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Let's have a thread about chemistry. I can't be the only amateur chemist on here. To please the mods, everything in here is purely academic. Check local laws before you embark on your projects. And before you do anything, make sure you have appropriate safety equipment. Think about the worst thing that could happen to your reaction, because chances are it will. Don't be stupid.

https://www.sciencemadness.org/ The go-to site for amateur chemists
Wiki: http://www.sciencemadness.org/smwiki/index.php/Main_Page
Forums, require email registration: https://www.sciencemadness.org/whisper/

Archive.org has plenty of old chemistry textbooks. The most useful ones for me are those meant to teach youngsters from the early 1900's.

NurdRage, the OG channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/NurdRage
NileRed, the internet's premier piss chemist: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRedNile
NileBlue, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1D3yD4wlPMico0dss264XA
Explosions&Fire, energetic materials: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVovvq34gd0ps5cVYNZrc7A
Extractions&Ire, secondary channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvFApMFo_AafXbHRyEJefjA
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high temperature electrochemistry, but that's not very exciting for regular peeps. so, the usual: R-candy, smoke bombs and thermite

I have plans to "upgrade" some NaNO3 to KNO3 via metathesis with KCl. after that I might get into HNO3 synthesis by electrolysing bog water


>mfw caught my chemistry-hobbiest friend collecting rust in a bucket
He insisted it wasn't for thermite, but come on.


>I swear, it's for catalysing a fischer-tropsch reaction


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I've been experimenting with ways of concentrating acetic acid. pic related is 4 ml ~66% AcOH by weight based on it being liquid at -20°C. freeze distillation worked best for this, but the yield isn't great: 4%

I tried simple distillation too, and despite AcOH and H2O not forming any azeotrope I didn't see much improvement over the 24% white vinegar I started with. it also formed copper acetate in my condenser, which I should have thought about tbh

next step is trying to drive off the water by mixing in IPA and distilling off the IPA+water mix (and resulting isopropyl acetate). molecular sieves would probably work better, but I don' have any


I forgot my freeze distillation method:

1) cool your white vinegar down enough to where it becomes a slurry and filter it until you get maybe 1/3 of the initial volume
2) put the mixture in a jar and stand it upright in a freezer
3) once the mixture has frozen, tip the jar over and let it sit in the freezer like that for a day
4) a small pool of liquid should have formed, separate from the frozen fraction. pour that off into a separate container

the concentration of the final fraction depends on the temperature in the freezer. the temperature must be above -26.7°C for this to work.

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Most Marxists, for obvious reasons, are primarily concerned with the analysis of the capitalist mode of production, this causes many marxists (including myself) to have a poor or just a very basic understanding of pre-capitalist modes of production.
An in-depth understanding of these modes of production is, however, essential for reasonable historical materialist analysis.
Post videos, books, articles and so on for education on this topic.
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Apparently the simplified serf and Lord dichotomy didn't stay the same throughout the middle ages, but developed. In the high middle ages the serf was bonded to the lord full stop but as we get to the late middle ages apparently it apparently became something of a social contract between the lord and peasant/serf, that could be negotiated.


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this is a great book and really explains Marxist themes lucidly.

Haven't been able to find a pdf though



Here is the link. Dude, just uhh, use libgen.is — at least for the anglo literature it is vast and very accomodating. I use other sources for literature in my language, but libgen should suffice for most things.

Also archive.org is great for searching things from last past century, old books et cettera.




I find it interesting that ancient societies ran on debt allocation, so much so that debt abolition was an actually platform politicians would campaign on.


So I wrote a pdf, on the reconstructed language of old Prussian. This language is actually going through a revival, from what I could gather. Since last year I found a YouTube channel where a family from Lithuania speak this language in a daily basis, and even their daughters speak it. So I got the dictionary of the language, read some posts on their facebook page, and listened to their speech. This pdf is mostly an overview of the language, I am not a linguistic or anything like that, I am just a random guy who likes languages.

