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 No.2891[Watch Thread]>>2913

>Why are we still here?
>Just to suffer?
>Every night, I can feel my writing… and my direction…
>Even my story…
>The missions I've lost…
>The content I've lost…
>Won't stop hurting.
>It's like they're all still there!
>You feel it too, don't you?!


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>That's a Phantom Schizophrenia, Boss.
>Regular meds won't help you cope with it.
>You need to find a way to make it whole again.


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>Why do I sound like you Boss?
>Wh-what happened, Boss?!



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>I guess this is it then, Boss?
>From here on out, Ill carry your honor.

>"Not so fast, Ahab, you're forgetting something."

>What is it Boss?

>"A voice actor, apparently the director blew his budget on our assassin's tit physics, so here's my vocal cords LOL."


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>Doesn't feel like this is over
>It's not whole again…
>It's missing…
>Like my arm and my leg…
>This story…
>This fight…

>"In the Collector's edition disc, goodbye."


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>Big Boss can go to hell.
>We will make it whole Boss.
>We will take back what was ours.
>But first, you need to take off what's yours.


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>There he is, Boss!
>Hideo Kojima.
>Nine years ago, he was the one who was pulling the strings behind Cipher.
>He's the one who took it all from us.


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>"Kaz, no!"

>This one's for the unfinished story!


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>Boss, wh-what are you doing?!

>"Friendship ended with Miller, now Ocelot is my best friend."


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>"Age hasn't slowed you down one bit, Snake."


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>Boss, this can't be.
>Our intel suggests that you have been spotted with the new sniper recruit.
>I'll find a way to FULTON us out of the hot zone…


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>Now that the Sniper girl's out of the way, I'll be your replacement Boss.


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>The dirt and the pathogens in the battlefield are too risky to be brought back to Mother Base.
>Guess we should shower together more often, Boss.



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>Keep heading in that direction, Boss.
>Our intel suggests that the man is being held in the village.
>Hideo Kojima.
>Name ring a bell?
>He's the one who was involved in the downfall of Mother Base nine years ago.
>Rumors are, his body is made up of movies.
>Once you're up close, DD should be able to sniff him out


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>You're going to extract him?
>Fine, we'll get the intel out of him.


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>"What, Snake?!"

>I fucked Ocelot.


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>Remember the guy you extracted out in the village?
>Turns out, the guy's a bit of a smooth talker.
>He has already begun asking around Mother Base for GMP to fund his project.
>Word of the project gets out, we will have the whole army demanding us for a demo of his project.
>Head back to Mother Base right now!


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>Happy birthday Boss.
>As much as I wished for it, there is no time to celebrate.
>Kojima has holed himself upself in the R&D platform, Boss.
>Looks like we will have to pay our old friend a visit.


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>Snake, I have been expecting you!
>Looks like you guys are quite mad at me for what I did to you.
>You see.
>I was still a child, when we were raided by movies.
>Foreign movies.
>Torn from my culture, I was forced to watch their movies.
>With each new day, my movies changed, along with the ideas they made me think.
>With each movie, I changed too.
>My writing, my storytelling, how I saw complete and incomplete.
>Movies can kill.
>Now I present to you, my new weapon.
>Death Stranding.

>"Death Stranding?"

>"A weapon to surpass Metal Gear!"

>Death Stranding will unleash that storytelling unto the future!

>Happy birthday, Snake.


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>My new associate!
>This shall all be over soon.
>Soon we will be free from the chains of this rusted franchise, if only we can find a way to get out!

>"Boss, we can't let them escape, dead or alive, its up to you!"


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>Boss, they are getting away!
>The project was a ruse.
>Kojima managed to rig up Mother Base while we weren't paying attention.
>It will all be up in flames soon!
>He played us like a damn fiddle!


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>Death Stranding will unleash that thirst unto the future.
>Those were his last words.
>Pretentious to the end.

———————————— THE END ———————————–
For concept art of the next episode, refer to Original Post >>2891 (OP) (OP) , and thus the retcon cycle continued to make a full circle.

Unfinished thread, just like Hideo Kojima's game LOL.


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>quote "game" endquote


Yeah I don't want more missions of killing Soviet soldiers and protecting the based mujahideen thx. MGS was always shit


Yeah you can tell the extent of Kojimmy's hollywood poisoning on its portrayal of russians in these games.

A russian Hind-D in MGS1 being in an American military base to serve as a boss fight for no reason.
The enemy soldiers in MGS2 are russian despite both the tanker and the plant being american property located in fucking NYC.
MGS3 features soviets as enemies and has the KGB and GRU fighting each other in gunfights wtf? Also Volgin is by far the most deranged villain the series bar none and he happens to be soviet russian hmm curious.
PW Zadornov was a complete caricature but I'll give that a slight pass because everything in that game was absurd.

Granted, americans tend to serve as "bigger" badguys but that's always portrayed as a twist.

were there any russians in MGS4? I kinda deleted that game from my mind


based autist


Old BO wrote this

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