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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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are there any actual euros even worth having bleached babes with? been dealing with them since 4 ever

<alabaster annies

>fucking annoying
>whiny voices
>average-asf bodies IF youre "lucky"
>most are chubby post 20
>mid 20s look more like late 30s
>oddly crude in conversation

<cracker jacks

>have seen receding hairlines at +19
>fondness for gross out humor and do more gross shit
>lean hard into their "niche" and/or clique becoming literal stereotypes
>have little to no manners
>especially lacking discipline

>autistic about sun protection
>awfully petty
>little self control
>very clique-ish
>smile/laugh incessantly at shit that isnt even funny
>fake asf
>lack common courtesy
>they really think the sun shines out their asses

this is from the the united snakes btw

on a sidenote, fuckass asians are not too far off from this same bullshit so i will throw them into the same question are they worth the bleaching as well?


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also koreans are dipshits. fuckin wish north koreans would actually get off their asses and stop being a pussified rump state


Go back.


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anglo got angled then analed


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white pigo


Wow, a larp. How fruitful.

>6 hours between posts



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lulzy bleachie is getting preachy. piggy going wa wa wa
>discovers time does travel


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Holy Based Drew! My new hero!

The hoe even went full "it's not rape if you're hard" route

I guess it's not rape if your nipples get hard too lol


I don't know know what schizo shit is going on itt but I'm agreeing with this


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>I don't know know what based enlightenment is going on itt but I'm just a sissy sour cream scat bitch



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based low inhib black brother owning dem hoes


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is this shithole website completely unmoderated?


What do you want me to do move it?


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the white race has been redeemed


holy fuck dude I am in love, ngl.


>is this shithole website completely unmoderated?
Yes. I don't even know what OP is talking about, it's not even the interracial racebait you see bleach usually used for


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ogre mods are getting desperate


Alot of the times the shit posted here is so skitzo I can't even tell if it needs to be deleted so I just leave it.


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I swear, schools are moe draconian than workplaces.

Schools will suspend you for any edgy harmless joke.
And I dont mean sexist or ravist jokes either.

Anyone whom thinks school is the bst time of ones life in terms of recreation is a fucking idiot whom whins about adulting


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best comments incoming
>no butt
>dressing like a whore in public
>Yeah, no thanks.
>that's a man
>unironically being sexually attracted to i am a faggot
>no ass no hope
>I'll take a thick black or latina bitch any day

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