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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1695303752729.png ( 22.17 KB , 125x114 , 1695155530553.png )


i liked the comic where the girl said she's autistic

and ppl replied "you're worse than saddam you bitch"


Post the comic, don't be a fag


i don't remember the title


File: 1696676808285.jpg ( 1.78 MB , 948x1342 , c2570f1e611763b80670b683de….jpg )

frog is literally me


File: 1697056426852.png ( 43.03 KB , 1027x626 , 1638148648952.png )

Was it one of these?


This is literally my cunt ex


File: 1697178689171-0.png ( 23.03 KB , 550x488 , 1621217511752.png )

File: 1697178689171-1.jpg ( 668.1 KB , 2048x1976 , 1638161117411.jpg )

File: 1697178689171-2.jpg ( 117.08 KB , 1024x943 , 1633790149136.jpg )

File: 1697178689171-3.jpg ( 149.25 KB , 800x1269 , 1631481659581.jpg )

File: 1697178689171-4.jpg ( 119.83 KB , 1024x790 , 1632921523124.jpg )



File: 1697178950319-0.jpg ( 994.72 KB , 1942x2046 , 135062.jpg )

File: 1697178950319-2.png ( 81.64 KB , 1002x767 , 1632974959850.png )

Unique IPs: 7

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