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I had the displeasure of listening to the audiobook version of this shit during my commutes the last few months and I must say this is liberalism at it's purest and clearest form.
The book was designer for general audiences so it never goes in deep about what do right or wrong mean, why are things right or wrong or any other analysis about ethics themselves the essays are just a really polite "I'm right and you're wrong" which in the end made the author: Peter Singer, come out like an absolute retarded who only got into philosophy so people will have to listen to his retarded opinions.
What really offends me it's that behind all its stupidity I saw the core of liberalism, absolute ignorance on material conditions and a very strong belief that people are responsible of everything they do. There are essays where Singer struggles to understand why rich people care more about showing their social status than donating to charity and imagines this ideal world where "donating to charity will be the biggest showcase of status" without explaining how would that world come to be and why it doesn't exist already, it's just a really polite rant that rich people are not engaging in noblesse oblige. Like wise Singer; a vegan, protests the mistreatment of animals mean for meat consumption, he cites the testimonial of a farm worker who had a bad experience artificially inseminating a turkey but a no point he ever feels that a human should not work on such conditions in the first place.
After all of that I released that consoomerism is the natural conclusion of liberalism because liberal really believe that other people are not liberal because they have not consoomed the right movies or the right ted talks and that material conditions and life experiences do not matter, Singer just expects that after reading this book you will become a vegan because how right he is about everything.


That sounds exactly like what I'd expect from a liberal professor of ethics. To add to the "consumerism is liberalism", it's not just about the media they consume, but the whole "vote with your wallet" thing. Consume the right products and we will have utopia eventually.


Yes, he makes several "vote with your wallet" arguments across the books but they're never too prominent.


Ethics in the real world is Singers worst book, its literally just various columns he wrote for newspapers and magazines collated into one volume. I've read some of his other work where while I don't agree with everything he at least puts it across far better. Most libs tend to hate him too because he takes a lot of viewpoints to a logical endpoint up to and including advocating infanticide and they don't like having to realise what their views result in.

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How does this make you feel?
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read Marx


I woud recomned to start with:
1) [E] The Principles of Communism https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm
2) [M/E] Manifesto of the Communist Party https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1848/communist-manifesto/index.htm
3) [M] Value, Price and Profit https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1865/value-price-profit/index.htm
4) [E] On Authority https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1872/10/authority.htm
5) [M] Critique of the Gotha Programme https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1875/gotha/index.htm
6) [M] Wage Labour and Capital https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/wage-labour/index.htm
7) [E] On Anti-Semitism https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1890/04/19.htm

Not Marx or Engels but also interesting:
[Albert Einstein] Why Socialism? https://monthlyreview.org/2009/05/01/why-socialism

>"Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement."

Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


I was going to say the debates with Bruno Bauer but shoot your shot anon


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.


The dominant anglo strains of christianity are protestant and thus far bigger on making people read the bible. Its a catholic take.

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Theses On Feuerbach

About 200 words total.
In this thread, we break down what the Marx was trying to say.

Link to the text:
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What's the /haz/ take on radical empiricism?


didn't TAIMUR have a take on this?


IDK but "William James" sounds pretty anglo.


>In concrete terms: Any philosophical worldview is flawed if it stops at the physical level and fails to explain how meaning, values and intentionality can arise from that.
ha, that's easy! the physical level, we call "material base", and it's the principal aspect of a contradiction. the secondary aspect is made of "meaning, values and intentionality" and hence also religion, ethics, law, politics, culture, which we call "superstructure". because the base is principal, it has the greater effect on superstructure than vice versa, but both do affect one another in a dialectical manner as any two aspects of a contradiction would.


I don't know if I'm reading correctly, but this is basically a caricature of what Kant and Hegel thought was exactly wrong with empiricism. we as subjects of a particular time and place attribute more meaning to empirical observation (phenomena) than what's actually there. I don't really see any arguments as to why we need to remove "trans-empirical" support from our worldview. it sounds like this guy is some kind of butthurt astrologist trying to reinforce superstition. it's like empiricism but worse.
how does any of what you said relate to what you quoted?

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What intervals do you use for the Leitner system? How many boxes do you have? need your advice on widening vocabulary by flash cards


>What intervals do you use for the Leitner system?

Whatever interval Anki gives me.

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The explanations for the kind of post 2000 warfare are a bit rubbish in my humble opinion. I'm referring to the endless wars that have changing objectives but no real victory conditions. Has capitalism commodified war and did that change it's nature ?

Picture not related, it's just a bloody box.

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Mod edit: Too many broken links, new thread here >>4881

ok /edu/ some of you may already know what this thread is, share your downloads.things to share:Movies, documentaries and mainly books.Anything related to socialism, anarchy, communism and so on.
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Iam remaking they, keep calm


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Gramsci is ALIVE. Thank you torrent anon.

>Children of the revolution

>Leftybooru archive


ill start seeding these.


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I will repost this on the new thread, check it out

gtfo from this one, go to the new thread: https://leftypol.org/edu/res/4881.html

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Is this book worthy of reading?


