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Ageism against the elderly/boomers is leftist. People are living too long and because of that, they're retaining power longer. People always become conservatives when they reach old age and boomers as a generation stole from millennials and zoomers. Old people are all evil.


>wahhh, old people are stopping me from having a good life
What a fag


Elderly people or as I call them Entitlement Americans have caused global warming and inflation as well as stolen social security from the younger generations Olds are also huge burdens when they become ancient. Earth belongs to the young.


I mean the current elderly establishment that exists in the US political system is fucked and at the very least term limits should exist but it falls off the wagon by associating the current generation of boomers who are pretty objectively retarded with all old people as some kind of monolith.
The current retarded boomers of today will not be the boomers of tomorrow.


>The current retarded boomers of today will not be the boomers of tomorrow.

All people get like that when they're old


Lol, you fags can't even spend 5 minutes in the sun with complaining and crawling back to your air-conditioned room (provided by old people) and vidya. Probably have a cold 5 times a year.

Earth belongs to those who take it. Try gaining a few pounds of muscle, getting laid, reading a book that's not speculative fiction %theory% before such making such bold claims


things cannot change until the boomers fucking die. humanity doesnt have the fucking time to deal with the boomer's bullshit. they own all of our fucking land and are retired old fucks. they sit in one of their mansions and leech from social security. boomers are bourgeoisie.


shut the fuck up, addled boomer. go the fuck to sleep and die.


>People are living too long and because of that, they're retaining power longer.

That's not the reason for that.

>People always become conservatives when they reach old age



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You're not that guy, pal


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Based. Old people are the chains on the young. The fuckers are living longer and longer (especially w*men) while hoarding a disproportionate amount of the retail real estate and other claims on the surplus produced by the younger generations.

It's no coincidence that the old cunts are the main support base of the reactionaries all across the globe. Just look at the recent case of Russkia - it's disproportionally retirees who support the war, and this pattern is reproduced time and time again. Smash them against the rock.


Imagine feeling oppressed by a 60 year old.

Zoomers really are pathetic runts


There should be a law that deprives retirees of their political rights.

A person who does not take part in the social division of labor has no deal engaging in politics of the proletarian commonwealth.

Politics is for working people only.


And there should also be a law that sets an age limit (together with a term limit) to holding any political office.

past 60 every old cunt should take their piss bag and fuck off from the public life


>People always become conservatives when they reach old age


Maybe, but, I try very hard to stay young.


Ok boomer.


Parroting braindead egirls, thinking the insult amounts to much. The left is really is pathetic and faggy


Millennials are even bigger pathetic runts. Spent years whining about boomers only to side with them and attack youngsters.


This isn't true and you are a fag.


>projection as usual


More reasons to hate you middle class bozos.


Take your meds old man.
Stereotyping people is classic boomer shit.




then maybe you stop blaming teens for any faux pas that happens in your precious recreational social spaces.


It never used to be lik that until the turn of the twentieth century.

Millennials are bevoming even more reactionary than the Baby Boomers they complain about.


I'm not you fucking retard.


What a complete asspull


this is what I think of generational nostalgia.
Its overrated and obnoxious.
Espscially since nothing has changed much since the mid/late-1980s.


What exactly is it you think I am saying to you?
I am telling you that this post has zero supporting evidence for this claim.


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>I am telling you that this post has zero supporting evidence for this claim.
You understand that boomers were acid dropping anti-vietnam hippies. It only looks like some particular generation are cringe conservatives and another generation are based progressive because you are taking a snapshot in time. Most young people start out progressive and then gradually become conservative as they accumulate capital and a stake in society. This is shown in any voting graph at any point in history.


Most yong people arenot progressive nor are most older people conservative.

Thats a paternalistic brainworm.

Idealism is not a natural byproduct of youth. Its more or less force fed.


boomers are all guilty. every single one of them. Even your parents/grandparents or that one old person you know that was personally nice to you


>Most yong people arenot progressive nor are most older people conservative.
lol have you ever spoke to your average retiree?

all across nations older means more conservative

which should tell your retarded ass something if you're a fucking materialist


Nooooo they can't be against muh lgbtqeery+arino! The proletariat has fallen! They're hopelessly reactionary unlike my transfem fae/faer comrades on campus!


retard I couldn't give two fucks about your abcd shit

I'm talking about ECONOMIC conservatism - faggots rent out real estate to young proles, vote for austerity, wars, spread xenophobia, religious retardation



old people LITERALLY have fucking damaged brains for fucks sake


"conservative" is a relative term.

Older people are conservative terms of pop culture.
Whatever they grew up with is what they consider the norm.

Also, olddr people, especially male elders, are quite libertine.


All you guys whine about the Baby Boomers but then yall complain about how tech went too far and wish the world would go back to 2007.

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