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I keep reading that Trotskyism is about opposition to Stalinist bureaucracy. Trots don't want the means of production to be run by a 'red bourgeoisie' or 'new class' or statist bureaucracy.

Ok, that's all well and good, but if not a statist bureaucracy then who?

Who would Trotsky say should plan the economy?
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Trotsky argued for the 'militarization' (i.e., conscription) of labor. He literally wanted to march citizens into factories at bayonet point. Recasting him as some democratic alternative to Stalin was probably the biggest leftoid fantasy of all.


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>Le jewkike judas Trotzky wanted to throw le roozkie peepull into the boiler of militarization!11
>All in all he was basically Stalin but an ultra and mad!
>Daddy Stalin and his mafioso bratva in the state propaganda told me so!

You asstarded miserably inbred bitchbrainfuck. The Really Existing Trotsky was the first bolshevik partyboyo who, as any so-called marxist, knowing what a toll any militarization of labor lands onto the ones who has to endure it, & as a motherfucking commander of the WPRA, who was seeing with his own eyes the extent of this toll, started to propose a change of the politique of the so-called "War Communism" into a "War Tax". But his fellow jewkike judas Blank rejected that proposal, supposedly to throw le innocent roozke peepull into the boiler of the World Revolution! Ah, if only the good friend of Mister Henry Ford, our dear Mister Stalin have shot him before this!

There truly aren't more reckless antichrists than the "Christians".
& there truly aren't more reckless antisocialists, anticommunists & antimarxists, than the retards who call themselves "marxists", and who to this day are parrotting chauvinistic propaganda of some fucking bueraucratic/managerial state that was notorious for crushing any proletarian dissent under its yoke. It degenerated in its' thermidore so hard that the proletarians (le true "'marxists'-'leninists'", of course, won't see any contradiction here) have started to support even fucking neocons over these bastards! Except that these neocons were the same bueraucrats who have finally got a chance at tearing apart the state property into their private one, playing on the people's alienation from the property they have always worked on under the supposed "socialism", & their subsequent interest in free market capitalism for its' innate means for acquiring @ least SOME kind of own property: having a 0,2% chance @ getting definetily your own means of production are still better than being a hopeless wageslave to your managers' state which owns everything & won't ever part anything witPost too long. Click here to view the full text.


stalin's collectivization plan was the one initially proposed by trotsky (that stalin pretended to oppose in order to kneecap trotsky's political power). stalin then pretended he came up with the idea after trotsky's fall from power.

and lenin's program of dragging a feudal country straight to socialism was aped from trotsky's permanent revolution theory.

the ussr effectively WAS trotsky's vision, just implemented by other people.

it's not out of character for him to hypocritically complain about it though, he defended the Party's crackdowns on civil liberties and political disenfranchisements right up until the moment he fell victim to them.


>stalin's collectivization plan was the one initially proposed by trotsky
Keep in mind the material reality that early 20th century Russia was in dire need to mechanize it's agriculture. The Kulak big landlord class wasn't going to do it because they were still in the feudal game, they wanted to lord over hordes of peasants not administer machine capital like tractors and fertilizer chemical plants, they didn't have any industrial production and probably didn't know how to use it even if they had. The feudal elites were often barely literate. So the state taking over big parts of agriculture for industrializing the agrarian sector probably wasn't a very unique idea at that time.

With hindsight it would probably have been better to make a giant state run tractor factory and diesel fuel refinery as the public sector, and then give worker owned farm cooperatives access to those resources in a bartering exchange for grain. The coops would basically have gotten a massive industrial subsidy, enabling them to take over all the Kulak farms by out-competing them economically. They also should have send out communist cadres to subsistence farmers (ie famly farms ) to teach them how to combine into a cooperative to get access to industrial farming tools they could share.

Eventually the coops would have reproduced the same monopolization dynamics as exist in capitalist markets and once big coops starts doing monopoly-capital tricks or rent-seaking, they can be fully collectivized into a public industry. This would have produced no chaotic political drama because the only opposition would have been a narrow slice of coop managers that were seeking to convert coops into private capital. That's much easier to deal with than a legacy ruling class with a deeply entrenched political network.


