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The mods must be joyless faggots who get off on believing they have the right views. And their 'right view' is typically 'defending troons will somehow smash capitalism.' it's all so tiresome and lame.

How can we improve this place while insuring that people in positions of power (jannies) don't take the milquetoast route?


It's a larping brain dease. They take themselves to seriously and think they are guiding the revolution.


Also you can improve this place by joining the matrix and making sure mods and other fags in power get rotated out of power and new people get voted in. The matrix is actually really important to this process.


my biggest gripe with org is that they ban way too often for dumb shit thats not directly breaking rules. Theyre not moderating, theyre steering. Plus they move anything interesting to off topic to the point where the main board is just megathreads which is fucking dumb. If they wanted the main board to just be a hub of 'subreddits' whats the point of it, why not just move them to their own /board.


Moderating /leftypol/ is the only power the jannies have had in their lives, so naturally they are going to abuse it. One of them recently slipped up and said that they find moderating 'fun', which is weird considering all the org mods do is delete CP and ban people for dissenting from the /leftypol/ echo chamber.


Both leftypols are stupid, this one just has better management.
The real problem is the same as it was before leftypol even existed: the left is still dead. Fix that problem, and you'll fix leftypol, I promise you.


I agree but when was the left alive? I'm sure most small radical groups don't even meet irl anymore just on their own sites, forum, chats or whatever on the internet.


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As always, it's because our material reality has changed. Industry is no longer the main factor behind the accumulation of capital. The industrial proletariat is no longer the main stay of history. Our history epoch is market by highly exploitable service industry work and dystopian mind control in the form of public education. Along with shipping what production is left over seas to hyper exploited 3rd world proles. The left cannot revive as long as this historical stale mate exists


This is true I tried to say this on .org but got laughed at maybe because I didn't right a giant paragraph but this was common knowledge 20 plus years ago in radical groups. Maybe we should go protest in what south-east Asia where these industries were shipped off?


It's an open site that anyone can access so you'll have tons and tons of idiots, trolls, and people who haven't read any theory on there. The janitors still want to spread their mantra though so they're incredibly ban happy or they'll move your thread to the meta board and you can choose to duke it out with people who will never agree with you.


The service economy isn't that big. I think what really changed is what's called knowledge workers.
The commodities that fetch super profits are things that are nearly completely abstract like software, gene patents, pharmaceuticals, design etc.
Being able to smelt steel isn't that valuable.
If knowledge workers rose up it might actually change things.


What do you mean rise up? If knowledgeable workers rose up why wouldn't unknowledgeable workers do the same. There is no way "knowledgeable workers" would rise unless total ecenomic collapse occurs.


>What do you mean rise up? If knowledgeable workers rose up why wouldn't unknowledgeable workers do the same.
I think a bitter truth that the left, but especially tankies can't face is that uneducated proles are deeply reactionary and cannot be organized on an international scale.
All it tales for porky to diffuse revolution is wave a credit card and mortgage in front of an uneducated prole and they'll stab anyone in Tue back they're told to.
American workers didn't give a fuck about exploited Chinese workers while buying shit in Walmart, and Chinese workers couldn't have cared less that their cheap labor caused unions t collapse in the US.
Knowledge workers have a special relationship to the MoP. They de facto control it directly.


>I think a bitter truth that the left, but especially tankies can't face is that uneducated proles are deeply reactionary and cannot be organized on an international scale
I'm not a tankie and I already know this, it doesn't matter if workers are reactionary or not, of course revolutionarys have nothing in common with them except their shit life under capitalism. They cannot be controlled and the past 160 years is a proof of that, workers are self-intrested and greedy, the push is to get them to want more and more until a crisis emerges, a total collapse of the economy and the discrediting of the political elite.
>All it tales for porky to diffuse revolution is wave a credit card and mortgage in front of an uneducated prole and they'll stab anyone in Tue back they're told to
We've never gotten to that point or been in this scenario, and by the time this could happen workers will already be out of control of their bosses it won't be in their self-intrest to accept that not to mention how impossible that would be. Knowledgeable workers will never all rise up at one time and they definitely won't be the first if the revolution happens.


Well it doesn't matter nothing good will come from there or here. I don't know why anyone with a brain would post there.


>Knowledgeable workers will never all rise up at one time and they definitely won't be the first if the revolution happens.
Demonstrably false,
Google employee protest: Now Google backs off Pentagon drone AI project
I'd argue things like the open source movement are also examples of knowledge workers rising up against private property as well.
I'm not saying knowledge workers are more revolutionary, but they do have far more power than factory workers, and if they could be revolutionized they have a chance of succeeding.


>Demonstrably false
>google employees "stopped" the company from being an even bigger intelligence asset of the us government 4 years ago
You don't know what rising up means they still work and follow the order of their bosses.
>I'd argue things like the open source movement are also examples of knowledge workers rising up against private property as well.
You don't know what rising up means again.
>but they do have far more power than factory workers
Yeah no shit because factory workers are now a small minority of workers in America.
>and if they could be revolutionized they have a chance of succeeding
What do you mean "revolutionized" you treat this as a religion? You say that like everyone can be "revolutionized" just like everyone can be "christianized". This is just some more idiotic slop I've read on here, disappointing.


