>>5779 (OP)>trails in the skyI've heard its good
>breath of fire 3&4The whole series is pretty good. It's cool to see the archetypes and gameplay evolve overtime
>wild arms seriesthe ost is good
>final fantasy 9the slowest FF by far. If you can take the slow pace and loadingscreens, it's a great game.
>suikoden 2,3,5Same as BoF
>grandia 2I liked Grandia 1 a lot, but I haven't played 2 yet.
>terranigma<le meme obscure gamejust play LoZ
>chrono trigger…you haven't played chrono trigger?
Chronocross is often called ugly and hard to get into, but it's one of the best PS1 JRPGs
>legend of mana👍👍👍
>golden sun 2>>5780>Golden Sun 1 before 2too much text for such a boring game
>Ys seriesI haven't played much Y's, but I found it pretty dull
you'd get bored after the first 12 games I think
>tales of seriesIf you like anime, you'd like the series. Vesperia is a good start.
>dragon quest seriesew
>baten kaitosHaven't heard of this one, I'll have to check it out
>jade cocoon^^
>atelier seriestitties
>SMT seriesbased
>xenogearsOne thing to understand about the Xeno series, is every game is
severely unfinished, but that's really the charm of the games imo.
I like to describe the deterioration of the story similar to the deterioration of Eva.
Star ocean
is was great.
If you like SO, maybe check out phantasy star 4. Great little gem on the Genesis.