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Is it too much to ask for a weird and wacky isekai to critique modern society every now and then, instead of sucking it off?


>oh yes, I really need more generic critiques of society by a fiction author. should it be some really convoluted allegory to timidly express that "capitalism bad overworks people"? no, no, forget that, we can get even more revolutionary! the authors should include a subplot with a subtle implication that "bad things happen because profits". I can't wait to have those in anime! why can't the dumb japanese learn from my favorite netflix shows? where would I be without those pieces of insight thoroughly diluted, dilated, and appropriated in my escapist media?

let anime be anime, this is, pretty girls, fanservice, power fantasies and irrelevant plots. if you want a real critique of society that is actually worth the paper it is written on, go read marx, or adorno, or zizek, or literally any non-fiction author from the last 200 years

you want to take two good things, anime and crtique, and mash them into something terrible. do you really need a 12 chapter seasonal anime to tell you that society is racist or some other bullshit? because that's the highest level of progressive criticism that you are going to be able to fit in (if you even get there, which would be a miracle considering most manga authors are borderline illiterate)

I support the vending machine anime and I hope we get to see under the main heroine skirt in the next chapters, I'm looking forward to it


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what's next, deep critique of society in a teenage horror flick?

leftoids such leftoids


It's just a cartoon, and modern society is very cool and nice, what with all the not starving to death or being sent off to war so some feudal lord can fuck your wife. Enjoy it for what it is. Also, those shows are meant for literal teenagers. Are you an adult? Move on.


statistically speaking you have increasingly less free time and live only a paycheck away from starvation
and to be even more pedantic, I don't know specifically about this one, but in general these meme manga are for adults: they use complex characters above high-school level, with no furigana. japanese teenagers can't read most moeshit. in fact, it is usually the series with actual plots and stories that are aimed at teenagers


>statistically speaking you have increasingly less free time and live only a paycheck away from starvation
My great grandparents fought for the 40 hour workweek. You have more free time than them. You're shitposting on a lefty forum right now. As for being only a paycheck away from starvation, if you live in a western country, that's not the case. Anime is made in a first world country where I would be surprised if there were people legitimately starving to death due to poverty.
>I don't know specifically about this one, but in general these meme manga are for adults: they use complex characters above high-school level, with no furigana.
You shouldn't be using furigana if you're in HS, like at all. That's the target demographic.
>japanese teenagers can't read most moeshit. in fact, it is usually the series with actual plots and stories that are aimed at teenagers
I assure you, they do. Anime is mainly for young people, and a bit of it is for adults. Isekai is for young teens, not a jaded lefty in a basket weaving forum.


>You have more free time than them
>that's not the case
>shouldn't be using furigana if you're in HS
this is wrong

>Isekai is for […]

and this is a personal opinion

damn, you are dumb


Isekai is escapist fantasy for teenagers. Please get over it. I too like things mean for younger people. That doesn't mean it should be the way that I want it. Stop freaking out like a babby.


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>Isekai is escapist fantasy for teenagers.
99% of it yeah, but it doesn't mean it has to be trash or even lean in to the escapism


now you are projecting. and your point still oscillates between being wrong and just a personal opinion


It's mass-produced trash for teenagers, no different from Twilight or Harry Potter. You're not going to find gold in a landfill. I don't disagree that I would like to see some good shit once in a while, but the fact is that OP is asking for some basic bitch analysis, which tells me he's probably just growing out of the isekai demographic. I recommend he goes and reads some classic literature if he wants insight into the human condition.


>read a novel
Ain't got time for that shit, I'm busy working my self into an early grave. Gimme anime.


This is the equivalent of demanding gourmet quality from Burger King. It's not going to happen. I'm not saying it shouldn't. I'm describing the reality of the anime industry. You're not going to get that.


>fiction A > fiction B!


>My opinions >>>>> Your opinions
This is a factual statement.


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Heh, you guise will never guess how Vending-kun saved the day this week!

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