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Should I read theory in english or my native language? Until now I've only read in german but I never debate or discuss in german so I don't know which is better. Also, which language do you read theory?
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The Chinese translation of Capital is easier to read than the English one.


Brb gonna go learn Mandarin real quick to read Capital


It is always preferable to read texts in their original language.
also lies Marx verfickt nochmal auf deutsch.


Read it in German. English speakers can't think by essence because they don't know the etymologies of their words.


If you know the original language well, read it in the original language. (And certainly no shortage of good theory in German!) If not, well, the translator probably knows the language better than you. I learned this the hard way, trying to ploddingly get my way through Baudrillard and Badiou in French (which I can read, but slowly and not very well) rather than just going for the translation.

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An anti-communist friend recommended me these. Has anyone here read them? Are they at all accurate?
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Suny's been making the rounds lately raising awareness for his book contra Montefiore, Kotkin, etc. Here's a timestamped youtube video where he distinguishes his bio from other bios on the market: https://youtu.be/8GRS2kMlZsk?t=1507
No problem! I recently ordered copy and am looking forward to reading it.


>"With Steve Kotkin […] he doesn't take the earlier period that seriously. Montefiore who DOES look at the early Stalin (he has a book called Young Stalin) in fact DOESN'T take Marxism, the 'National Question' seriously—One time I met Montefiore and he said, "What are you interested in?" I said, "Well I'm interested in the Revolution, the labor movement; I'm interested in, yknow, social democracy" and he said, "Oh good! I'm interested in his women." So if you're interested in his women, then go to Montefiore and you'll find a Stalin who's not only a bandit, a gangster, a terrorist, but a pedophile. I took Stalin very seriously; I took Marxism very seriously. He was a journalist for much of his career! He wrote dozens and dozens of articles in Georgian and in Russian—and he wrote on the 'National Question' […] So it's a lot of context—maybe too much context."


Here's hoping Suny lives long enough to write a book on Stalin during the early Soviet period.



What does "too biased" means ? If the question is the anti-stalinist position is backed up by solid sources, even marvellous for a time when knowing something about the soviet union was extremely difficult, then no it's not "too biased".


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Anyone read his history of the USSR?

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So is the universe flat or is it curved? I haven't had the change to read the whole paper, yet, but, from what I understand from the paper and what the lovely people at PBS explained to me is, apparently physicists at Cornell University observed a cluster galaxies under extreme gravitation forces causing gravitational lensing. Now this is nothing spectacular as far as what observation about the universe has lead us to, but, what is interesting is that when the amplitude of light passing over these distortions in gravity are examined more closely, apparently, they fall way out of line with currently, standard, models involving the geometry of the universe which uses triangulation of areas in the Microwave Background Image and Early Super Nova in the Early universe to summize that the universe is flat. This totally flies in the face of our current understanding of the universe and could have damning implications for modern Cosmology; The universe wont expand for ever? What is driving expansion then? Our models for Dark Energy break down. I am literally freaking the fuck out over this right now. HELP ME EDU!


Chance*** Fuck.

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I'm looking for editions of this journal (current, past). I've checked libgen, sci-hub, MAM, and IRC to no avail. I'm looking for the current edition in particular (https://www.scienceandsociety.com/current.pdf) but anything helps, really.


Is this an academic journal?


>Is this an academic journal?
as opposed to…?

>Appearing quarterly since 1936, Science & Society is the longest continuously published journal of Marxist scholarship, in any language, in the world.

>Science & Society is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary journal of Marxist scholarship. It publishes original studies in political economy and the economic analysis of contemporary societies; social and political theory; philosophy and methodology of the natural and social sciences; history, labor, ethnic and women's studies; aesthetics, literature and the arts. We especially welcome theoretical and applied research that both breaks new ground in a specific discipline, and is intelligible and useful to non-specialists.

>Science & Society does not adhere to any particular school of contemporary Marxist discussion, and does not attempt to define precise boundaries for Marxism. It does encourage respectful attention to the entire Marxist tradition, as well as to cutting-edge tools and concepts from the present-day social science literatures.


What is with zoomers today who can't even click on a link or do a web search? Does literally everything have to be spoon-fed to you in the form of a 2 minute youtube video?


They followed me back on twitter which is surprising.


bump, because I want it too.

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The other day in the China thread, I read an argument about supporting China over Vietnam despite the latter's arguably more "socialist" economy. The reason for support of China over Vietnam would be the fact that the former is most poised in breaking with the established American world order, while the latter is more inclined to appease American interests due to strained relations with the PRC.

All that's well and good, but these (nonetheless relevant) geopolitical considerations made me wonder how to study historical and current AES countries' political economies, their evolution, and how they stack up to, for example, western social democracies such as the Nordic countries in their heyday. Again, usually I'd be foaming at the mouth too seeing a comparison of Scandinavia with the late USSR, but from a purely economic standpoint it'd be nice to clear up some of the confusion.

This becomes especially interesting, once again, when bringing up modern-day China. Is it socialist? Is it just social democracy at the barrel of a gun? I feel like it's difficult nowadays to get a purely economic view of that question without involving, again, the matter of nigh obligation to critically support China due to their geopolitical position. Let's change that and drop some PDFs.
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Ladies, ladies, ladies, not in the edu thread. We share pdfs and epubs around these parts.

