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Post designs, tunes, and other lefty related Animal Crossing posts here.

Here's a yugo/polish anthem I saw online.


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Some other designs


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should go on >>>/roulette/
want to play animal crossing after seeing so many people talk about it, but i can't afford a new system :(


My friends somehow got a Switch, they post screenshots on Twitter all the time. I feel so left out :(




>>>/roulette/ is /v/ so this goes there.

Also here's a website for sharing town tunes.


>animal cross
Why do I see this game lately everywhere and what is so special about it?


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It's just the newest release in the series came out right on quarantime.
And 'people' had been 'meming' Isabelle+Doomguy crossovers due to the juxtaposition of cutesy gardening game with animals vs 'le Rip and le Tear' of Doom.
Also it being a cutesy gardening game town building simulator thing makes it a cozy simulation for interaction when stuck in the house.


What is the difference to Harvest moon?


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I say 'gardening' because it really isn't a game about farming at all.
In prior games you were either the citizen or mayor of a pre-established town and you do things like:
fish, get wood from trees, get iron from rocks, pick up weeds, do errands for townsfolk/tom nook, garden flowers, catch bugs, and I'm sure I've missed some things.
In the newest one you're actually building up a new town from scratch by doing these things.
All of the activities are ultimately just to build up money or 'bells' to make your house better and/or the town better, and to buy random shit.
It's fundamentally similar to harvest moon in being a 'life-sim' of sorts and its core loop, but nothing like harvest moon's 'intense' farming gameplay,
that is focused specifically on that and is rather in depth from what I understand.
Though I've never played much Harvest Moon or even Stardew Valley so I'm less knowledgeable about what I assume is your domain.

That's all I got

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