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Why isn't communism the same as liberalism? Why didn't Marx become a liberal while writing Capital? Before the critical turn of the enlightenment the purpose of most philosophy was grant intellectual legitimacy to dogmas, or pre-existing state of affairs or beliefs that are taken for granted. Classical political economists and those that came before them (Hobbes, the Physiocrats, others) were similarly uncritical; the categories of political economy were explained, but not criticized. Vulgar economists (most economists today) don't even bother with attempting to understand the categories or the social relations they're made up of, and spend their time building models of different elements of capitalist production for the purpose of making it more efficient. It's no coincidence that "economize" means "to make more efficient", that is the sole aim of vulgar economics.

Where does Marx depart? Marx takes the materialist analysis of the political economists, their categories and terms, and constructs from these building blocks an immanent critique of capitalist production. Capital isn't liberal because Marx takes the materialist analysis seriously, he criticizes without reservation the most basic elements of exchange and the religious affectation of participants in the exchange with its elements (read Marx on commodity fetishism). We can't seriously call Capital, which is the most thorough rupture with political economy ever written, an economics textbook.
>Check reply for more, you know who you are
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what capitalists are made of


The more I read Marx the more humanistic I see in his ideas. When I say humanistic I don't mean liberal philanthropic sense but in the communal way, the individual should be elevated by all, and by elevation of all individuals, we elevate the collective. It's a appropriation of the real meaning of individuality not mediated by capitalism, but by humanism, or communism in the Marxist sense.


No. Hegelianism and dialectics negates a log of the presuppositions of the philosophy of Locke. modern liberalism and neoconservatism don’t.


Marx was a humanist just not a utilitarian humanist. “anti-humanism” is usually either peak intellectualist pettiness or just 14 year old atheists that don’t understand what humanism means


everything is liberalism

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Writer worth reading or reactionary garbage?

Lenin apparently wasn't a fan; from "The Other Lenin" by Alexander Maysuryan:
> ["Demons" is] Evidently reactionary filth, like Krestovsky's "Flock of Panurge", I have absolutely no desire to waste time on it. I have no need for such literature; what could it possibly give me? […] I have no free time for this garbage."
Demons isn't the only book he doesn't like:
>I am familiar with the content of both these pungent works, and that is more than enough for me. I just about began reading the "Brothers Karamazov" and then dropped it: the scenes in the monastery made me sick."

However, Stalin apparently enjoyed Dostoevsky greatly. He had a heavily annotated copy of "The Brothers Karamasov" and at least once referred to Dostoevsky as a "great philosopher." Quote:
> [Dostoevsky is] a great writer and a great reactionary. We don't publish him because he is a bad influence on the youth. But he is a great author.


I don't have much to add, but I really liked "The Idiot" when I read it in high school. My main takeaway from that and "Crime and Punishment" was his focus on psychology, which I assume was fairly novel for when Dostoevsky was writing. Surprised to learn that Stalin was a fan.


>We don't publish him because he is a bad influence on the youth. But he is a great author.


I've read Notes from Underground, I thought it would be about some loser but that guy had a better life than I do.


>that guy had a better life than I do.
in what way

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Dialectical thinking is not only a western concept. There is a native Chinese tradition of dialectics within Taoism, that while similar to has some interesting differences when compared to western dialectics. Is this something worth exploring? It was very influential to Mao's thinking. Not to sound to much like a libtard but it seems exploring non western philosophy might be an interesting way to gain insights that might be otherwise ignored.


pics 2 and 3 make the different traditions of dialects look like completly alien concepts


>Circularity: No Development
that would be directly against the notion of DiaMat, then? i don't think Mao was inspired by that part of it, any way

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I'm not sure if anyone is interested, but I've created a playlist of all of jacque Fresco's classic lectures from tapes 1-20. The audio is a little hard to hear, so you may have to wear headphones or earphones, but the audio is relatively fine.
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check out this thread, copied your post there






Try to download these lectures aswell, I'm hoping youtube won't delete them.

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I saw this picture (pic related) on another thread, and I am actually pretty curious about the topic.

