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What is morality to you?
Do you think at the end of your life you will be judged by a god for your actions?
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I would pay money for this image to be painted over to have a bunker in it instead of a house.


There is something paradoxical about the oft repeated view from philosophers that the universe is meaningless while humans want to find meaning in life. It's more like the universe is full of meaning for us and we are helpless to escape it even in the case we want to. We fundamentally can't escape the fact that some things make us happy and some things make us suffer, which itself brings a kind of meaning to life. Also there seems to be a surplus of meaning where things take on more meaning than just their apparent consequences for our simple pleasure or pain. People find more happiness in cooking than simply the pleasure of the food they eventually eat. This is true generally of labour; you get a flow and joy from building a desk that can't be reduced to the utility of using the desk. Heroic actions take on more meaning than the benefits they actually provide, and so on. This surplus meaning might be considered the sublime. This is why utilitarianism is flawed, or at least would involve much more complicated 'computations' than might first appear.

Morality is a natural consequence of this surplus of meaning. Children have a strong sense of fairness and want to share candy that are unequally distributed for example. The point is not that there will be some practical problem from the unequal distribution (no child will starve because of not having a few sweets) but the justice of the situation. Humans naturally have concepts of justice and so on which are the foundation of morality. There can be different conceptions of morality depending on the society that one lives in, and it is illuminating to challenge a certain morality sometimes, but the existence of morality is pretty much inherent in humans. Trying to get people to 'awaken from the illusion of morality' altogether is autistic and not helpful.

To be honest, the impossibility of the universe existing, being coherent, and strange beings like us existing and leading lives full of the peculiar meanings of human life, suggest to me the existence of God or some kind of judgement, but of course no one truly knows this.


What do you mean with impossibbility in the last paragraph? Is it poetic language or do you mean highly improbable?


>What is morality to you?
first and foremost, a mental program, much like language or facial recognition, that evolved to allow us to recognize the best people to cooperate with, and to make us behave in a way that also allow others to recognize us as good cooperation partners. That mental program goal seem to be to optimize opportunity cost decisions.

But that's only the biological basis of the concept. Humans are capable of complex and deliberate thought process, that can either be used to justify moral intuitions, or to change them (or simply ignore them in the decision). Society at large also codify moral rules, that can overlap with our intuitions, but also go contradictory to them.

If you're interested in that "evolutionary psychology" angle, I recommend this youtube serie which made me discover the theory, it has english subtitle available :

>Do you think at the end of your life you will be judged by a god for your actions?

lol no

>Problems like the trolley question where you choose to save either 3 people and kill 5 or save 5 people and kill 3. Morality is worthless in your decision making.
that's absolutely false, unless you claim to always make the utilitarianism choice in these problems (and then you'd be a monster)


God will be put on trial, not me.

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What's a good introduction to philosophy from a marxist perspective?
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capital isn't about philosophy


I've often heard Lukacs' History and Class Consciousness is basically what Marx would've wrote had he stuck with philosophy.


Not the German ideology. Its bullshit


Unrelated, but I watched a Video about the German Ideology some time ago and there was this one Guy in the Comments who just insisted that it was the Jewish Ideology instead. I found pretty pathetic, but also funny

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Civilization and Its Discontents is a book by Sigmund Freud, the founder of psychoanalysis. It was written in 1929 and first published in German in 1930 as "The Uneasiness in Civilization". Exploring what Freud sees as the important clash between the desire for individuality and the expectations of society, the book is considered one of Freud's most important and widely read works, and was described in 1989 by historian Peter Gay as one of the most influential and studied books in the field of modern psychology.

Feel free to post your thoughts, lectures, secondary reading material.

A reading group gets together Saturdays around 22 UTC and this is the next text to be discussed.
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Falun Gong is an arm of the imperialists and funded by the CIA, I do understand why they say what they say.
Freud, and psychoanalysis in general, on the other hand, is being repressed in imperialist society by faithful shock troopers such as you, except where they can use it to control us and sell us products.


the difference is that PsychoAnalysis isn’t an ethical doctrine. Cults are.


>There's nothing yet with which I particularly strongly disagree.
You agree that people have perfect memory within them? You agree that telepathy is a real thing?


Show me where in this text Freud implies either of those.


About to go live reading the last chapters.

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Hey guys I know this might seem a bit annoying but has anyone here read Rudolph Rummel's work or Benjamin Valentino? Their death rates are so astronomically high and if someone already knows the fault with their methodology I don't wanna slog through their nonsense.


Im so dumb, it literally says Rudolph was part of the victims of communism foundation


Why did you even want to read those books in the first place?


To discredit them? I was talking to someone and they mentioned these people.

