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This is not a debate thread. I encourage debate on this topic to happen in /leftypol/, as it would have anyway. This is an /edu/cational thread only.

Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, the third and highest stage of communist theory, was synthesized in 1982 by the Peruvian Communist Party (known in bourgeois sources by the epithet "Sendero Luminoso"). Here is the document they published concerning this: http://library.redspark.nu/1982_-_Maoism._On_Marxism-Leninism-Maoism
Parties and organizations that uphold MLM theory in the modern day include:
>Communist Party of Ecuador – Red Sun
>Peru People’s Movement (Reorganisation Committee)
>Communist Party of Brazil (Red Faction)
>Red Faction of the Communist Party of Chile
>Maoist Organization for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Columbia
>Revolutionary Nucleus for the Reconstitution of the Communist Party of Mexico
>Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist
>Committee Red Flag, FRG
>Maoist Communist Party, French State
Red Flag Collective, Finland
>Committees for the Foundation of the (Maoist) Communist Party of Austria
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Just thought I'd throw these sources in here into a slower thread so they can be on hand for when the
>muh baby boiler
brigade show up again:


>The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) in Peru is usually cited as an example of how capture–recapture methods can help improve our understanding of mass violence from incomplete observed data. Using 25,000 documented death records, the TRC estimated a total of 69,000 killings, and that the Shining Path was the main perpetrator, in contrast with the raw data where the Peruvian State appears to be responsible for the most killings. One feature not often noticed is that the TRC applied an unusual indirect procedure, combining data on different perpetrators and lumping together missing perpetrator data in one group. I show that direct estimations with strict stratification by perpetrator and accounting for missing data do not support the results of the TRC’s indirect approach. I estimate a total of 48,000 killings, substantially lower than the TRC estimate, and the Peruvian State accounts for a significantly larger share than the Shining Path. Rather than an example of correcting biases in the observed data through capture–recapture methods, the TRC actually introduced further distortion.


>Even after President Alejandro Toledo increased the number of commissioners to twelve from seven (adding Ames, Arias, Lay, Antúndez, Morote, and the observer Bambarén), the commissioners still reflected elite sectors of Peru least affected by the violence. All were residents of Lima, all were urban dwellers, only one spoke Quechua, only one understood it, and none self-identified as Indigenous or campesino. As Commissioner Carlos Iván Degregori later commented, “even the composition of the CVR reflected the gaps in the country” that underlay the political violence

>It is crucial to remember that survivors of the violence made decisions about what they would and w
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Does anyone have a PDF/epub of the 1995 document 'Long Live Marxism-Leninism-Maoism'?


bumping for this >>5950


Do you think Shining Path had enough support from Peruvians to consider its efforts as a failed revolution? Mao won many hearts and minds, it seems that Gonzalo did not.

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Where the hell is volume 38 in that Lenin magnet???


>tfw so much based content itt but your toaster is full



>Yi Yi?
Hardy left wing, mostly about how that Japanese guy had good business ethics and fucking him over was bad. Platform is a better Asian movie on the topic of communism and Chinese relations
Also seed it


it's bullshit that people say when they say that storage is cheap

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Does anyone have any recommendations for books or resources for studying the history and conditions of the English (or British, in the current sense) working class?

The two I know of rn is 'The Making of the British Working Class' by E.P. Thompson and 'Conditions of the Working Class in England' by Engels.
I've been told they are classic accounts but they unfortunately only cover the very early period of British capitalism and working class history.
If anyone has any good books and resources that cover past the period these two cover (so anything covering the 1830s and beyond, please post them here.


Here's some I found myself


i found these on libgen


meacham standish- A life apart: the English working class, 1890-1914

Worth, Rachel- Clothing and landscape in Victorian England: working-class dress and rural life

Working-Class Girls in Nineteenth-Century England: Life, Work, and SchoolingVolume:
Author(s):Meg Gomersall, Jo Campling
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You should read Thompson anyway because it will set you up well for what is to come as well as introduce you gently to Marxist humanist historiography