Any good suggestions (books, videos, texts) for getting into African philosophy, culture and art?
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>People thought the earth was flat bf copernicus
you probably mean geocentrism but even that is not entirely true


Circular Earth has been the norm since Anaxagoras and Plato.


have you got a pdf of them




>read Hegel’s History of Philosophy
Hegel was pretty ignorant about non western philosophy.
for example the chinese.

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Is it fine to read translations of Adorno? What are the best ones? I've heard his works are difficult to translate correctly.


>Is it fine to read translations of Adorno


Hello and welcome comrades!, this is a reading club thread, we will be reading and discussing Marxist theory books.
We've already started and completed reading and discussing The Communist Manifesto and The Principles of Communism yesterday.
Anyone can join the reading club, if you want to read and understand theory and you're serious about it then don't be afraid to join! we're still reading the basics so you don't have to be intimidated.

Our current reading list:

/leftytrash/ matrix community link:
/read/ matrix room link:

Also we are closely related to the /GET/ Reading group who helped us make our own reading group:
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Some burger anon recommend a euro a book to understand the doctrine of manifest destiny and settler colonialism in the US. Also, just books about imperialism and colonialism from a Marxist perspective appreciated


Probably Settlers unironically, but read critically.


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/read/ news update

First and foremost, we're happy to welcome yet another reading group into our community. This time it's the <currently unnamed> reading group, formerly known as the infrared reading group. They've been running their own operation for a while now. We've added them to our matrix community ( https://matrix.to/#/+leftyread:matrix.org ) and are in the process of adding their schedule and books to our website. They're currently working with philosophy and psychoanalysis. See the Heidegger and Freud threads on this board for their activity.

Second, but no less important: our web domain, leftyread.ml, was taken down. We're still looking into it, but it's probably for copyright infringement (a lot of our books were from libgen) . It seems unlikely we'll get that domain back for various reasons, so we'll be running on the old domain for now. That is: leftyread.neocities.org

That is all.


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When will /read/ tackle this beautiful masterpiece of Marxist theory?


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> market socialism that abolishes the commodity form

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You people lied to me, I read Deleuze and the guy was a fucking materialist.


Care to elaborate?


who ever said deleuze wasn't a materialist. he's like the arch-materialist.


He’s a spinozist.


Isn't Spinoza a materialist too…?


he’s a fake materialist

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>muh fire
>muh artemis
>muh bow/harp
>muh death/play
>muh wisdom in ordinary things

>But he had himself withdrawn into the temple of Artemis in order to play knucklebones with the children; here, the Ephesians stood around him, and he said to them: “What are you gaping at, you scoundrels? Or is it not better to do this than to work with you on behalf of the πόλις (city)?”

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I thinking i'm making the mistake of mixing postmodern thinkers and marxism without a good philosophical base. Zizek’s conception of ideology is based Lacan’s idea of the “real”, a primordial element that can not be discovered through any scientific analysis. The Orthodox marxist conception of the ideology is in relation to material reality of class relations. Ideology is what leads to “false consciousness”. Im I grasping it wrong? If Zizek doesn’t believe in the existence of an objective reality , Can he really be a marxists? Also wtf is the "lack in the symbolic Other". Can somebody help clarify?
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>Zizek’s conception of ideology is based Lacan’s idea of the “real”, a primordial element that can not be discovered through any scientific analysis.
Real positivist hours.


Lacan's subject: the imaginary, language, the real and philosophy - Bert Olivier

Relations of the Real in Lacan, Bataille and Blanchot - Fred Botting

Some academic articles I looked up


Check out plastic pills


> What you're saying here sounds more like the imaginary.
I don’t think so


Zizek is a materialist (this makes him a valid enough Marxist in my eyes in this context), as in he believes the world actually exists outside of humans. He doesn't believe in the existence of objective reality in the sense that "truth" doesn't exist, >>5412 like this post said science isn't "fact", it is this interrogation process. He realises that our conception of material reality is warped by ideology and that this is inescapable in its entirety.
>They don't know it but they are doing it

>What is lack in the symbolic Other

This shit I find incomprehensible without context, just read Zizek and these ideas will slowly reveal themselves. (however some other intro Lacan/Freud reading seems like it would help you a lot).
Good post.

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