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>Be once in a millennia genius
>Writes big book detailing and explaining all his ideas and findings
>Explains something via a concept that he hasn't laid out yet and without which nobody can fully understand the explanation
>"Oh, don't worry anon! This concept I use here will be explained in chapter 7 of Volume 3 of this work"
>Goes on eating drinking and smoking like a pig
>Dies before he even finishes Vol 2
>Leaves Engels to guesstimate and extrapolate what he meant

Thanks, Karl, not like we needed all the knowledge we can get to fight the most powerful oppressive force in human history or nothing
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ah the early 2010s good times


>>Be once in a millennia genius
This is correct


objectively a shit take. Communism is the cult of the idea man




There's no "take", it's a shitpost bro

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What is your favorite book?

What book influenced you the most?

What do you like about books?

what are you planning to read?

What are you reading now?

Saw this in /hobby/ but thought it fit more here
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>What is your favorite book?
El reino de este mundo by Alejo Carpentier, its beautifully written. Don Quijote is a great novel too.
>What book influenced you the most?
Capital. It was incredibly clarifying.
>What do you like about books?
Books can be an escape, I started out reading fantasy, "graduated" to science-fiction, and came back to fantasy with LOTR and ASOIAF. Books can educate you, they can help you become a master of any field. Books can make you think in new ways, exploring reality in ways you could have never imagined. Books are the congealed form of human imagination and experience.
>What are you planning to read?
The Visible and the Invisible by Maurice Merleau-Ponty
>What are you reading now?
In Defense of Lost Causes by Zizek. I'm in part 2 and despite its deficiency of organization I wholeheartedly recommend it to everyone.



>What is your favorite book?

An Alchemy Of The Mind by Dianne Ackerman

>What book influenced you the most?

Rule By Secrecy by Jim Marrs. It's a conspiracy theory book that I picked up in middle school.
It kind of wasted my time and mental energy, because I was constantly looking for confirmations and contradictions to what he said everywhere, but it turns out that that's kind of a never-ending pursuit, and it's unfruitful, and there probably aren't aliens using humans to fight proxy wars or whatever the fuck that book was trying to get me to believe.
It was an influential book because it ruined my intellect and wasted my time and ruined my life, drugs are probably safer.

>What do you like about books?

They change your mental state and are rewarding to read. I can go back to sleep if I drank too much the night before, or I can let the sunrise of being entranced yet awake dissipate the mental fog obstructing my perception of my imagination.
And if they're paperbacks, they're soft. unf

>what are you planning to read?

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>What is your favorite book?
Don't really have one so much, although Brothers Karazamov, Death of Ivan Ilyich, Checkov's short stories, Pessoa and Saramago I enjoyed it a lot.
>What book influenced you the most?
I'm poortuguese, so "Levantado do Chão" (roughly translates to "Risen from the ground") by José Saramago. Unironically was a novel that turned me into a convicted socialist and later Marxist and believing in a revolutionary methodology.
>What do you like about books?
It's a very uniquely useful way for an autist like me to understand other humans if it's fiction. They have a lot of information to help me understand things in non-fiction.
>what are you planning to read?
Currently reading Capital and other Marxist. Will continue to do that as well as some philosophy and psychoanalysis, and more canon Portuguese language authors like Eça de Qeuirós atm.
>what are you planning to read?
Other than what I've already said above, Cidade e as Serras, by Eça de Queirós.


*>>what are you reading now?
Other than what I've already said above, Cidade e as Serras, by Eça de Queirós, Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino, and Casa-Grande & Senzala by Gilberto Freyre.


>What is your favorite book?
Not sure, maybe Dune for fiction, Blackshirts & Reds for nonfiction. Gaza: An Inquest Into Its Martyrdom is quite good as well.
>What book influenced you the most?
Communist Manifesto most likely.
>What do you like about books?
Learning, and feels better than watching YouTube or TV.
>What are you planning to read.
Finishing up the Dune series, and taking up Capital.
>What are you reading now?
God Emperor of Dune and Capital Volume 1.


Hi. Is there anyone interested in doing an Anarcho-Nihilist reading group? The purpose would be to help get a better understanding of the individualist/nihilist/'post-left' currents in anarchy.
I have a few text suggestions but i'd like to reach concensus if not do a poll on what to read.

Also, let this be a general PDF repo for non-leftist anarchist thought.


try /dead/ maybe


It's more useful to ask here.


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Whatever happened to the free/open culture movement?
In the late 00's there was this big push against copyright law and in favor importing/adapting the values of free software to general culture and media but once we entered into the 10's it puffed away like if it had never existed.
I made this same thread on lainchan months ago and one of the answer said that "Copyright law became more flexible and managed to adapt to the internet making Creative Commons and the like irrelevant" and that's truth, the issue now is if a free culture is still worth fighting for when it seems like content creators are protective as ever.
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But the difference is that the rights you surrender are legal fiction while your computer is material reality. See the post above yours.


your ISP threatening to blacklist you and withhold service is also material reality


>Gavin Mueller
In a recent interview he compares the FOSS movement to the Luddite movement. While this is a take I've never heard before, the more I think about it the more it makes sense. https://novaramedia.com/2021/03/26/luddites-hackers-saboteurs/


Apparently Johan Söderberg shared similar sentiments in his 2008 book, Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement and later from Mueller's colleague, Maxigas in the Journal of Peer Production. Both are/were associated with the P2P Foundation.


