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feodalism is ba



Which is it?


>>148805 (OP)
Id say feudalism was based.

in feudalism, the peasants were guaranteed land and a more or less assured existence by their masters.
in capitalism, the land is stripped from the producers and the workers, as individuals, risk losing everything at all times.


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same. I have a soft spot for feudalist aesthetic even if its objectively worse than capitalism materially speaking.


>Actually slavery was based because slaves ere free in ways wage slaves were not.

Are you two genuinely stupid?


you don't have more or less slavery than in ancient rome now

just having elevators won't fix that


I didn't say that.
You seem to have missed the point.


>Are you two genuinely stupid?



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>caring about spelling on the internet


thats exactly how it is in some languages


Let's be real. Lots of 20th century Jews desired something akin to the Holocaust in order to justify to creation of their settler state

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