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Merry Christmas, fellow kidults!


I god hate westerners. Talk about collective failure


Third Worldists are right in noting Euros and Amerikans are parasites whose lifestyles are preconditioned by the exploitation of a productive working class in the Third World.

However, they are wrong to assume the 'third world masses' will magically rise up and overthrow imperialism.

More likely, first world populations will become too decrepit (too fat, lazy, stupid, demoralized, etc) to maintain power and control.

It's basically a lose-lose situation for everyone except the fantastically wealthy.


>they are wrong to assume the 'third world masses' will magically rise up and overthrow imperialism.
slay that strawman, queen


My bad, 'wage a global people's war' to establish a 'joint dictatorship of the proletariat of oppressed nations.'

I was trying to make them sound more credible and less cringey by going with 'magically'


extremely based


Seems like a stretch to call a Richard Simmons puzzle and an purposefully ironic adult happy meal toy "toys". Those aren't things actual children are going to be clamoring to get. It seems like liberals just hate it when proles are having fun.


Brainlet doomers plz leave.


Grow the fuck up. It's pathetic


>Workers who are the most efficient and productive in history take a break to put together a jigsaw puzzle.
Touch grass.


Huh, it even has its own wiki

>A kidult is an adult whose interests or media consumption is traditionally seen as more suitable for children.[1] It can also mean a parent who acts childish with their children, but does not take on their duties as a disciplinarian.[citation needed]

>Similar portmanteau terms for such people are rejuvenile[2] and adultescent.[3] A related concept is that of Peter Pan syndrome, where a person is reluctant to grow emotionally after childhood.[4]



Consoomers disgust me.


>omg, i'm just like a 12 year old factory worker during the 19th century
t. 30 year old manlet who watches cartoons


Wikipedia really has gone to shit. This is the sort of thing that belongs on Urban Dictionary.


>If you're not working in a sweatshop you're not a prole.
Read Marx


>t. 30 year old manlet who watches cartoons
Projection buddy, the only people that get mad at others enjoying themselves are the man children fans of actual children's cartoons.


I'm 5'5" thank you very much.


>Implying what was never implied.
You have to go back >>>leftypol.org


>You can't have fun in the one of the cheapest and benign ways possible, THAT'S CRINGE!
You really need to get laid.


Getting laid and watching cartoons cost the same but are about mutually exclusive. No faster way to have a woman lose respect/attraction for you than by talking about anime, capeshit, or derpy immature memorabilia.

It one thing to have a guilty pleasure, it's another thing to have no sense of social acuity around it. I can't believe you're not utterly ashamed to be you. But then again, baseless pride is the fag motto


>Getting laid and watching cartoons cost the same but are about mutually exclusive. No faster way to have a woman lose respect/attraction for you than by talking about anime, capeshit, or derpy immature memorabilia.
>You have to tell your woman about the cartoons you enjoy.
>Cartoons are immature because I said so.
>Thread not even about cartoons but toys being bought by adults.
You're really wrestling a lot of demons anon, wanna talk. Don't worry about those awful toy enjoyers, they can't hurt you in this safe space.


>Getting laid and watching cartoons cost the same but are about mutually exclusive.
Have you ever had sex anon?


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This article is an example of capitalist propaganda. Adults buying toys is indicative of how little free time and disposable income the working class has now.
Instead of joining a bowling or other sports league, which requires regular outlays of cash for gear and membership fees, reliable personal transportation, and several hundred other people in the same economically comfy position as you, as well as time for practicing and attending games. Adults are just buying $10-$100 toys in the fleeting moments that they have the money and there's not some emergency sucking it away.
Of course the anons in this thread are softie middle class burgers that don't recognize any of this and join in with the libs and porky media to bash proles for somehow finding a little enjoyment in their very precarious lives.


You really are upset that someone points out your mental immaturity
>I'm broke af and have a shitty life, or at best have some sweep PMC job and a terrible physique
>Definitely doesn't indicate anything about the quality of my character. Totally capitalism's fault. Let me consume media to cope/forget about about it


Ya, I think you're just a fag who needs to grow up and get a life instead of playing with toys.


The really funny thing about this thread is that you seem like the most childish person in it.


Post funkopops


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>Says nothing to disprove my argument, just casts aspersions like a clucking hen.
<Everything I said backed up by decades of sociological science.
Read Niqqa


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>Everything I say misrepresents decades of research. Read niqqa


great back and forths in this thread

keep bashing eachother i love it


And what happened after WWII, one of the greatest economic booms and greatest concessions to workers ever in the history of capitalism.
Boomers own something like 80% of all the wealth held by workers.
That's why they were and are able to do more "adult" leisure time activities like sports leagues, skiing, vacations etc while millennials and and zoomers are relegated to social media and "toys" which come at a fraction of the cost and reactionaries like you can't help but pillory them for all because they're demonstrably poorer than past generations.
Just become a republican they love this culture war bullshit ya red painted reactionary


Yeah, "Bowling Alone" is pretty reactionary, so of course it's going to support this shithead's thesis.
Here's an academic doing a take down of all it's problems.
And it doesn't matter what you say to this reactionary, he's going to continue to believe that adults are buying cheap toys instead of going clubbing or traveling because they're just so soy!


