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>pic related tells you orthodox Marxism is problematic
>implores you to educate yourself and to be a decent human being
>mentions HR department and/or office of diversity, equity, and inclusion
What do?


What the fuck are you talking about?
Are you high OP?


no, OP is a reverse-SJW cunt who regularly posts repetitive trash but there's still a kernel of truth in what he says usually
for example, shitlibs legit do be saying shit like
>Marxism is white supremacist
>Marx was a racist/sexist/homophobe


Which is ironic, since Marx's /pol/ tier takes about various ethnics were based af.
I generally consider myself an anti-egalitarian Marxist, straddled somewhere between ironically and unironically. And sectarianism is probably the only thing about the muhleft that I like


>Which is ironic, since Marx's /pol/ tier takes about various ethnics were based af.
Except even the likes of Thomas Sowell was honest enough to understand the difference between when Marx was just talking bullshit with Engels vs. when Marx consistently and genuinely supported the cause of "various ethnics". Very much unlike an SJW faggot (or a reverse-SJW faggot like yourself) who can't understand basic communications 101 shit like context.
>I generally consider myself an anti-egalitarian Marxist
Nope, I read all of your posts. You just pretend to be against equality because you want to look edgy. Your level of detachment is similar to the average irony poisoned Twitter transhumanist.
>sectarianism is probably the only thing about the muhleft that I like


>Nope, I read all of your posts. You just pretend to be against equality because you want to look edgy. Your level of detachment is similar to the average irony poisoned Twitter transhumanist.
Reality itself is unequal. There has never been an equitable society, even among hunter gatherers. I can even think of an animal species where competition over resources, mates, and space isn't the norm. At best, you get species of animals which work together as a unit to compete and aggress against those in its surroundings.
I support the expansion of human achievement and excellence. To achieve that, there needs to be some degree of social cohesion. In order to achieve that, there can't be massive ossified gulfs of power and wealth which inevitably fracture societies. Hence, I support more equality but not merely for the sake of equality itself. It's really not a hard concept to understand unless nuance is beyond you.
>Your level of detachment
This is probably the one area you're correct about. I no longer live in the garbage pile of the west.


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So in other words, you support equality.
You see, when ye olde leftists used words like "equality" they understood that the context of how they used the word carried certain ideological assumptions. You wont find Lenin arguing for some inane nonsense like "making reality itself equal" when he talks about equality. This is where nuance actually comes in. In contrast, what you're doing is just word autism.
Listen anon, I get it, you're turned off by how leftycucks use the word. But the end result is that you cede the meaning of equality to them, which is even worse. Its similar to the mistakes idiotic Western socialists make when they cede all kinds of basic social issues to the right. Sorry, but I don't want left-liberals A.K.A. the loudest shills for democrats to be the ones who can exclusively define equality.
>I no longer live in the garbage pile of the west.
<I refuse to seriously engage with Western politics because it's too demoralizing
Well, I don't entirely blame you. But if you don't want be relegated to coping and seething for the rest of your life then I suggest you change this attitude.


>Strawmans you
Why are leftists like this?

No, I literally don't live in the west anymore. I know that sort of breadth of experience may be hard for you to imagine given your limited experience combined with your inflated sense of intellectual capacity. Take it literally without reading into it to find some hidden meaning to suit your narrative.

And aren't you the same guy who elsewhere claims that no one is doing politics based on your own hyper specific definition of the word (changing the definition of words to suit their needs in the moment being another tell tale sign of the leftist)?


Damn, we shouldn't have ever made this retard our collectivized cumdumpster, it just can't shut the fuck up even with a d in its mouth.


Equality is result of mutual weaknesses that need recovery.

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