So I wanted to post it somewhere, and I decided to post it here first, I think that there are some people here that would be interested in this.

The YouTube channel

The dictionary

A site with good resources


bump, that's impressive



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anyone here ever read gentile ? whats his writings like, is there any merit to what he has to say as well as any relevant criticism of capitalism or socialist movements ?


It's pretty underwhelming imo. If you want to understand the Ideology and movement, that was 20th century fascism then you have to read him atleast once, but there are more fascinating writers under that tent tbh

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 No.1855[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Was the Meiji restoration and "restoring power to the emperor" a good or bad thing in 18th century Japan for the peasants? It marked the upper class revolution that caused the samurai feudal system to transition into a capitalist system. (Which ultimately turned into a racist imperialist empire that tried to invade and oppress all of its neighbors in Asia in a sort of fascist system, and as Japan lost the war the people starved and suffered greatly.)

I just found this photograph btw. Samurai didn't look nearly as impressive as I thought they would, and that hairdo is "objectively ugly."

There were a lot of peasant revolutions/movements that tried to go against the samurai but they all ultimately failed so no one except historians talk about them. Unfortunately too, the people who study Japanese history appear to be mostly weebs who romanticize the samurai so much that you never get to hear about the peasents' movements.
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can I get a bump on this?


Japan was a hyper feudalist society rivalling that of europe, the country was mostly subdued and revaltively peaceful so the warrior-aristocrat caste fell into irrelevancy and the petite-booj flourished which allowed it to transitition so well into capitalism but since petit-booj class intetest is conservative in the face of imperialism fascism would be its last stand in vain.


I don't know how accurate the game "Ghost of Tsushima" is in portraying feudal Japan, but one thing they game highlights at the end is how the "cod of honor" of the samurai was a covert way for cementing the class rule of the Shogun. The MC gets sperged on by the Samurai throughout the game for not only being "without honor" but also for teaching the peasants to fight themselves and resist their "leaders". I can imagine this to have happened in a similiar fashion back then tbh


How bourgeois, or if not then "feudal remnant", was the Meiji Restoration anyways?
Didn't much of the caste of samurai get relegated to more typical "bourgeois" positions, deprived of feudal privileges, with only a superficial exaltation of their status so as to promote the bushido militarist stuff?
Are there any good books on this era about that?


It's not solely on this era, but Pierre François Souyri did a good job at explaining the overall path to modernity of Japan. I'm not sure if his books are translated in english tho.

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So, what I hear from from liberals, reactonaries but also some communists, is that a lot of Marx's concepts and categories are not empirically proven and just based on prior assumptions Marx makes(ie Dialectics) or based on his own morality. One of these categories disputed by liberal "intellectuals" is surplus value or profit in their view. They argue, that it only exists as an entity if you accept Marx's epistemology. Is it true?
This shouldn't be only about surplus value but about whatever seems to fullfill the premise of being an unsupported claim in Marx's works. Communists like Althusser insist that there are remnants of Hegelian Idealism in Marx that make some of his claims unscientific. Is there truth to that too?
>posting in /edu/ since I hope to get some good answers in this thread


How is surplus value a Marxian category? It’s a name Marx made for something that is part of liberal categories. Marx only looked to understand the relation in those categories.


I said that a lot is based on prior assumptions. See:
>and categories are not empirically proven and just based on prior assumptions Marx makes(ie Dialectics)
This includes the political economy of Smith and Ricardo too. Now that bourgeois economics has moved away from the classicals, the question arises by liberals, if Marx's work can only work nowadays if you accept the categories of classical political economy. We can see that it is not true for the ltv since people like cockshott proved it empirically. Surplus value though…seems not to have been proven


This is true for every theory. Atom is just a theory backed by copious data and evidence. You’re free to come up with an alternative hypothesis.
Just know that Neoclassical economics doesn’t have any more predictive power and the Post Keynesian prove this


