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/a/ - Anime

Weeb and Otaku shit.
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File: 1673298649760.jpg ( 25.08 KB , 680x350 , trigun-stampede.jpg )


Sweet Jesus who greenlit this? Why bother making anything at all when you know everyone is going to hate it?


Did the POS finally drop? i haven't seen it yet.


Yeah and the first episode animates at about 10fps 80% of the time. It's a glorious trainwreck.


They must be stopped.


I just can't get over the fact that the entire Japanese animation industry doesn't realize how bad low-frame-rate 3D looks. Like, it's actually nausea inducing. Or perhaps they do realize, but adamantly refuse to admit it? Japanese video game cutscenes never have this problem, yet nobody in the animation industry can take a hint?


It's just capitalism capitalisming bro. It's just far cheaper and they know the normies will eat the borgslop


>attempts to watch anime
>it is less than 480 fps
I don't like it because It's blatantly obvious that the shift to 3D stuff is because 2D animators have an easier time unionizing (hence most western animated movies are 3D) but trying to act like 12 fps is somehow bad and not normal just makes you look silly.

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