Why is Trotsky and Trostkites hates agian?

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 No.7043[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

A while back, I wrote a summary of every chapter from Robert Greene's '48 Laws of Power.'

If you haven't read it, I'd highly recommend. These summaries don't do the book justice, since I've stripped away the historical anecdotes and quotes which really make the work come to life. However, I think there are still some interesting tidbits and lessons in these summaries, so I thought I'd share.
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From Robert Greene:
"People weighed down by a system and inflexible ways of doing things cannot move fast, cannot sense or adapt to change… Learn to move fast and adapt or you will be eaten."

"…Assume formlessness. No predator alive can attack what it cannot see."

"With mobility you can isolate the opponent in small areas and then encircle them."

"Your speed and mobility make it impossible to predict your moves; unable to understand you, your enemy can form no strategy to defeat you. Instead of fixing on particular spots, this indirect form of warfare spreads out, just as you can use the large and disconnected nature of the real world to your advantage. Be like a vapor. Do not give your opponent's anything solid to attack; watch as they exhaust themselves pursuing you, trying to cope with your elusiveness."

"Power can only thrive if it is flexible in its forms. To be formless is not to be amorphous; everything has a form - it is impossible to avoid. The formlessness of power is more like that of water, or mercury, taking the form of whatever is around it. Changing constantly, it is never predictable."

"This is the ultimate form of strategy. The war of engagement has become far too dangerous and costly; indirection and elusiveness yield far better results at a much lower cost. The main cost, in fact, is mental - the thinking it takes to align your forces and scattered patterns, and to undermine the minds and psychology of your opponents. And nothing will infuriate and disorient them more than formlessness. In a world where wars of detachment are the order of the day, formlessness is crucial."

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I'm reading 'Laws of Human Nature' now.

It's pretty good, but he's not very hot on totalizing political philosophies or grand causes. I'm half way through, but I may post more excerpts itt later


at first I thought you were trolling, but you actually read this garbage. lmao


>Be leftychan faggot
>Dirty, bad hygiene
>Populate a dead board
>Have a outlook so divorced from reality that maintaining an online space where you're not ruthlessly mocked requires heavy censorship
>Get sick of censorship because, muh 'they censor too much'
>Create a new board
>[Oh shit. I don't actually have anything original to say. I know, I'll talk about anime] (totally and 100% a fully developed adult btw)
>Thankfully someone posts something outside of the braindead leftist parameters
>Continue to be dirty
>Continue life of faggotry



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Most of the books I see about Pol Pot, Khmer Rouge and Kamdoji from those years portray these things as badly as possible, and compare Pol Pot himself to a mini Hitler, or worse. I would like to know if there is a book that justifies Pol Pot and speaks positively about him and the Khmer Rouge. Thank you in advance!
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>I would like to know if there is a book that
You don't need any book. History has already vindicated him.


You realize that Cambodians don't even believe this, right?


Good take. I've been to Cambodia and seen the Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum in Phnom Penh (converted from a high school to a prison for political prisoners). It's pretty chilling.

But we do need to see these things as a chain of events rather than isolated actions. Indeed, the meddling US ruling class has a lot of responsibility. I'd say that China and the USSR also have some blame, using other nations as pawns, and perhaps precipitating such a brutal regime when it would not have been necessary. They rushed through it and as usually happens when you do that, they fucked up.

Despite best efforts to prevent the red menace from spreading, now nominally "Communist" Vietnam is a rising economic power. Visit sometime … Houses going up everywhere, and many people finally have enough money to leave if that's what they choose to do. I didn't get a sense from the people that the government was anything but something done to them rather than something they were part of, though, so I would guess it's another sham socialism, with maybe some elements to control the worst of capitalism…


>It's only real socialism when people stay poor


Not sure how that's what you drew from it.

It's not socialism if it's undemocratic. That's all. You can't force anyone to "do" socialism.

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>have you taken the Hermetic Pill?

