▶ No.5152
>>408>Oh, so it's not even just art that not explicit communist propaganda, it's all art without exception that's worthless? Great, bunkerchan tankies have now reached peak doctrinal purity and reject basic human needs as bourgeois. What next, drinking water decried as supporting porky?The Situationists were opposed to "historically existing socialism", they aren't Tankies. I guess I can write out the Situationist Ideal, but I'm not going to do it justice, I'd encourage you to read their book linked earlier in the thread. They do value art, first of all, what they don't value is consumption of art. So in their ideal world everyone would be a painter but no one would go to art museums. They also support a sort of performance art where rather than being put on rails, or made a passive observer the individuals are given no objectives, no rails, and absolute freedom so long as their actions are within the law to play. They are free from the spectacle, and their life has been authentically realized.