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 No.11390[Watch Thread]

Modern games are boring as shit because the player has no reason to play the game. This sounds retarded but it's true, modern games are designed with an end goal, too many games are either multiplayer minigames or open world games where the world is filled with nothing and you have no sense as to what your supposed to do in those games, what ends up happening is the player either feels as if they're aimlessly moving a character in the game accomplishing quite frankly nothing or have already finished the game like in games like Alex legends or modern warfare and thus have 0 reason to open or play the game again as it's unlikely they'll find anything new or interesting to play. This lack of a purpose is one of the reasons as to why games since the late 2000s started seeing a noticeably declining quality in actual game design despite the fact that graphical technology has improved(of course if your willing to pay thousands just to run new releases at consistent frame rates than it's an improvement) and player dissatisfaction has risen to a point where ancientfags in gaming either have given up on new releases due to fears of wasting their money on a game that's gonna be shit and bug infested day 1. I blame world of warcraft for this trend as they made the belief that you can get players consistently spending on a game without a real purpose, and with it a bunch of new MMOs hoping to copy world of warcrafts success started launching all while making mistakes the developers of WOW had already came over during the 90s and early 2000s, suddenly the open world format would become an increasing normality with franchises like far cry and soon the world of modern gaming began to decay over a reason that could be fixed pretty easily. Oh well


How would you make a good modern game, then?


Develop an endgoal for the player
Build assets around reaching that end goal for the player


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Let's say for instance we wanted the player to get a pie to win the game. Then we add 3 bosses in between the path to reach that apple pie for the player with mobs designed for each sector of which part of the path they're on. Then we give the player a sense of progression by giving him tools that allow him to progress through the map easier based off which sector of the map hes on all before reaching the boss that allows him to get the pie he wanted so badly


But aren't there still plenty of linear progression games like this where you get to ending by beating levels/bosses/etc?


You don't need a linear game to have an end goal or discrete sub goals.


Yeah and they sell and play amazingly well because linear progression based games are fucking fun. God of war 4, hotline miami, undertale, diablo, tlou, super mario 64, pokemon red and blue etc etc it's a simple formula but one that works well


>linear progression based games are fucking fun.
And, dare I say, somewhat simple. You know exactly what you need to do next, no chance of getting lost. You won't be running around for five minutes just looking for a quest.


I blame crap like Minecraft (quite literally an unfinished game) for our modern standards more than MMORPG skinner boxes.


The problem with modern games is capitalism. It's why we get rehashed shit, microtransactions up the ass, and huge marketing campaigns for shitty rushed games.
GAMERS need socialism because it's the only way games can go back to being FUN. Games were GOOD when they were made by passionate nerds instead of committees seeking the most profit.


>The Soviets only got into gaming in a few years
>created king shit like Tetris
Imagine if the Soviet still exist today. We would have state funded Slav jank. All I want to see is people having enough resources to carry out their passion projects. Like Phil Tippett and his 30 years movie.


I blame Activision and ea. They shut down so many studios…


EA has been doing that since the '80s.

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