The Hermetic Principles provide a deep understanding of the workings of the universe and how we can align ourselves with the natural laws that govern it. Each principle offers practical advice that can be applied in our daily lives to improve our wellbeing, relationships, and spiritual growth.

>Principle of Mentalism.

This principle highlights the power of our thoughts and beliefs. Our minds are powerful tools that can be used to create our reality. By focusing on positive, constructive ideas, we can attract abundance and happiness into our lives. Conversely, negative and self-limiting thoughts can hold us back and limit our potential. To use this principle effectively, we must learn to cultivate a positive mindset, practice gratitude, and visualize our goals.

>Principle of Correspondence.

This principle emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things in the universe. Everything is connected, and what we do to others, we do to ourselves. Understanding this principle helps us cultivate empathy and compassion for others, as well as for the natural world. By recognizing the impact of our actions on others, we can make more conscious choices and act in ways that benefit everyone.

>Principle of Vibration.

This principle recognizes that everything in the universe is in a state of vibration. Our thoughts, emotions, and physical bodies are all vibrating at different frequencies. When we are in a state of harmony, we vibrate at a higher frequency, attracting positive experiences into our lives. Conversely, when we are out of balance, we vibrate at a lower frequency, attracting negative experiences. To use this principle effectively, we can use tools like sound therapy, meditation, and energy healing to raise our vibration and align ourselves with the natural rhythms of the universe.

>Principle of Polarity.

This principle acknowledges that everything has an opposite. There is light and dark, hot and cold, and positive and negative. By embracing both sides of a polarity, we can achieve greater balance and harmony in our lives. Every challenge presents an opportunity for growth, and every setback is an opportunity to learn. To use this principle effectively, we must learn to embrace both our light and dark sides and find balanPost too long. Click here to view the full text.

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I have been never exposed to philosophy out of religion, but I beated the religion with thinking,
I want to learn from zero to all the way into marx, make a reading road for me
>pic unrelated
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Also it's just western philosophy.


>all these recommendations for ML crap
If you want to get into marxism, read Capital. Yeah, it's fucking difficult to grasp, but, to be honest, the primers and such really do not help with that anyway. Besides, it's a blast when you have read one paragraph three times in a row to try to grasp what is being said in it and all the pieces suddenly just fit into place inside your head. It's almost like reading a really good mystery novel. The only bad thing about reading Capital is that, once you see it, you will never stop seeing it.

Oh, and don't skip Volumns 2 and 3. That's where you get an idea of how capitalism is fleshed out by the concepts described in Volumn 1.


Basically read Das Capital.


>Radicalise me from zero
lel, no

read a book



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Post video recordings of lectures and announcements for online lectures.

>inb4 schitzos like peterson or other rightwingers

this is /leftypol/ faggot
>inb4 Richard D. Wolff
all his lectures i have seen so far are just very basic stuff if you find some more advanced stuff post it

I want to focus this thread on philosophy, history and political economy on an academic level.
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Michael Heinrich: The bourgeois state: class domination on the basis of freedom and equality


The Imperial Paradox: Ideologies of Empire by Professor Ellen Meiksins Wood


Visualizing Capital by Professor David Harvey


Ba'athism: Ideology, History, Revolution


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i absolutely, love, classical art. I mostly blame this on my love for the resident evil series which introduced me to tons of classic oil canvas art.

anyways, can we have an art dump? I'll start with virgin and 4 angles.
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What's the name?


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A still life with fruit, dead game, and a parrot.



Holofernes had been dispatched by Nebuchadnezzar to take vengeance on Israel, which had withheld assistance in his most recent war. Having occupied every country along the coastline, Holofernes destroyed all worship of gods other than Nebuchadnezzar. Holofernes was warned against attacking the Jewish people by Achior, the leader of the Ammonites; however, he laid siege regardless to the city of Bethulia, commonly believed to be Meselieh. The city almost fell to the invading army; Holofernes' advance stopped the water supply to Bethulia, leading to its people encouraging their rulers to give in to Holofernes' demands. The leaders vowed to surrender if no help arrived within five days.[1] Bethulia was saved by Judith, a Hebrew widow, who entered the camp of Holofernes, seduced him, and got him drunk before beheading him. Judith returned to Bethulia with the severed head of Holofernes, having defeated the army.

