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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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4chan.org rules are a joke.

>3. You will not post any of the following outside of /b/:

> a. Troll posts
> b. Racism
> f. Dubs or GET posts, including 'Roll for X' images
>6. The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments. Please refrain from posting the following:
> d. Ironic shitposting
Bonus round:
>/pol/ - Politically Incorrect
>2. You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!

Imagine how much better and also worse that place would be if any of these were enforced.


They "coincidentally" stopped giving a shit about trolling outside of /b/ around the same time /pol/ was created.


"no trolling" was never anything more than an arbitrary excuse to facilitate janny abuse. There is no objective way to distinguish the sincerity of a text argument without being physically in the same room or within the mind of the person posting it. It's been a bullshit rule from the very beginning of web forums and it didn't suddenly change recently.


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>There is no objective way to distinguish the sincerity of a text argument without being physically in the same room or within the mind of the person posting it.


Eh, not buyin it anon. The best trolls are indistinguishable from someone with an opinion you really don't like.


That's literally the kind of trolling oldschool /b/ usually did, and the main thing mods were dealing with back then. They usually weren't very subtle, it was extremely easy to tell the difference. That kind of obnoxious trolling and derailing would get users banned from boards outside of /b/ basically until /pol/ started coming in and saying "well, actually, we're not trolling, we really believe this, here's an infographic about uyghurs," and the method largely worked even though they were going to the porn and hobby boards to have "race debates" which were supposed to be the sort of thing contained to /pol/ and /b/ anyway.


funny thing is is that 4chan is made for trolling


Part of the game is trying to figure out what level of meta trolling you're on.


Irony is, Orochimaru could be more competent Hitler.
He looks like post-Thriller MJ

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