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I have been never exposed to philosophy out of religion, but I beated the religion with thinking,
I want to learn from zero to all the way into marx, make a reading road for me
>pic unrelated
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Also it's just western philosophy.


>all these recommendations for ML crap
If you want to get into marxism, read Capital. Yeah, it's fucking difficult to grasp, but, to be honest, the primers and such really do not help with that anyway. Besides, it's a blast when you have read one paragraph three times in a row to try to grasp what is being said in it and all the pieces suddenly just fit into place inside your head. It's almost like reading a really good mystery novel. The only bad thing about reading Capital is that, once you see it, you will never stop seeing it.

Oh, and don't skip Volumns 2 and 3. That's where you get an idea of how capitalism is fleshed out by the concepts described in Volumn 1.


Basically read Das Capital.


>Radicalise me from zero
lel, no

read a book



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>Noob question

What in dialectical materialism is the explanation for how communism, defined as a classless society in which workers democratically own/control the means of production, is likely or even possible. What real evidence has affirmed this position over the past 170 old years, since Marx was writing about this subject? Like, I can understand that contradictions are inherent in capitalism, but I don't really understand how the resolve themselves in communism. What's the correct position/logic here, or is it something of an article of faith?
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>What in dialectical materialism is the explanation for how communism, defined as a classless society in which workers democratically own/control the means of production, is likely or even possible.
They would not technically be "workers" at that point, just the people who do the work.
>Like, I can understand that contradictions are inherent in capitalism, but I don't really understand how the resolve themselves in communism.
Oh, that is a complicated subject. Understanding the nature of those contradictions is key. For example, the cycle of overproduction → speculation → crisis → new efficiency → back around again can only result in systemic degradation as it creates more waste and fewer avenues for high-profit rate investments. The trick is that this cycle is borne out of the very nature of commodity production, thus the only way to break it is to establish a system of production that does not engage in commodity production. To wit, production cannot be done with profits driving it.

There are other examples, of course. The falling rate of profit ensures the inevitable collapse of capitalist production, and the need to make up that production in other ways provides an impartive toward a new economic model. Old models like slavery-based production and feudalism are too inefficient and unproductive to function on a global scale, which is why capitalism was able to supplant them in the first place. The thing is, every sea change in the mode of production must be from a less productive mode to a more productive mode. Otherwise, it would simply be unable to take root against the reaction of the current ruling class. The only way to achieve a mode of production that is more productive that capitalism is is to do something new, something that is not limited by the profit motive; make no mistake–the profit motive is a limiting factor to production.

The difficulty with marxian economics is that there can be no "Basic Economics" curriculum to learn that makes ready sense of it all. It, like economics itself, is esoteric and not always intuitive. Crisis theory, which is essentially what we are discussing, can only be understood by understanding the underlying concepts–what commodities are, how they meet in the real world, how they are acted Post too long. Click here to view the full text.


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If you mean on a massive glboal social scale then no, but, that is true of any society that is envisioned beyond capitalism. The world now is never the world we wish to see that world become. However, arguably, these small examples can lend us some insight into the world we wish to see the current world become and can be used as a type of standard candle for the path forward. Not to mention historically increases in human freedom have lead to high standards of living.


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What you are asking for is more historical materialism.

Marx observed that once the technical material conditions were ready, class struggle tends to move societies from one mode of production to the next one. For example feudal agrarian society moved to capitalist industrial society when industrial tech came online and the bourgeoisie fought a class struggle against the aristocratic feudal rulers.

The reason for thinking that the working class inherits civilization is because the falling rate of profit will render the capitalist class an impediment to the development of the productive forces.

That means the ruling classes get overthrown when they no longer can advance the productive forces. That's a physics thing and it happens because newer and more advanced productive forces can generate more entropy. And our universe has a rule that configurations of matter that are better at generating entropy are more likely to exist, then those that generate less entropy. Life it self exists because living organisms are better at increasing entropy than dead rocks and mud. It's a statistical effect, that says once the technical basis for industrial society exists most of agrarian society gets replaced sooner than later.

Societies can also fail to move to a new mode of production and then the contradictions of the old system destroys it.
But not all societies fail and the ones that accomplish leveling up to the new mode of production will fill in the void left behind by the ones that failed.