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So in the end is an free culture still worth fighting for?

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One of the recent trend in youtube video productions, and one of my favorite and best thing to come of this media imo, has been the birth of various field experts that start doing the work of actually explaining to the enthusiast various knowledge relevant to their skills, an act know as "vulgarization".

Vulgarization has always been a concern of science, because sharing the knowledge is an important part of the process, and many advances are made from people who just happen to have some relevant knowledge to a problem in their own field, or who need a problem fixed and hear of a new thing that might be applicable to their case. Nobody can build upon a knowledge he does not know yet.
But it was sadly limited by the need for the expert to use intermediaries, such as "science journalists", to reach a wide audience, with all the misconceptions someone not educated on the subject can bring, and the high cost for the enthusiast who'd like to know more of a subject, but can't really justify going to a specialist conference far away where he won't understand half of it just cause a subject sound interesting.

Youtube has allowed some of these more pedagogic experts to do focused vulgarization on important piece of their fields, with often surprising quality given the lack of financial means.

So here I will share my favorites ones, and ask you to share if you know of any good ones yourself, because sadly, all the ones I know of are in my own language.

First, Homo Fabulus, a biologist.
I recommend taking a look at his serie on morality, and it's potential biological origin.
(note: it's in french, but for that one there are english subtitles available)

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thunderf00t has some cringe content but he also does important work debunking dumb futurist meme tech


for history I like Military History Visualized

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how do I convince zoomers that watching YouTubers and streamers is not a substitute for reading original texts?
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This is essentially the question of how to get zoomers to understand their brains and their minds have been shattered by a universe of superfluous approaches to anything even slightly intellectual and constant flashing lights designed to distract them, and also how to help them break that cycle of distraction and start toughening their minds up to be able to handle anything more complex. Whether the topic is socialism or any other, watching youtube videos or streams is and always be an inadequate substitute for the real intellectual and mental nourishment found in books. I mean, really, the only meaningful course of action would be to find a way to help them improve their lives in general unironically. This can't be done over the internet. So, maybe approach zoomers in real life and try to impact their lives?!?
The fundamental fact about this kind of zoomer is that they HAVE to believe watching Vaush or Shaun or even listening to Chapo (as clear and straightforwardly as they present their content as purely entertainment), because reading for them is genuinely harder than for anyone who already has built that habit or just isn't stuck in the whirlwind of ADHD internet content! And, also important to remember is that reading probably it's gonna seem even harder than it really is before they actually do it, cause the human brain naturally recoils at being challenged to do something harder than it is accustomed to. Plus, many of them will have been presented with an exaggerated estimation of how hard reading actually is their whole lives, or at least have created that estimation for themselves in order to have an excuse to not do it.
Finally, it's good to regard that reading doesn't mean you have to read every volume of Capital (although the first is pretty mandatory IMO), all of Althusser's work, along with all of Cockshott, Hegel, Lenin, and all of Zizek and Chomsky to boot. Only some people will have that much interest and motivation, but really reading Capital Vol1 shouldn't be built up like some fuckin Everest only to be climbed by big-brains, it's really not that hard really.


>The fundamental fact about this kind of zoomer is that they HAVE to believe watching Vaush or Shaun or even listening to Chapo (as clear and straightforwardly as they present their content as purely entertainment)

Meant: HAVE to believe watching Vaush or Shaun or even listening to Chapo (as clear and straightforwardly as they present their content as purely entertainment) is an appropriate substitute for reading actual theory because reading for them is genuinely harder than for anyone who already has built that habit or just isn't stuck in the whirlwind of ADHD internet content!

>And, also important to remember is that reading probably it's gonna seem even harder than it really is before they actually do it

Meant: reading is gonna seem even harder than it really is, TO THEM before they actually do it


I'm building on the premise of interpolation.

We've all been raising under Capitalism and have, as a result, had the profit motive deeply ingrained into us. Here I slightly part from rigid marxist line, and say that the profit motive here isn't only economic; it's also libidinal, psychological. The question one asks once they look at a book is, is it worth it? Even if they know, and admit in conversation that they should read it, they won't. To appropriate a Marx qoute "they don't know it, but they're doing it" one could argue today, in a different context, that they do know, yet they're still not doing it. How do we get people to read, I think good videos do inspire the viewer to want to learn. It's somehow getting them to take the "plunge" which seems to be the insurmountable task.



Tell them that many of the key ideas of the books are already discussed in the internet, thus, making it easier for them to catch up. For example, telling them to take their time to learn some important economic concepts instead of diving right into Das Kapital; showing them what they'll encounter in a certain book; just preparation in general, makes it easier for them.


This is why starting them on a beginner text is good

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