe that leaving it up to the users via a vote is the best way. Users tend to be appreciative of mods who keep the site clear of CP and respond to their reports, a janny who does this will never get voted off. It's only jannies who become known to users for their shitty conduct and overstep the line who will end up losing their accounts.
>you can actually have staff accountability work on a small enough site with a benevolent and aware admin
This is a good point, however we're lucky to have such an admin.


same here. People post threads about incest fantasies and gore and they dont ger banned. But I talk aboutinfantilization and I get banned.


>People post threads about incest fantasies and gore
How lebtist of them.

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