Hebrew versions of the tale in the Megillat Antiochus and the Chronicles of Jerahmeel identify "Holofernes" as Nicanor; the Greek version used "Holofernes" as deliberately cryptic substitute, similarly using "Nebuchadnezzar" for Antiochus.

Holofernes is depicted in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Monk's Tale in The Canterbury Tales, and in Dante's Purgatorio (where Holofernes is to be found on the Terrace of Pride as an example of "pride cast down", XII.58–60). As a painter's subject he offers the chance to contrast the flesh and jewels of a beautiful, festively attired woman with the grisly head of the victim, a deuterocanonical parallel to the Yael sequence in the Hebrew Bible, as well as the New Testament vignette of Salome with the head of John the Baptist.


St. Michael by Raphael

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Could we have a reading group dedicated to critiquing this book? Despite being reactionary, it flows quite well in a way that makes it pleasant to read(and for our purposes, that's not ideal), so constructing a solid case against the interpretations it makes in each chapter would be helpful for future anons(and our comrades in the "right wing blood sport" thread), no?


I would join but I just don't have the time cause of work. I mean my critique is really just an outright rejection of this type of historical analysis in favor of a Marxist analysis that involves the rise and fall of industrial society and slavery pre industrial revolution.

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Once you've spent 6 or 7 years sperging out on far left literature, it begins to get stale. There is little else to gain from reading another monotonous tract, and you begin to realize that you're not missing one key insight that will lead to the right theory which will suddenly unlock everything.

In fact, it's safe to say that sticking with the classical communist cannon and its adjacents, even when you go quite deep, is limiting. You're effectively missing out on a wider world of perspectives.

Obviously, most books are useless trash. But there are a few which combine three important factors - being fun to read, being influencial, and offering somewhat impactful and practical ideas - which are recommendable, even to the stodgiest of Leftists.

Here's my top picks and some additional recommendations.
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>The left often fails to realize the most important 'political implication' of business: it is competitive and forces those engaging in it to be practical. There are only two outcomes: growth and success; or losing market share and failing.
The most competitive companies in the capitalist system are not the ones that make the best product for the lowest price, the winning strategy is sabotaging the competition and entrenching a monopoly.

What do you want the left to learn from this?



How about, stop making a virtue out of losing?


Sure loosing as a virtue is bad, but the method of winning that monopolies use have the side effect of causing inefficient use of material resources and labor-power. Most monopolies make too expensive mediocre good enough products. We want an economy that operates as close as possible to an optimal cost-benefit ratio.


>Sure losing isn't a virtue, but I'm still going to act like it is because I don't like the winners.

What you want is inconsequential so long as you lose.


just get rid of interest rates bro. im serious btw

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>All emotions come from within.

You can't always control the external words, but you can control your emotional response to it. Focus on what you can control - namely, yourself. Conversely, if you can control someone else's emotions, you control them. Maintain emotional independence at all costs.

>Bravery and courage are the most important virtues.

Courage isn't absence of fear. Rather, it is action in the face of fear. Most of your problems would be solved if you'd be less of a pussy.

>Develop a bias toward action.

With limited exception, passivity will get you nowhere. Action and movement, on the other hand, will grant you the ability to overcome obstacles. You are not your feelings. You are no your thoughts. You are what you do. Pour energy into taking action on the things you can control. Stop talking or caring so much about things outside your control. The former makes you stronger and more capable. The latter makes you weak and a victim.

>The end or goal doesn't matter as much as practice.

A person who strongly desires to be fit but never exercises won't get fit. Conversely, a person with no particular goal yet who nonetheless exercises daily will reap the reward of fitness.
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BAPist Leninist here. Based insight


Contemporary stoicism is a liberal cope
Epicurean chads rise up


Aren't we just all coping through capitalism?


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You're right anon, and communism is the ultimate cope


'nations are born stoic and die epicurean'

- Comrade Will Durant

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