There was a lot more reason to be optimistic when Marx was alive and during the early 20th century. At this current point in time I would say that we are on the path to just ending in societal collapse rather than moving towards a communist society.


Good answer, and I agree with how you spelled out the contradictions of capitalism. My question, however, stems from this:

>The thing is, every sea change in the mode of production must be from a less productive mode to a more productive mode. Otherwise, it would simply be unable to take root against the reaction of the current ruling class. The only way to achieve a mode of production that is more productive that capitalism is is to do something new, something that is not limited by the profit motive; make no mistake–the profit motive is a limiting factor to production.

I guess my question is: there seems to be two somewhat contradictory statements regarding a potential socialist/communist future. First, the next phase in the mode of production must be able to technologically/productively outcompete capitalism. Secondly, presumably an economic system not centered around profit would have to be centered around some other end. What would that end be, which when implemented is still able to outmode capitalism on a technical/physical basis, and doesn't form the basis of some hellscape in its own rite.

This is what my question specifically pertains to. What about dialectical materialism and world history since Marx's lifetime suggests the likelihood or even possiblity of the development of a a classless mode of production simply defined by empowered workers acting in free association?

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Post video recordings of lectures and announcements for online lectures.

>inb4 schitzos like peterson or other rightwingers

this is /leftypol/ faggot
>inb4 Richard D. Wolff
all his lectures i have seen so far are just very basic stuff if you find some more advanced stuff post it

I want to focus this thread on philosophy, history and political economy on an academic level.
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Michael Heinrich: The bourgeois state: class domination on the basis of freedom and equality


The Imperial Paradox: Ideologies of Empire by Professor Ellen Meiksins Wood


Visualizing Capital by Professor David Harvey


Ba'athism: Ideology, History, Revolution


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i absolutely, love, classical art. I mostly blame this on my love for the resident evil series which introduced me to tons of classic oil canvas art.

anyways, can we have an art dump? I'll start with virgin and 4 angles.
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What's the name?


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A still life with fruit, dead game, and a parrot.



Holofernes had been dispatched by Nebuchadnezzar to take vengeance on Israel, which had withheld assistance in his most recent war. Having occupied every country along the coastline, Holofernes destroyed all worship of gods other than Nebuchadnezzar. Holofernes was warned against attacking the Jewish people by Achior, the leader of the Ammonites; however, he laid siege regardless to the city of Bethulia, commonly believed to be Meselieh. The city almost fell to the invading army; Holofernes' advance stopped the water supply to Bethulia, leading to its people encouraging their rulers to give in to Holofernes' demands. The leaders vowed to surrender if no help arrived within five days.[1] Bethulia was saved by Judith, a Hebrew widow, who entered the camp of Holofernes, seduced him, and got him drunk before beheading him. Judith returned to Bethulia with the severed head of Holofernes, having defeated the army.

Hebrew versions of the tale in the Megillat Antiochus and the Chronicles of Jerahmeel identify "Holofernes" as Nicanor; the Greek version used "Holofernes" as deliberately cryptic substitute, similarly using "Nebuchadnezzar" for Antiochus.

Holofernes is depicted in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Monk's Tale in The Canterbury Tales, and in Dante's Purgatorio (where Holofernes is to be found on the Terrace of Pride as an example of "pride cast down", XII.58–60). As a painter's subject he offers the chance to contrast the flesh and jewels of a beautiful, festively attired woman with the grisly head of the victim, a deuterocanonical parallel to the Yael sequence in the Hebrew Bible, as well as the New Testament vignette of Salome with the head of John the Baptist.


St. Michael by Raphael

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Could we have a reading group dedicated to critiquing this book? Despite being reactionary, it flows quite well in a way that makes it pleasant to read(and for our purposes, that's not ideal), so constructing a solid case against the interpretations it makes in each chapter would be helpful for future anons(and our comrades in the "right wing blood sport" thread), no?


I would join but I just don't have the time cause of work. I mean my critique is really just an outright rejection of this type of historical analysis in favor of a Marxist analysis that involves the rise and fall of industrial society and slavery pre industrial revolution.

