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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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pro-NEETing and anti-work memes. Infographics are also welcome.


forgoing work in this political climate is suicide

unless you have a huge inheritance or something


Neets and anti-labor folks should become compost or be rejected from civilisation.


case in point


We should all be working much less for a lot more pay, but being a NEET implies someone else covering your cost of living. Usually parents I guess?

So what I fail to understand is why the pro-NEET people think that being NEET is a choice? And let's be clear here no one is calling homeless people NEETs, that's different. So if I decided to become a NEET, it's not like I can just do that without becoming homeless as well.


>being a NEET implies someone else covering your cost of living. Usually parents I guess?
And workers who have their surplus labor stolen by the state through taxes.


Workers have their surplus stolen primarily and disproportionately by their employer.

Taxes aren't used to house people in North America so maybe that works in Europe, but I somehow doubt you can live rent-free in Europe.


>Workers have their surplus stolen primarily and disproportionately by their employer.
Be self employed then. No employer, no stolen surplus. Taxes will always be stolen from you though.

>Taxes aren't used to house people in North America

What do you think Section 8 housing is.


Don't you think it's naiive to think anyone can just be self employed when 99% of people work for someone else?


this. You cannot be self employed without having others work for you.

self employed people need to rely in services of centralised labor to afford their freelancing style.

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