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 No.5393[Watch Thread]>>5399

I'm a 100% Debordian doomerism cuck and the only thing i've read from Foucault is Discipline and Punish which I didn't even finish. I don't understand why he gets so much shit from everyone.
His writing style is pretty simple and I don't think he says anything absurdly stupid.
I've tried reading Forget Foucault but it's inaccessible even by Baudrillard standards.
Can someone give me a quick rundown? And what's your opinion on him? Is it true that he basically became a neoliberal at the end of his life?


>Is it true that he basically became a neoliberal at the end of his life?
More he was seminal in neoliberalism formation; Active and deliberate


>Why Foucault is so criticized?
See flag.




>>5393 (OP)
I think his view of power as diffused and not flowing from top to bottom (ie from the bourgoise) creates the framework for "identity politics". Graeber uses the term "Vulgar Foucauldianism" to describe PMC academic thinking.


Foucault has nothing to do with that. If anything he was strongly against making everything about yourself about an identity or identity related.


I don't think it matters what Foucault believed
as much of that shit is based on misreadings


>power flows from top to bottom
by what exactly? you think it’s possible to just maintain power by coercing everyone with death 24 hours a day?
this website needs to stop being so autistic on theories of ideology and false consciousness. modes of production are not control units.


He gave support to neoliberalism cuz "less state power is good for freedumbz"


Foucault is generally well respected in the academy these days

now if you want to talk about someone who is underrated, it's Bourdieu


>modes of production are not control units.
All that is solid melts into air…


Because he was a pedo lol

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