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Once you've spent 6 or 7 years sperging out on far left literature, it begins to get stale. There is little else to gain from reading another monotonous tract, and you begin to realize that you're not missing one key insight that will lead to the right theory which will suddenly unlock everything.

In fact, it's safe to say that sticking with the classical communist cannon and its adjacents, even when you go quite deep, is limiting. You're effectively missing out on a wider world of perspectives.

Obviously, most books are useless trash. But there are a few which combine three important factors - being fun to read, being influencial, and offering somewhat impactful and practical ideas - which are recommendable, even to the stodgiest of Leftists.

Here's my top picks and some additional recommendations.
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>The left often fails to realize the most important 'political implication' of business: it is competitive and forces those engaging in it to be practical. There are only two outcomes: growth and success; or losing market share and failing.
The most competitive companies in the capitalist system are not the ones that make the best product for the lowest price, the winning strategy is sabotaging the competition and entrenching a monopoly.

What do you want the left to learn from this?



How about, stop making a virtue out of losing?


Sure loosing as a virtue is bad, but the method of winning that monopolies use have the side effect of causing inefficient use of material resources and labor-power. Most monopolies make too expensive mediocre good enough products. We want an economy that operates as close as possible to an optimal cost-benefit ratio.


>Sure losing isn't a virtue, but I'm still going to act like it is because I don't like the winners.

What you want is inconsequential so long as you lose.


just get rid of interest rates bro. im serious btw

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>All emotions come from within.

You can't always control the external words, but you can control your emotional response to it. Focus on what you can control - namely, yourself. Conversely, if you can control someone else's emotions, you control them. Maintain emotional independence at all costs.

>Bravery and courage are the most important virtues.

Courage isn't absence of fear. Rather, it is action in the face of fear. Most of your problems would be solved if you'd be less of a pussy.

>Develop a bias toward action.

With limited exception, passivity will get you nowhere. Action and movement, on the other hand, will grant you the ability to overcome obstacles. You are not your feelings. You are no your thoughts. You are what you do. Pour energy into taking action on the things you can control. Stop talking or caring so much about things outside your control. The former makes you stronger and more capable. The latter makes you weak and a victim.

>The end or goal doesn't matter as much as practice.

A person who strongly desires to be fit but never exercises won't get fit. Conversely, a person with no particular goal yet who nonetheless exercises daily will reap the reward of fitness.
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BAPist Leninist here. Based insight


Contemporary stoicism is a liberal cope
Epicurean chads rise up


Aren't we just all coping through capitalism?


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You're right anon, and communism is the ultimate cope


'nations are born stoic and die epicurean'

- Comrade Will Durant

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Can anyone recommend me a good book about the 1932-1933 soviet famine? I am honestly not a communist so I am not inclined to defend/condemn Stalin, but I am interested if someone can offer me a neutral book on the subject.
Because from what I've read, many popular books on the subject are complete crap (see link)


There was a book that I forgot called 100 year anniversary of the bolshevik revolution, or, something that talks about why and how the narrative is a bit of bullshit and how the numbers were severely inflated by sources like the black book of communism. People basically just hate communism (wonder why) and so they want to smear it. Sorry I can't actually remember the name of the book anon.


"Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture; 1931-1933"


The way its portrayed historically is pretty much bullshit.

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Let's debunk muh holocaust revishunism with FACTS & LOGIC.

Articles, books, infographs everythings is welcomed.
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Why does the holocaust matter? Fascism is inferior on an ideological plane prior to any 'sins' of deed.


>Why does the most horrific and large scale genocide matter lol?
<Why does history matter!?
<Why do real life issues of fascism matter!?
Imagine being this much of a retard


Dont care didnt read didnt happen


At least you're sincere when it comes to admitting your immunity to reason


David Cole is now selling his old revisionist shit in auction. Who's gonna bid, m8s?

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Any places or youtube channels where audiobooks are available? I found a few audiobooks on youtube but those aren't enough.


Librevox has a whole ass youtube channel. It's where I first read the communist manifesto, actually.


Thank you. I'm open to book recommendations as well, particularly written by Lenin.




state and revolution


Thank you. I started listening to it. So far quite good.
Not going bothered with those. Knowledge must be free for everyone.

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