>You don't know what rising up means they still work and follow the order of their bosses.
They ended sn important Pentagon contract. Tankies think killing civilians in Ukraine is anti imperialist but stopping a weapons system from being built isn't.
>I'd argue things like the open source movement are also examples of knowledge workers rising up against private property as well.
.You don't know what rising up means again.
It's the largest successful communal project ever, the Linux kernel run 99% of the internet. How is that not rising up?
>What do you mean "revolutionized" you treat this as a religion? You say that like everyone can be "revolutionized" just like everyone can be "christianized". This is just some more idiotic slop I've read on here, disappointing.
<asserted with no substantiation.


I'm not a tankie. Trying to evangelize "knowledgeable workers" is going to fail, I don't know if you're a reformist or something.


The service industry dominates our economy at well over 70%


How can that be when Apple is the single most valued company in the work.
Is that figure by revenue and not profit? No way can fast food and janitorial services make up that much of the economy.


I'm not trying to evangelize knowledge workers. I work in STEM, I know first hand that they're generally even more reactionary than regular old workers.
But Gen Z isn't getting those fat salaries they were promised like Millennial and Gen X STEM workers got all while holding billions in MoP in the palm of their hands.
I already gave you an example of them successfully doing it.
You going to just reflexively poo poo everything or are you going to actually rebutte with something substantial?


pasquelch bans me anytime I post something remotely edgy or bait-y


What else would you expect from a mentally ill fag who thinks beliefs/opinions are the sole determinate of one's value?


they have a name/avatarfag mod now that has no qualms with shitposting and deleting posts they dislike


Good for them. I very rarely vist .org mainly because it's hard to distinguish people bait posting as a mentally ill fags and the actual unironic mentally ill fagposters.

The cultural identity left is a parody of itself.


who is it


>made a thread shitting on him
>he delets and bans in under a minute
Is this guy running bots or something? There's no way he's stalking the board himself this closely lol


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He's a NEET who sits at his PC all day refreshing the 'new posts' page on the mod dashboard. Truly an invaluable member of the revolutionary vanguard.


he avatars as a chihuahua and types in a stupid way that tries to be cute his name is 'chihuahua !coolgang¡' or something like that.
he tried to get people to join him and add !coolgang¡ to their name but it never caught on. I always call him out for being a mod so idk if he'll keep doing it.

im not sure what his mod name is but i strongly suspect he's a mod cuz he deletes inconsequential posts he dislikes.


by inconsequential i mean posts no-one in their right mind would report and delete unless they took it personally


someone before me called him out for being a mod, like literally naming him, but unfortunately i do not remember.


where do these uyghurs even come from


We're basically a tent city for leftypol climate crisis refugees


wvobbly and pask forced us from our homes :(


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You lost? This is !coolgang¡ country!!


Have sex.


Eh. I just left, because they expect TOR users to register now. If they want a redit where everybody has a name, then they're welcome to it.


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God, Camus was a such a Chad.
Tho he is nothing compared to the absolute specimen that was "One eye on the Existential, and the other is on the Booty" Sartre.




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Existentialism may be babby's first philosophy, but Sartre was fairly cool none the less.




Didn't he get cucked by Heidegger


Heidegger fucked Simone de Beauvoir? She got around, but I never heard of that one.


Sorry chud but the !coolgang¡ doesn't approve of your post. Might want to rethink it. Yikes.


!coolgang¡ is a racist dogwhistle. reported to the mods.


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. Ogre mods changed tactics lately. They easily ban 2-3 posters in agreement in a thread giving the ban reason "ban evasion" or "samefagging" when it's really just 2-3 random anons agreeing on things that a specific subset of mods dislike.

Also: good luck proving you are *not* ban evading or samefagging. Literally impossible and they use this charge for this exact reason.


They wanted a reddit, and they got one. Best to leave them to it.


mods are fucking cucks

there isn't a single good post there,
autism score_ is limited to 70 points, they ban you for posting a frog (its just a pic bro, have some sex maybe)


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mods have heart attack when they see this

lets that sink in


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>they ban you for posting a frog
ngl, one of the only good things they ever did, apart from banning bee. go be generic 4chan on 4chan or >>>/r9k/, clinging to frogs and jaks is trad shit in denial


People should be able to post whatever they want and historically memes come and go on image boards, though, pepes and soyjaks have stuck around longer than most it appears they ar eon the decline anyways.
It's ok, just admit that you need to be coddled like a small child or baby by jannies.


>though, pepes and soyjaks have stuck around longer than most
It's not about how long that lazy trash has been around. It's that the people who post that shit post it constantly so that the board gets flooded with that and only that. It's imageboard cancer.


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they banned me for say femboys are the best females,not anglo bitches lmfao. no regrats


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femboys are more female than most anglo bitches tbh


I want to have sex with her so bad.
Boy pussy sex.


Cute traps date chads, not kneckbeards. Sorry not sorry


ha, I just ran 2.30 miles at the gym actually. Did a 2.50 mile bike and an hour lifting, actually.




>And their 'right view' is typically 'defending troons will somehow smash capitalism.'
tbf you can practically avoid 99% of the trans stuff by avoiding trans threads. i've just learned to do that because it genuinely isn't worth responding to. if it wasn't contained i would have stopped going on the site altogether.


It's simple, fam. We can always make another one. That was probably ogre parent's approach to child rearing, and it can work for us.




>tbf you can practically avoid 99% of the trans stuff by avoiding trans threads.
I think the point is that every corporate HQ has a rainbow flag flying outside so maybe you should ask yourself how much of your "trans activism" is just carrying water for the regime.

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