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Anyone know the real reason womens are like this, where usually if i am out with a female friend or more often female family members(sisters/cousins) they seem to hate it when i hit on their female friends(they usually are receptive until external bitch behavior comes into play). when i bring this up to them they all say to pretty much paraphrase "it's just weird".
is their some kind of anthropological reason for this?
is it because i live in anglostan and the culture is already cliqueish to retarded levels?
Does this happen your country/culture?
is there any actual reason behind this "female logic"?


not sure about this one either
here's one anecdote for you
i was at my sister's birthday party and chatting with the guests. it was going fine until she noticed me talking to one of her female buddies, and she somewhat loudly said "stop flirting with my friends". we laughed it off but as the party continued she kept saying it, to the point where both of us were telling her to relax.
i still don't understand what that was about. a lot of my friends tell me that i'm good at flirting with girls but i have no clue what they're talking about, all i do 90% of the time is listen to people and repeat what they say back to them in different words so they can keep talking. as far as i can tell its nothing close to flirting, so my example might be even weirder than yours.
i can make a lot of guesses but decrypting social subtext is not a skill of mine. maybe its jealousy, seeing someone else receiving close attention? or like you said, maybe its just a cultural thing? no idea. the ambiguity is enough to make me avoid consciously flirting with women.


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>i was at my sister's birthday party and chatting with the guests. it was going fine until she noticed me talking to one of her female buddies, and she somewhat loudly said "stop flirting with my friends".
this does not look good, sonny
>all i do 90% of the time is listen to people and repeat what they say back to them in different words so they can keep talking.
that is some casual narcissism(not you but dem),a decent quality to play on(exploit)
>the ambiguity is enough to make me avoid consciously flirting with women.
personally like taking the opposite approach since life is boring bish.r the women there straight cunts are is just an annoyance really?


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>she noticed me talking to one of her female buddies, and she somewhat loudly said "stop flirting with my friends". we laughed it off but as the party continued she kept saying it, to the point where both of us were telling her to relax.
Like, if u were born & there's suddenly a cunt on your lower torso then that means that the most (or the only, even) appreciation for your existence you can get can only come from the another sex. & if a girl, who in the entirety of your relationships (however close they were) thought that you see her differently than the other girls, suddenly sees that you actually flirt the same with them too, it activates her existential panic mode & she tries to cut off that "unnatural" link between you & her "competition" so that her psyche can again return to standby.

I had this with my friend, actually. There was some gurl who had a crush on him & when he decided to not engage her she just went berserk & started to scream @ me & call both of us massive faggots in front of the entiry group lmao (he wasn't there @m).
Or a wife of another friend o' mine started to get REALLY nervous & crazy as her husband decided to take another route to home from his work. She started to express loudly that she's gonna fucking kill him when he gets there lol. Nevermind that it was just 20 minutes & I myself parted with him to get some shit to their house asap.

I guess the constant nagging about "do you love me?" comes from this too. Titguys literally cannot feel themselves @ peace in solitude because they think that they are incomplete in some fundamental way @ this is why, presumably, only the external appreciation of their existence can keep them from this angst.
& the jealous dickdoods who hold tight onto their ersatz-mommies all suffer from this same flaw. Some of them literally kill themselves when their self-esteem siphon just can't take it anymore & leaves (& in dark irony, this happens precisely because of their constant neediness).

She doesn't love herself. She expects love to come from the outside.

It never will.


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>Titguys literally cannot feel themselves @ peace in solitude because they think that they are incomplete in some fundamental way @ this is why, presumably, only the external appreciation of their existence can keep them from this angst.
this post has left me both in a state of confusion and understanding


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They hate it because you are asserting not only your masculinity, but, you are showing interest in females OTHER than them which makes them feel insecure. This is 100% the reason why femoids get so upset when you flirt with other femoids infront of them.


OP was talking about his sister/cousin tho. Not sure they would care about the lack of attention from their brother.
At least that's not supposed to be a norm from the evolutionary standpoint.

My bet is that she was just embarrassed that her low status delusional bluepilled incel brother tried to hit on her Stacy friend.


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go back to sucking trahnni dannis, redditard


"Women" are not like this, Western Women are. And they're like this because the state gives women dominion over men so they see them like property.
And one of the big ways they control men is by rationing sex to them via prostitution bans and with a culture that demonizes male sexuality.
When men try to hit on other women in front of them it undermines this form of control so they reflexively fight it.


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only a deluded bluepiller would hit on a Stacy while being a sub8 male

imagine the sheer cringe his sister must've felt when that genetic dead end mistook elementary politeness for sexual attraction lol

w*men in 2023 have literal chadrems, you absolute bluepilled retardoids, they don't need yo ass hitting on them lmao


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coomer doomers still permafrozen in mid2010s. cute pupper tho


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nerd turd coping


Coping Western simp. Just travelmaxx bro, see for yourself.


>No arguments
Nothing about what makes relationships shitty in the West has changed. Social relationships don't become obsolete like iPhones zoomer.


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>references/uses coomfones
zoom zoom zoom, bitch


Well excuse me for having sex.


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faggot sex with your daddy's boipussy doesnt count, gooner


You seem upset Todd.


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the simplicity of this answer is wut wins me over


Funny thing is, these same types of women will flirt with male acquaintences of their male acquaintences/relatives.

I blame chivslry. Putting them on a pedestal for having breasts and a vagina and having slim figures and cutesy gestures.

Also, its mostly young women whom are pampered and given moral amenities. Unfortunately, it carries over after thirty.


No need for the patronization, millennial.
stop acting yall are sages just because youre over thirty.

Youre still struggling with adulting and whatnot.


Men are kinda like this too.

Alot of guys get pissy when hey see their gfs talk to their own male friemds/relatives they knew before linking up.

Yet these bfs will flirt with other girls.

Heterosexual romance is crass. Theres nothing genuine or profound about it. Its just psychological incentive that God installed in humans to breed.

Heterosexual romance is just a pretext for procreation.

Humans lost sight of this in the Victorian era.


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>Men are kinda like this too.
this is true most men are bitchmade
>Humans lost sight of this in the Victorian era.
pls explain this to me. me is too ignorant


>this is true most men are bitchmade

Everyone is. Romantic/sexual pursuit breeds entitlement.

<Humans lost sight of this in the Victorian era.

>pls explain this to me. me is too ignorant

The Victorian era was from the late eighteenth/early nineteenth century to the early twentieth century.

Or maybe Im referring to the Romanticist era.

Either way, our modern assumptions about history is based on revisionism made in the Romanticist era.

Back in the old days, before the 1800s, marriage was seen as a utilitarian contract. It was about survival of the species.

People married based on whom was the healthiest and wealthist.
It was not about mutual sincerities.

Also, the Romanticist era materialized our modern construct of childhood amd adolescence as being a hugbox to segregate youth from worldly affairs/responsibilities.

Such pedagogical concepts were in the works in the 1600s but it would take a couple more centuries to be realized.

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