That being said, if you're gonna bitch about the commodity form – you might even be right – stop talking out of your ass like that and start making sense.


>But in large part commodity markets were secondary
But in the Soviet Uniom they weren't? Commodity markets were limited only to consumer goods, but they were still dominant in the Soviet Union? Got it
>But hey you haven't said anything of value, just the same nonsensical bullshit which is hilarious
Neither have you buddy. A mode of Production is being determined by surplus extraction as Marx recalled later during Volume 3. Being critical of past socialist experiments is easy, but actually overcoming the hurdles is a different thing


>We share pdfs and epubs around these parts
Guy is a newfag who wants to convince every board of his supposed superior intelligence




Commodity fetishism.

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Is mathematics invented, discovered or both?
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>If you are a materialist, then math is absolutely discovered. It is insane to think that aliens would have a math system where 2+2 is not 4.

Some uyghas ain't aware if non-well ordered sets…


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>362 pages to prove 1+1=2


>principia matematica
Is that the book that gives your virginity back


Mathematical Platonism was refuted.
Post rem structuralism is probably correct.


Can you explain to us uneducated what this means?

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How do you decide what to read?

I am so hyper panicked with the idea that there are so many books to read just about leftism and history and with so many perspectives

It overstimulates me and I get stunlocked

What is your procedure and methods to reading in a uniformed structure?
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Alright I have downloaded the pdf and will read it


If I want a Book I buy it and read it over a stretch of time. Since I'm not rich I can only do this a handfull of times a year, so yeah that's how it works with me. I buy them in paperform because I want to build a small library


I hope you build a nice library anon.


Thanks Anon, appreciate it

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Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.

https://www.sciencemadness.org/ The go-to site for amateur chemists
Wiki: http://www.sciencemadness.org/smwiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums, require email registration: https://www.sciencemadness.org/whisper/

Archive.org has plenty of old chemistry textbooks. The most useful ones for me are those meant to teach youngsters from the early 1900's.

NurdRage, the OG channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NurdRage
NileRed, the internet's premier piss chemist: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRedNile
NileBlue, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1D3yD4wlPMico0dss264XA
Explosions&Fire, energetic materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A
Extractions&Ire, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFApMFo_AafXbHRyEJefjA
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high temperature electrochemistry, but that's not very exciting for regular peeps. so, the usual: R-candy, smoke bombs and thermite

I have plans to "upgrade" some NaNO3 to KNO3 via metathesis with KCl. after that I might get into HNO3 synthesis by electrolysing bog water


>mfw caught my chemistry-hobbiest friend collecting rust in a bucket
He insisted it wasn't for thermite, but come on.


>I swear, it's for catalysing a fischer-tropsch reaction


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I've been experimenting with ways of concentrating acetic acid. pic related is 4 ml ~66% AcOH by weight based on it being liquid at -20°C. freeze distillation worked best for this, but the yield isn't great: 4%

I tried simple distillation too, and despite AcOH and H2O not forming any azeotrope I didn't see much improvement over the 24% white vinegar I started with. it also formed copper acetate in my condenser, which I should have thought about tbh

next step is trying to drive off the water by mixing in IPA and distilling off the IPA+water mix (and resulting isopropyl acetate). molecular sieves would probably work better, but I don' have any


I forgot my freeze distillation method:

1) cool your white vinegar down enough to where it becomes a slurry and filter it until you get maybe 1/3 of the initial volume
2) put the mixture in a jar and stand it upright in a freezer
3) once the mixture has frozen, tip the jar over and let it sit in the freezer like that for a day
4) a small pool of liquid should have formed, separate from the frozen fraction. pour that off into a separate container

the concentration of the final fraction depends on the temperature in the freezer. the temperature must be above -26.7°C for this to work.

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Most Marxists, for obvious reasons, are primarily concerned with the analysis of the capitalist mode of production, this causes many marxists (including myself) to have a poor or just a very basic understanding of pre-capitalist modes of production.
An in-depth understanding of these modes of production is, however, essential for reasonable historical materialist analysis.
Post videos, books, articles and so on for education on this topic.
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Apparently the simplified serf and Lord dichotomy didn't stay the same throughout the middle ages, but developed. In the high middle ages the serf was bonded to the lord full stop but as we get to the late middle ages apparently it apparently became something of a social contract between the lord and peasant/serf, that could be negotiated.


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this is a great book and really explains Marxist themes lucidly.

Haven't been able to find a pdf though



Here is the link. Dude, just uhh, use libgen.is — at least for the anglo literature it is vast and very accomodating. I use other sources for literature in my language, but libgen should suffice for most things.

Also archive.org is great for searching things from last past century, old books et cettera.




I find it interesting that ancient societies ran on debt allocation, so much so that debt abolition was an actually platform politicians would campaign on.


So I wrote a pdf, on the reconstructed language of old Prussian. This language is actually going through a revival, from what I could gather. Since last year I found a YouTube channel where a family from Lithuania speak this language in a daily basis, and even their daughters speak it. So I got the dictionary of the language, read some posts on their facebook page, and listened to their speech. This pdf is mostly an overview of the language, I am not a linguistic or anything like that, I am just a random guy who likes languages.

So I wanted to post it somewhere, and I decided to post it here first, I think that there are some people here that would be interested in this.

The YouTube channel

The dictionary

A site with good resources


bump, that's impressive



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