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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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Here's the man the media and psuedoleft is gunning for now.

I wonder why?


It's a mystery


Might have something to do with his history of sexual assault. Now, by many accounts, the man is reformed, and we should all applaud that. My problem with him is that he's a fucking idiot of the highest degree. I do not think he should be cancelled. He should keep all his platforms, with the exception that he must wear a cap denoting him as the Village Idiot among village idiots.


>A DNC shill, I presume


Last I checked, the DNC doesn't operate in the UK. Typical drugged-out hippie fanatic.


Get vaxxxed


Oh, no you said vaxx as of it was a bad thing. Clearly you have the medical experience to make such a determination. No? Braindead faggot.


The swollen heart and elevated CO2 levels from mask usage is wearing on you


>Might have something to do with his history of sexual assault.

Damn I had to turn my monitor brightness down from the glow here


Always thought Brand was an unfunny weirdo, but he's getting dangerously based lately.


The dude is a pseud himself so who cares.


>it's the CIA that is making people think Russel faggot is a rapist, not the literal text messages of him admitting as much.


Unironically, yes.

Why the left is busy spinning its wheels trying to compete over who be the biggest culture faggot and giving tacit support to whatever the DNC is doing, Brand is talking about corporations profiting from crisis.


So those text messages are fake, even though he acknowledged them and their authenticity? Mind you, I don't hate him for being a rapist. I hate him for being a useful idiot. Wait, you probably think Tucker Carlson is based too, don't you, you stupid faggot?


Idk. I'm not some fag who cares about the sex lives of talking heads. So I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. I just find it interesting where your priorities and interest lie

And yes, Tucker is based. While you're crying about 'rightoids,' he's talking about the impact of inflation for normal people.

It's almost as if muh left isn't even trying to hide the fact that it's running cover for the ruling class.


>Idk. I'm not some fag who cares about the sex lives of talking heads. So I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.
We're talking about the fact that some people here think that these allegations are made-up, all evidence to the contrary. This guy is an idiot and deserved contempt way before this came out.
>I just find it interesting where your priorities and interest lie
I think you need to get a better dialogue tree, you fucking idiot.
>And yes, Tucker is based.
Maybe you should go back to /pol/ or .ogre. Carlson wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire, you fucking faggot.


Imagine writing this an not getting paid for it by some DNC aligned PAC


I'm sorry, but I post because I enjoy a discussion. You're clearly really shitty at it and expect to get paid for it. Wonder where you come from?


You do it for free…


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>I'm on the side of the UL Parliament
Good to know


Yes. I post for entertainment.

>Things nobody said for $500, Alex.




>drugged-out hippie fanatic

I absolutely kek.


>Typical drugged-out hippie fanatic.
So Russell Brand?


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How is he leftist
Why are the only people you think are leftists are hippie coded freaks loved by the right and who only talk about vaccines and shit and barely anything else left wing. You're gonna bring up that one quote about inequality he did years ago?

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