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>Biden wins his next term due to Trump's ego not letting him let go the next election
>One or both American political parties fractures
>More Troon mass shootings or attacks
>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
>Canada being roped into an American war
>China takes advantage of America being distracted by Ukraine and Israel and their election to try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
>Ukraine's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated. This is either caused by or will cause the death of Imran khan ##america stop overthrowing leaders resulting in the country being destabilized challenge##


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please respond


>try and take Taiwan or they escalate in Hong Kong and/or their genocides
China is committing genocides? Why doesn't Leftychan talk about that? Muh Zionism though


2024? That seems kinda early for those predictions imo


They're talking about the Uyghur genocide, which the US state dept., as far as I know (I might be wrong!), calls a genocide, but for which there is no known body count. It's often described as a "cultural genocide" for lack of evidence of mass extermination, and what we know about it largely amounts to mass detainment and re-education. Bad, but what the Zionists have done on record this year alone is substantially worse, and the lighter end of the Zionist genocide overlaps with what China has done to the Uyghurs. American gov't claims of "concern" over the plight of Muslims in China look entirely bullshit on this basis.

Anyway, China's not going to take Taiwan. I say this as somebody who knew Russia would take Ukraine, even as multipolaristas and Chapos and so-on were denying it… there was precedent there, since they'd already taken Crimea in 2014. China isn't in the same position as Russia was in 2014 or 2022, they've been on a long-term economic rise, they've mostly avoided direct involvement in recent conflicts, and, unlike Ukraine, the RoC maintains a strong Chinese national identity. The US is baiting China really hard; if China does actually go in, it won't be because America was "distracted," it will be because the American leadership was desperate for another direct war to try to maintain hegemony and increase waning profits. US special ops have already been caught training Taiwanese soldiers close to mainland China very recently, and Taiwan was included in the recent free weapons package alongside Ukraine and Israel.


2024-2030 prediction:

corporate media tries to spark civil war to not go fully bankrupt

corporate media finds 4 more things to fearmonger about 24/7 to not go bankrupt

we finally have a stock market crash that lasts more than 2 months and therefore collapses the crypto market and all the other insane bubbles

ancaps mass suicide


>>Biden wins his next term due to Trump's ego not letting him let go the next election
No chance, they need the republicans to take a turn to be the bad guys so they can skapegoat everything on them.
>>One or both American political parties fractures
It will be business as usual.
>>A massive riot or civil battle of a kind between two factions, not state-wide large though, just very stupid and damaging
I think the university student protests are more likely to lead to something, I'm curious to see how that ends. I don't care about government organized theatrics.
>>Canada being roped into an American war
Only if war escalates in Europe so I somehow doubt it.
>>Ukraine and Russia sign a peace deal or America keeps preventing talks resulting in a less than ideal result for Ukraine. No matter the result, Americans cheer blindly
That's not much of a prediction, there aren't many other things that could happen.
>>Ukraine's current leader or someone high up gets assassinated.
Someone high up in the army getting blown up by a missile or something wouldn't surprise anyone.

When are you going to start making predictions Anon?


>China is committing genocides?
No they are not.
>Why doesn't Leftychan talk about that?
We've talked about how that narrative is a debunked state-department talking point.

You can literally go there and see for yourself, or just ask someone from China about it in person. But there's also just no evidence of it happening, no matter how much the mainstream media repeats it.


Troons aren't politically relevant anymore and will likely not shoot unless as part of some other new trend

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