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I work in retail and the place has a policy against gossiping negatively against coworkers and my boss is a strict follower of this policy and gets people in trouble for gossiping. Any tips? I love gossiping and talking bad about people lol. We do have a union.


Gossiping is stupid. They should change the rule so you're allowed to do it, but they're allowed to beat you to death.


Talking crap about managers is leftist


Oh, managers? Yeah, in that case it's fine.


I don't gossip because I don't want to give out shit on coworker who may be lazing around.


Gossip is inevitable.

Any rules placed on high likelihood behaviors are just PR stunts.


All in all, I will never understand why adults think school is better tha work. Work has the same bullshit as school with some differences: you get paid, you can opt out, you can use the restroom as much as you want, etc.


Gossiping is womanly behavior
Why do you think it's inevitable


Well, its not really womanly behavior as much as men assign them that and normalize it.

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