>Cries that modern workers are supposed poorer than past generations. This much is true, in a sense.
>Also cries about how America isn't socially liberal and permissive enough, even though it's more socially liberal and permissive than it's ever been
>Doesn't realize that you don't get nice, cohensive societies from people who are coddled and given a free pass their entire lives.
I get it. Being poor doesn't leave you with much time to do much besides browse reddit.


>Boomers own something like 80% of all the wealth held by workers.

Generations die and pass on their wealth, fyi.


>Definitely doesn't indicate anything about the quality of my character. Totally capitalism's fault. Let me consume media to cope/forget about about it
>muh bootstraps
t. Jordan Peterson


>Today's youth are both simultaneously poor then past generations and get a free passes their entire lives.
You go off your meds there boomer?


The only thing boomers have to leave behind are their homes, which they are borrowing every penny of equity against.


>I get it. Being poor doesn't leave you with much time to do much besides browse reddit.
It unironically doesn't.


>>Doesn't realize that you don't get nice, cohensive societies from people who are coddled and given a free pass their entire lives.
What free pass am I getting exactly?


Poor in accumulated assets.
Rich in the sense of the amount of labor and resources devoted to perpetuating their existence.
<You really are a simpleton


>Rich in the sense of the amount of labor and resources devoted to perpetuating their existence.


>Rich in the sense of the amount of labor and resources devoted to perpetuating their existence.
What are you even talking about? IPhones? Netflix? Avocado toast? And you do realize as proles, all this wealth that's being "dedicated" to them came from their labor in the first place?


<Doesn't understand the labor theory of value


>Thinks this isn't a non sequitur.
Nah,you're just a bitter old boomer mad because… i don't even know, adults have the audacity to be poor I guess.


<Doesn't understand the labor theory of value
>The labor theory of value says that proles are "Rich in the sense of the amount of labor and resources devoted to perpetuating their existence."
Dafaq are you even talking about.


Ya, I think you need to travel more. Or at least stop filtering your worldview the effeminate losers you talk to online.

I get it, you're probably white trash and poor by American standards, and you have some weird identity as a 'prole.' But you're still within the world's richest 20% without question.

Maybe if you invested money instead of ingesting it in the form of drugs, you'd have a decent amount of capital saved by now. But let me guess, that's not you're fault.


>Called out for bashing poors over buying cheap toys.
>Hurr Durr you're a PMC.
Kek, I get the feeling you're the real PMC.


It refreshing to see you quit pretending to understand marxism


So I'm wrong because I'm poor and don't travel. I've actually lived in a foreign country.
I don't think people as "worldly" as you claim to be get their panties so twisted over poor people don't absolutely nothing to harm you.


I see you're still winning this debate in your mind.


Ya, technically, I am part of the PMC. There's no virtue in being paid a pittance to flip burgers.


What does you bullying poor people for buying toys have to do with Marxism?


Do you…not understand how hypocritical you are?


If simply saying 'thats immature/faggy' is what you call 'getting your panties in a twist,' then I guess that's accurate.

What are you so upset about it though?


>I think adults are buying toys because they're too poor to go on vacation.
Based schizo.


Jesus you are a fag if you feel bullied rn


I think you're a shit head dumping on poor people and trying to disguise it as some kind of moral failing because your a shit lib. And you seem to think your stupidity makes you this towering intellect.
So you can see how that would get under my skin.


I don't feel bullied, I just don't like it when when poor people are bullied on my board. Literally the entirety of /pol/ would eat up your "degeneracy" meme, yet you come here.


Do you understand how retarded you would have to be to have a shit job and say to yourself, 'oh well, I guess I'll play vidya and blame porkie. No point in changing myself. But I'll larp about changing the world, as if I'm qualified to do that.'

Literally just get a better just and stop wasting time/money. Stop blaming others for your shit choices


>Don't blame liberalism or capitalism, blame yourself!
t. shitlib.


>Yeah, well of course I'm a hypocrite!
Why…are Haz Rats like this?


>No point in changing myself. But I'll larp about changing the world, as if I'm qualified to do that.'
Yes, because we all know the true path to change is shitting on the poorest and weakest in society.


I'm not bullying poor people. I'm bullying people who are mentally retarded.

Mexican single mom who works at a restaurant 6 days a week.
>Awesome woman, probably.
Dorkie tatted loser with poor hygiene and the same job, no kids, next to zero responsibilities, and a host of addictions. They are experiencing about what they should expect.
>Total loser with no sense of long term planning (bonus points if they believe an entire economy could be planned because it sounds cool).