Surplus is given value only by competition but surplus in general just means above what is necessary to maintain a group. If 5 people produce every day enough to produce all 5 of them every single day then they do not produce surplus. Now if 5 people produce double what they produced before then now they are producing a surplus. This would double what they needed to subsist. That's all surplus is. Surplus value is a category denoting s phenomena in modern political economy. The surplus value is only given value in comparison to other values in exchange, that is, commodity production. Surplus value has only been possible ever since the realization of generalized commodity production, to be distinct from former commodity production when someone would only barter or trade their surpluses. Generalized commodity production is what gives value it's value, alongside competition of course.

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I want to talk about private property, it’s original inspiration to according to modern private property, and it’s development as private property in bourgeois society.
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I didn’t say I want reading materia, I want to discuss.


But you didn't ask a question or anything. The clip is related to where private property comes from historically. Somebody could write what Mark Blyth said as a post but it would be the same thing. What's there to discuss exactly? The mercantile classes rose up against the nobility and took the state, then created private property as the means to make the commoners work for them as proles instead of peasants. That's the quick rundown version.


Wasn’t private property a kind of marriage of the old Roman private property law and the landed property laws of the feudal times?


What do we call the property of the peasants, small landowners who were expropriated with the rise of capital?


We have to look at a feudal legal code to know that tbh.

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I've made a backup of the bunkerchan.net /edu/ and /tech/ boards, since a couple of users mentioned that there were still some useful semi-active threads.
This is a direct offline mirror, those two boards should work properly. To enter, open /edu/index.html or /tech/index.html.
https://anonfiles.com/f4zd85u7u9/bunkerchan-edutech-archive_zip (about 400MB)

Let me know if there are any issues.


Nice, bumping.


Trying to download it but it keeps sending me to pop ups and downloads random shit


For real? I swear that site was fine last time I checked. Sorry.


When I have JavaScript turned off, it didn't give any ad pop-ups but if I have JS enabled it did until I clicked again. That site used to be the go-to but now it's flooded with ads and google trackers.
Anyone know a better long-term upload site?


Where do you find a comprehensive access to the Soviet archive? I really want to do more research using primary source to debunk reactionaries and Wehraboos. But trawling through the entire thing is just so time consuming.
There’s a recurring problem with modern history books (and other entertainment forms) in the Anglo sphere where they always cite Cold War era history works which in turn cite Nazi, gusanos or just made up garbage (The gulag archipelago being the biggest one).
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Welp. All the more reason to finally learn Russian.


Somebody edit this image and replace fat nk piggy with stalin or something


Ask Zemskov


what? it's not that hard to get access

you say you are doing research for a paper and that is it


That would imply Stalin's still alive.

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International Islamic Terrorism and it's effects in the WANA region. Tell me about it. What are some good books on them and their ideology.

The rivalry between pro-MB Qatar, Turkey and the Wahhabi Saudi Arabia and UAE. How long has this rivalry been brewing. Now days Qatar is presented as a terror financing bogeyman in Pro-Saudi media. They blame it for financing almost every terrorist group from Al-Qaeda to ISIS to Hezbollah. And even blame it for funding local opposition in the states that boycotted it: Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, Bahrain. Explain this rivalry to me. And how is it affecting the region. And what truth does the boycott allegations have?
Reasons of the boycott by AlArabiya: https://youtu.be/8Nj4TgxoBto
UAE-funded news on Qatar and the MB: https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/editorial/the-west-must-wake-up-to-the-muslim-brotherhood-s-malevolence-1.977207

Also refute this: https://youtu.be/lxp-HDSARXs

pic unrelated


Why would those borders exist without the ottoman collapse


Geopolitics have changed and I haven't been able to really understand the question presented here. Anyhow that pic is a meme probably by a lib thinking those borders which were imposed by the british and french imperialists had any value.

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