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the best thing you can do is join a clandestine vanguard organization where you can sabotage imperialism from within and serve as useful collaborators for liberating forces when the time comes. “Communist” parties in America are either completely irrelevant cults focused on idpol, federal honeypots that collaborate with the Dems, or in the case of CPUSA both, and they will receive the least amount of leniemcy up there with politicians and financial bourgeoisie


>the best thing you can do is join a clandestine vanguard organization
nah, fuck off with your cringeguard


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seeing so many anarkiddies is cringe


are those anarkiddies in the room with us right now?


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Aww, A wizard…


What's Your proposition




implement and test-drive some non-parliamentary collective decision making mechanisms

even when old political institutions crumble people still need to make political decisions somehow

roll out LiquidFeedback instance in your cringeguard or something


The Debian Project has been far more useful than any cringeguard in this regard, they recently voted for secret ballot after the Stallman controversy, wonder how this will impact them.


Parties are a meme, take the councilcom/anarchist pill



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>Parties are a meme, take the councilcom/anarchist pill
Seems Legit
>The Debian Project has been far more useful than any cringeguard in this regard, they recently voted for secret ballot after the Stallman controversy, wonder how this will impact them.
Linux Retards


>take the councilcom/anarchist pill
how are they all different from the vanguardoids?

all leftoids stick to the same centuries old tried-and-failed shit

council pyramid was proven to be fucking MATHEMATICALLY deficient, and Michels BTFOD anarchists forever

Michels was for leftoid politics what Mises was for leftoid economics

and if Mises got tackled and confronted, Michels got fucking ignored


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all Superstates stick to the same centuries old tried-and-failed shit
proven to be fucking MATHEMATICALLY deficient


>all Superstates
I hope you don't mean Soviet Union here buddy.

For expected outcome, IT IS deficient.


>clandestine vanguard organization
Useful Idiots

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