Why isn't it taboo when adults do this with E for everyone games like Pokemon


>I'm not bullying poor people.
You are.
>I'm bullying people who are mentally retarded.
You bully yourself?!
>Dorkie tatted loser with poor hygiene and the same job, no kids, next to zero responsibilities, and a host of addictions. They are experiencing about what they should expect.
LMAO, this could have come straight from /pol/. Why don't you go back there.
>Total loser with no sense of long term planning (bonus points if they believe an entire economy could be planned because it sounds cool).
I'm not a tankie, thanks for playing.


Maybe the lack of personal responsibility is the reason why you have a shit life…

Keep larping about being a revolutionary though. Because we all know it's easier to seize power and change the mode of production than it is to learn an in-demand skill and change careers.


>Maybe the lack of personal responsibility is the reason why you have a shit life…
Maybe you're deflecting criticism of the capitalist system that actually controls society.
>Keep larping about being a revolutionary though.
Not LARPing, I actually am one of the few on here that does IRL organizing.
>Because we all know it's easier to seize power and change the mode of production than it is to learn an in-demand skill and change careers.
It's easier in the long run, the only thing getting better at being a prole will get you, is more exploitation.


>LMAO, this could have come straight from /pol/. Why don't you go back there.

Someone's gotta make this place interesting (for people who grew out of anime when they realized girls were cute). Sorry if I don't help maintain the comfy echobox vibe. I guess you could also retreat back to the matrix.


>Someone's gotta make this place interesting
/pol/ is not interesting
>(for people who grew out of anime when they realized girls were cute)
You're either ESL or having a stroke. What does this sentence even mean?
>Sorry if I don't help maintain the comfy echobox vibe.
That's ironic considering how much of an echo chamber /pol/ is.
>I guess you could also retreat back to the matrix.
I don't know what this is a reference to, I don't keep up with Mongolian Cricket Racing Forum lore. I'm too busy having sex.


>Maybe you're deflecting criticism of the capitalist system that actually controls society.
<OMG, since there are limitations in the world, that means I'm powerless and must overthrow everything. If anyone is remotely successful, I must downplay their success to as a cope to make myself feel better.
So tiresome
>Not LARPing, I actually am one of the few on here that does IRL organizing.
Strange how you never post about that IRL organizing to either inspire or impart useful skills and knowledge onto others. Something tells me that fuck all nothing has come from it. You sure do have a lot to say about the value of adults playing with toys though. Strange
>It's easier in the long run, the only thing getting better at being a prole will get you, is more exploitation.
Here's the point where the broke guy starts giving career and financial advice. Any other areas of life where you have no success in that you'd like to share wisdom about?


<OMG, since there are limitations in the world, that means I'm powerless and must overthrow everything. If anyone is remotely successful, I must downplay their success to as a cope to make myself feel better.
>If you criticize me for dunking on poor people if means that you can't accept reality or take personal responsibility.
At last I truly see.
>Strange how you never post about that IRL organizing to either inspire or impart useful skills and knowledge onto others.
I have imparted the knowledge I have gained though. You're just unhappy because I won't dox myself while doing it.
>Something tells me that fuck all nothing has come from it.
Well, gotta start somewhere.
>You sure do have a lot to say about the value of adults playing with toys though. Strange
I care about poor people, you're just mad that your obfuscation of this isn't working on me.


>Here's the point where the broke guy starts giving career and financial advice.
It's basic Marxism.
>Any other areas of life where you have no success in that you'd like to share wisdom about?
Why do you define success entirely by money?


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>people buying themselves something nice that other people would never gift them is somehow the end of the world
Relax, faggot. Eventually it will be a respected hobby, like scale modeling, card collecting, and model trains. Most adult hobbies are simply unfulfilled childhood dreams.




>adult hobbies are simply unfulfilled childhood dreams
and that is exactly why I don't have hobbies




And that is exactly why people find you boring.


No one respects adults who do that shit, except perhaps other trash people. Literal dork hobbies.


Imagine being posting on a site called leftychan and calling other people dorks. Have sex


So much projection going on here.
I'm guessing your also the person who constantly calls other people dumb…


No but I am calling you a faggot


Oh. Wow. Some broke loser who hates the country he lives in but doesn't move thinks I'm a fag… How will I ever recover.
Have another hit/drink, anon.


Those hobbies are popular, anon, so I assume they don't judge each other for those things. In fact, that's probably a good way to make friends. The problem with you is that you're actually childish, which is why you're obsessed with being "adult." The point is that as long as your life isn't a mess, you can have whatever hobbies you like. I'm a literal oil worker that likes to make clothing and collect shoes (not sneakers). People find it interesting when you're a well-rounded individual. Collecting things, even trivial consumerist shit can be enjoyable, and you should enjoy yourself if you can. Stop being a Bitter Betty.


argumentum ad populum




You can't say everyone thinks x people are losers, when almost everyone is involved or friends with someone who has those hobbies. This is like saying everyone who drives an econobox is seen as a loser when most people drive such vehicles.


I hate these academic buzzwords that try to mix two words together like that.

Just call them by the practical twrm: manchildren.



Society too often defines maturity by aesthetic rather than ethics.

Anime is looked down as arrested development. Yet anime has more profound storyline than wetern movies.

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