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I'm a college dropout in burgerland, and I would like to improve my understanding of math, which was my worst subject in academia. Does anyone here have any suggestions or resources for someone who only speaks English, but would still like to do better than American schooling? Assume that I stopped learning math in 6th grade, or 9th grade for geometry in particular.


Here's how I proceeded in Mathematics. I was a Biology major with a minor in Chemistry:

Algebra II
Pre Calculus
Calculus I
Calculus II
Linear Algebra
Calculus III

All can be learned at the Kahn Academy.
And you can find problems online.


We already have a math thread.
I study chemical engineering, so I have the luck of going through a somewhat decent education in mathematics. So our focus lays in linear algebra, differential equations, fourier, laplace etc. I don't know how this will help you if you want a more allround education in math

4/sci/ has a good list if you want to learn about math like an autodictat


Didn't know about the math thread, thanks. >>6064 I appreciate your advice about Khan Academy, too.

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