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>"This means that creative individuals remain in contact with the extra information constantly streaming in from the environment," says co-author and U of T psychology professor Jordan Peterson. "The normal person classifies an object, and then forgets about it, even though that object is much more complex and interesting than he or she thinks. The creative person, by contrast, is always open to new possibilities."
>Previously, scientists have associated failure to screen out stimuli with psychosis. However, Peterson and his co-researchers - lead author and psychology lecturer Shelley Carson of Harvard University's Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Harvard PhD candidate Daniel Higgins - hypothesized that it might also contribute to original thinking, especially when combined with high IQ. They administered tests of latent inhibition to Harvard undergraduates. Those classified as eminent creative achievers - participants under age 21 who reported unusually high scores in a single area of creative achievement - were seven times more likely to have low latent inhibition scores.
>The authors hypothesize that latent inhibition may be positive when combined with high intelligence and good working memory - the capacity to think about many things at once - but negative otherwise. Peterson states: "If you are open to new information, new ideas, you better be able to intelligently and carefully edit and choose. If you have 50 ideas, only two or three are likely to be good. You have to be able to discriminate or you'll get swamped."
<being a skitzo is good
<t peaterson


>uses a measurement for how much of an upper middle class white man you can be.


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a big fat benzo buzz sounds good right about now.


Plenty of mental illnesses today used to be evolutional advantages back then.

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What are the best books on Russian, Chinese and the failed German Revolution and East Germany.
Books about other communist revolutions and state establishments are also welcome.

I want to know everything that happened before and after those events occurred
I want to know how the conditions and reasons for revolution happened in the first place
I want to know what happened during the civil wars
I want to know what happened after they won or lost
I want to know what were the mistakes they made

Don't care how many books to get a full understanding but as long as they're credible and good it's fine by me. I prefer PDFs.
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Based as fuck, thank you anon


thank you!
if you find anything about other lesser known communist revolutions
drop them

we have to learn from the comrades of the past and their efforts


E.H. Carr's History of Soviet Russia in a lot of volumes. As it is very connected, he goes through the German revolution atempt as well


Nice to hear that


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Fanshen is also pretty good, it focuses on a single village between 1945-7 (I think). There are plenty of interviews with the peasants and cadres. Hinton does a good job explaining the successes, excesses, and failures of various stages of the revolution.

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Any one has any reads on atheism that are not just "I hecking love science" like the new atheism movement was?
I remember seeing a book about atheism and german idealism; or idealism in general but I can't seem to find it.
Either way let's just talk about atheism in general.


Show some respect, those "anglos" invented modern materialist atheism.
Anyway vid related may interest you


I'll bookmark this but it'll take time before I get to it

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What is the correct socialist analysis of the Inca Empire? Was it really a proto-socialist society, as some people claim? Or was it just Andean feudalism?


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Haven't read him myself, but Jose Carlos Mariategui is seemingly a corner-stone figure for South-American Communism and the had the first influential His-Mat. analysis of the Incan empire, his main work being this one:

The works of Abdimael Guzman (Chairman Gonzallo) also speak on this but not as substantially (or so i've heard).
His work can be found here:

As for what I know, Incan political economy was feudal in it's societal relations (culturally, hierarchically and land-ownership) but communal in it's relations of production.
Don't take my word for it though, that's just what i've heard.

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I just accepted a job as a history teacher in china. i dont have a teachers cert and im a little overwhelmed because i want to teach history better than i was taught it.

does anyone have any pdfs/epubs on historiography, philosophy of history and or textbooks on teaching history? i will be teaching to American, New Jersey standards.
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actually what sort of history class is this? general history of the world or some specific place? how old or what grade are the students?


> have huge complaints about the increasing nationalism
Can you expand on this ? I would expect nationalism to spread like hellfire when "your" country is expected to be the world's hegemon .not that i'm complaining tho this shit is the greatest crack pandemic that modernity gave us


this is a FANTASTIC idea. i dunno how i could pull it off though. putting textbooks side to side would really put in focus the history skill of discerning validity of sources.
grades 9-12. American standard. world and US history. two seperate classes.
The chinese ive talked to talk about school like it was abuse and the more i listen to them the more it seems like it. The nationalism props up and justifies a lot of the worst aspects of Chinese society. Chinas current success becomes because of everything it does. problems with the gaokao? lazy shit, our schooling has made us the intellectual powerh ouse of the world. got problems with the work life balance. lazy shit, your grandparents worked ten times harder and fought the japanese at the same time, youve just got no ambition. the nationalism props up chinese family values too which is have kids young to give them to your parents to raise while you work (because thats what they did for their parents so this way they finally get to raise a kid for real).
ill try find some shit to this effect so you know im not just spitting propaganda. but the nationalism seems to boil down to:
china, 5000 years old continuous civilisation, our culture is the highest form of this heritage and we are becoming the hegemon, thus our social arrangements are correct.

the upper middle class people ive talked to hate that


SHEG https://sheg.stanford.edu/history-lessons has a lot of good stuff that's pretty easy to adapt, although it's definitely geared towards high school classrooms.

