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Reminder that its ok to misgender Chris Chan because its done heinous shit.


Reminder that misgendering isn't really a thing.

Someone chooses to see themselves a certain way. You can either affirm their self-identity or ignore it. Either of these are within your right.

Generally, if I personally like someone, I have no reason to debate or argue about their identity. If someone is an annoying, creepy faggot, I either ignore them or call them whatever I want


Both of your premises here are wrong.
Chris-Chan isn't trans. Chris-Chan is an extremely easy-to-manipulate autistic man, and he started ""transitioning"" at about the same time that his abusers became /pol/fags who wanted to use him as a way to attack transgender people. This was after they'd gotten him to film himself fucking a blow-up doll, I think like at least a year after that.

Chris-Chan used to be a goofy weirdo doing goofy shit on his own. That was a long, long time ago. Nothing he's done since the mid-2010s has just been Chris-Chan being Chris-Chan, and in retrospect a lot of the shit he did before then probably wasn't "just him being weird" either. The original Sonichu comics, the funniest thing to ever come out of this, were 100% him. All the later sex shit, the self-mutilation, and the "heinous shit" was stuff chantards put him up to… it stopped being funny a long time ago, and I'm embarrassed that I ever laughed at it now.

None of this is secret. We all know this guy has been maybe the most aggressively trolled man in history, we all know that he's seriously mentally impaired and that people are taking advantage of him. His gender identity and sexuality have been directly, obviously manipulated by the people who have been very publicly trolling him for the past 15 years; he's not trans, he's not culpable, it's not funny anymore and he should be left alone.


Unfathomably based


>Chris-Chan used to be a goofy weirdo doing goofy shit on his own.
I miss it so much


I wish i was part of the 4chan community back when chris was first being discovered and still was using his attraction signs.


Yeah I can't find a single flaw with this take.


>and he started ""transitioning"" at about the same time that his abusers became /pol/fags who wanted to use him as a way to attack transgender people.
I think it was just an extension of his "tomgirl" escapades, he didn't need /pol/fags to convince him into it.
But the /pol/fag influence and reaction to Chris is pretty overlooked if you ask me. Most of his trolls used to claim he was racist and use his homophobia as excuses for why he was acceptable target. He's the literal byproduct of two ancient old school southerners who refused to accept him into education systems more fitting with an autist like him.
Then the online culture shifted and after several years, him saying Pmurt bad was a seen as a reason to dislike him. The CWCki talks about teen troons but they really understate how the people that manipulated him into punching himself, extorted money from him, and gave him multidimensional psychosis were all /pol/fags who made him talk about concentration camps and Nazi references. Even the glowie-spawn Isabella was a /pol/ shitstain.


kys transhumanist. this bump was as necro as your axe wound




It's okay I'm sorry too. I posted this in the wrong thread

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