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What are the political implications of Biden importing dispossessed Venezuelan kulaks?


Haven't we been doing this? Would legit be surprised if we haven't. What's the difference between these Venezuelan immigrants and all the previous Venezuelan immigrants?


Venezuelans are given asylum here and classified as political refugees because vuvuzeula commies bad, and they overwhelmingly vote Republican. They're like Cubans.
Meanwhile right wingers still engage in racial agitation and ell about how every single brown person is a communist democrat import, and engage in literal fraud and kidnapping to get them deported.
I fucking hate right wingers I fucking hate whatever rightoid is reading this, the fucking retarded black and white view of the world.


I've worked with some if the people coming over. They're not rightoids for the most part, just poor and desperate. Stop vilifying people just because they escaped from a country you like. They all have their reasons. If you want to keep a close eye on anyone, maybe keep an eye on the ones getting here by plane, not the ones spending months walking to the US.


>vuvuzeula commies bad
UwUzela commies were getting shot by the local anti-imperialist (= pro-imperialist) government for years already. In response, the local cummy party already stated that they're gonna start dealing with the corporatist state & their local magnate sponsors due to this schizoid crap.

Leftardofuckos on the other hand still keep choking on corporate balls whenever the propaganda departments throw a red rag & say some shit about competing imperialism while their buddies in death squads physically cleanse their private territory from any competing imperialist-backed opposition.
But what else can you expect from lefchuds?

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