> actually what sort of history class is this? general history of the world or some specific place? how old or what grade are the students?

Came here to ask this. I've taught from middle school to college and to state the obvious, different age levels are different.


check out The Ignorant Schoolmaster


Post about interesting historical events, with an emphasis on lesser known ones.
They don't have to be related to "leftism" in any way.

A list of [i]fifteen[/i] cases where nuclear weapons were almost launched or almost detonated. One case was averted due to Vasili Arkhipov being the only one of three senior officers aboard a submarine to refuse ordering the launch of a 10-kiloton nuclear torpedo at an aircraft carrier, which probably would have started thermonuclear war.

The largest geomagnetic storm on record. Resulted in colorful auroras worldwide and caused serious damage to electrical equipment (mostly telegraphs at the time, some were reportedly able to transmit and receive messages despite being disconnected from their power supply). Another similar-strength coronal mass ejection occurred in 2012, but it was not directed towards Earth.

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So I know what capital is but what gives capital it’s characteristics? And if capitalism is capital reproducing itself in ever expanding processes, then what is it? Does this mean that capital only producing commodities which is what the end product of capital is? No this can’t be because that would be engaging in commodity fetishism. If generalized commodity production is then a phenomena of capitalism then in appearance capitalism looks like a world of exchange values and use values in which is the limits of bourgeois economy because on the surface commodities seem to rule life. But if commodities are nothing but a phenomena and nothing but something taking place in the surface then what is actually capital doing?

If the subjective essence of capital is labor then the product or the commodity appears as the central issue and generalized commodity production the fundamental issue of capitalism. But what then is the objective essence of capital and capitalism?

Capital could only be capitalism if it reproduces itself and so the true essence of capitalism is a social relation. And even more fundamental is the conditions for such a social relation to exist. Predicate to the existence of capital is the deprivation of the means of production from the immediate producer whether that be the land, tools, machinery etc. but that’s not the only deprivation, capital itself must be deprived of labor itself: people. And so the fundamental conflict appears to be dead labor vs living labor and those two being deprived of the other. Capital (dead labor) is useless without the labor process (living labor) but in order for capital to be capital it must continue to keep itself separate from living labor and living labor separate from it, with commodity production being the mediator between the two. And so the true essence of capitalism is capital reproducing a social relation continuously in increasing size. So if capitalism’s objective is to reproduce this social relation why do so many people take commodity production as the true essence of capitalism. Or “changing hands” into that of the state? If the point of communism is to abolish this relation of production to a production in common then it follows that capital will seize to exist in contradiction between dead and living labor. We have seen historically that it doesn’t matter which hands capital is put in, it still exists as capital and reproduces capital relations, so what is it with the misunderPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


>But what then is the objective essence of capital and capitalism?
Fossilized labour son


Stalin is my favorite corporate CEO.


That seems to effectively be saying capitalism will cease to exist when commodity production ceases to exist. The split between dead and living labor is in the commodification of labor’s product. You end that commodification, ie you end private appropriation of the product, then you’ve ended commodity production. You end exchange of commodities, dead labor can’t be hanging over us in the way it does now. But it’s only a part of the story, you haven’t necessarily ended surplus value extraction unless you end class. Value didn’t dictate the economy before capitalism, though it existed in limited commodity markets. But surplus extraction still existed, and it wasn’t based on the commodity markets. So class society is separate from commodity production, ending commodity production isn’t ending exploitation. But conversely, ending class exploitation isn’t ending commodity production, as exploitation is ended in the worker co-op form, but commodity production is maintained. So value still regulates human social reproduction.

These two things are in relation to each other. Commodity production is the means by which class exploitation occurs. Commodity production is downstream of exploitation, it is produced out of a historical searching for opportunity to exploit a surplus, and it was produced out of the given historical circumstances of that searching. Ending class exploitation opens the door to ending commodity production, though likely not all at once. Commodity production is a tool to exploit a surplus, so if you end the class doing the exploiting, the tool is only as valuable as it is useful to the continued existence of the classless society. Hence, worker cooperatives are a transitionary social form. Commodity production may still produce private incomes for classless producers, and therefore there will be divisions, but as long as the classless producers have relatively equal political access, then the private incomes of the few are subordinate to the interests of the many, which by nature of markets are always going to outnumber the wealthier few. However, the issue with capitalist social relations in this respect is that the rich few are a social class that has dispersed dictatorships within the economy. Political participation is limited to the state, which is actually an oligarchy of the private dictatorships, empowered by surplus extraction to reaPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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