Read it and find out!


Marxist economist Michael Robert has reviewed the book
>"Suffice it to say that, although Piketty repeats the title of Marx’s book, published exactly 150 years ago, he dismisses Marx’s analysis of capitalism based on the law of value and the tendency of the rate of profit to fall and adopts the mainstream theories of marginal productivity and/or market ‘imperfections’ like ‘rent-seeking’. This leads to the view that capitalism could be ‘reformed’ and inequality reduced by such measures as a global financial tax or progressive inheritance taxes or more recently a universal basic income (Piketty is now advising French socialist presidential candidate Hamon on this now)."

Roberts say that Capital in the 21st Century is more of a rejection of Marxism than an update of it. Here's some links to blogposts about the book. Read these and then decide if its worth your time.

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There's already a thread about Lindybeige but I find him a bit of an insufferable right wing anticommunist fuck, granted there's plenty of that kind of thing in the YT historian community, but we can try to pick out the diamonds, relatively speaking. I'm kind of afraid to give my recommendations since I've just been going off Youtube recommendations so I'll let you go first.
11 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Didn't Luna make a Video, where she pointed out some Errors, he made in his Vietnam video?

I agree, that he is very good at keeping his biases in check, but there is still a Line he can't cross, otherwise he would be accused of Communist Sympathies by his retard rightoid Fans, who are probably posting in r/Historymemes


What do you all think about Historia Civilis? I think he paints an interesting picture of the late republic but I don't have a great reference for how accurate his videos are.




HistoryTime is the only one I really like

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I'm reading Orwell's Homage to Cataluña, and the explanation of the USSR influence goes like this:

There were two major marxist parties in cataluña:
POUM, that did not align with the USSR, and claimed that the civil war and the revolution were inseparable
PSUC, that aligned with the USSR, and claimed that only after the civil war was won, and bourgeois democracy was restored, that the revolution could go on

He was very skeptical of PSUC's position, and states that the USSR would not allow the revolution to go on because they needed stable allies, and revolutions bring about many things, but not stability.

Smart people of /edu/, can you comment on this position? Maybe provide some more info on this matter? Asking because Orwell is not the most reputable of sources.


Orwell is based, was based, and always will be based.


Soviet Union sent NKVD agents to kill anarchist leaders (which is part of the reason anarchists were defeated) and purge the republicans. Fucking Soviets always worried about their ideological purity and absolute loyalty.


orwell was a disgusting pedo


OP, I was typing up a response but found a much more comprehensive answer on Reddit to your question. Here's the link: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/8caypg/in_homage_to_catalonia_orwell_portrays_the_soviet/

tl;dr The USSR had no way to solely support a socialist revolution. Instead, the USSR's strategy was to defeat fascism via a Popular Front that included communists, socialists, and liberals. From the POV of the Communists, the POUM was undermining the war effort by pushing for revolution instead of political unity.

I'd also like to add that the militia system was retarded and the Communists were the only faction on the side of the Republic that resembled a real army.


Absolutely based read, thank you anon

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How can we reconcile these two seemingly contradictory passages of Marx's? Are they even contradictory?

From Critique of the Gotha Program:
>Within the co-operative society based on common ownership of the means of production, the producers do not exchange their products; just as little does the labor employed on the products appear here as the value of these products, as a material quality possessed by them, since now, in contrast to capitalist society, individual labor no longer exists in an indirect fashion but directly as a component part of total labor. The phrase "proceeds of labor", objectionable also today on account of its ambiguity, thus loses all meaning.

From Capital Vol III:
>Secondly, after the abolition of the capitalist mode of production, but still retaining social production, the determination of value continues to prevail in the sense that the regulation of labour-time and the distribution of social labour among the various production groups, ultimately the book-keeping encompassing all this, become more essential than ever.

Similarly, does Engels contradict Marx's above passage in Capital in his letter to Karl Kautsky on the 20th of September, 1884?
>Present value is that of the production of commodities, but with the suppression of the production of commodities, value 'changes' or rather, value as such remains and merely changes its form. But in fact economic value is a category that appertains to the production of commodities, disappearing with it, just as it did not exist before it. The relation of labour to product prior to and after production of commodities no longer expresses itself in the form of value.


>the determination of value continues to prevail in the sense that the regulation of labour-time and the distribution of social labour among the various production groups, ultimately the book-keeping encompassing all this, become more essential than ever.
this is not commodity exchange

>the producers do not exchange their products

he's referring to commodity exchange

>just as little does the labor employed on the products appear here as the value of these products, as a material quality possessed by them, since now, in contrast to capitalist society, individual labor no longer exists in an indirect fashion but directly as a component part of total labor. The phrase "proceeds of labor", objectionable also today on account of its ambiguity, thus loses all meaning.

he means labor prices don't appear as something inherent in products the way that value is inherent in commodities, but instead, as something transparently socially agreed upon and determined through somewhat arbitrary social accounting methods


So were both Marx and Engels asserting that the law of value does not exist under the lower stage of communism, following the abolition of commodity production?

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