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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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Police all around the country are quitting due to local election results they don’t like.
And y'all said democracy doesn't work.


Good. I can't imagine the obese leftoid with no real combat experience will last long in a return to nature sort of scenario


File: 1680809448440.jpg ( 153.8 KB , 819x1024 , 1680216050230550.jpg )

>Good. I can't imagine the obese leftoid with no real combat experience will last long in a return to nature sort of scenario


File: 1680809521819.jpg ( 140.47 KB , 842x960 , 1679865046996926.jpg )



File: 1680834046445.jpg ( 73.42 KB , 595x500 , 1680220135890717.jpg )



yea but theres more evidemce of cringe unfit rightoids tbh


It's amerikwa…
The fittest people are gay guys and basketball americans

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