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It's funny as hell that these meme revolves around the opinions of a bunch of 8th graders because only 8th graders could possibly think making funny of Jews dying in the holocaust was funny, or, rebellious.


Was OP promoting anti-Semitism.

Or are the mods dour millennial fags who perceive wrongthink everywhere as some sort of virtuous compensation for the fact that they couldn't organize their way out of a paper bag irl.

Or maybe Pasquale migrated over.

You decide


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/r/teachers is such a funny subreddit, especially when it comes to race issues.


Your post clearly advocates Nazism as some kind of form of rebellion.


Not really, just pointing out the paradox that not all rebellion is supported nor all bourgeois authority is opposed by the left(tm).

Did I treat casual anti semitism with a degree of levity? Yes.

It's the opposite of dismissively and condescendingly saying kids are retarded yet freaking out like a millennial fag about said retardation.

Thanks for embracing your inner Karen and buttressing this point.


Unfortunately, many teachers are abject failures at life and shit quality people who have made it their life's mission to create other shit-tier people - ironically seeing it as some moral service. This is what makes them so tiresome.


You know the rules and so do I.
Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Ya… If I actually cared about this issue or thought there was some vast Jewish cabal running the world, I might autistically argue about it. But I merely think it's funny that teachers are such frustrated liberal fags who've totally lost control over their students. (And, as usual, the left (tm) is busy with keeping it's head in the sand while occasionally opining about raycism or fashism)

Knowing kids though, I highly doubt making a scene and getting upset about this will win any points or recover influence of 'reasonable authority' (lol). I only hope that the students go beyond retarded 4chan memes and start to question the basic premises of liberalism and the superstructure.

The potential reaction to the western cultural decadence could be interesting, but unfortunately larping tradfag dorks are the only people that form a somewhat coherent and large opposition to that.


>Fascists and /pol/acks have the mental capacity of 8th graders


Fascism is a class orientation related to the ruling class, according to Marxism, not simply a set of ideas.

[Though, as was noted elsewhere here recently, many self declared fascists such as Benitoboi started and grew out of radical leftism].

Take the liberalism back to reddit.


>huuh! you, de lebt, are meaningless! muh daddies from l*khta told me so while mandatory assfucking me this morning!!1 huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!!11111111
Are these shitposts kept solely for soft radicalisation against state propagandists?


Why do adults especially in scholastic institutions get offended at kids dislaying edgy/woeldly behaviors when said adults encounter it all the time from other adults?

Also I think alot of horror stories made by trachers concerning the state of educayion is usually exaggerated and done from selfish incentive


Idk. Alot of adults seem to like edgy humor.

Alot of our edgelord humor is made by and enjoyed by adults.


>It's the opposite of dismissively and condescendingly saying kids are retarded yet freaking out like a millennial fag about said retardation.

Its funny because if kids are retarded what does that say about he adults?

Adukts do the same things that we cringe/condemn kids for yet theyre celebrated for it.

Look at politics. Its just theatrics of edgy punchlines and sex scandals.

Yet, because the parties involved sre over 25, theyre considered "mature."

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