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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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was my bait too weak? did I not inflamate enough? is communism irrelevant in /pol/? they archived the thread right when I was going to respond to that last schizopost with a similar schizopost(bait).

(I'm the guy with the hammer/sickle flag) https://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/442215179

should I make better bait? if yes, then how?


the schizopost I'm referring to was that religious nonsense(the last reply)


you'll get more replies if you acknowledge jews early in the post. what's your objective? just fun? That's what I would recommend you're likely to get some positive responses in this route from /chug/posters


>acknowledge jews early in the post
oohhh I forgot about that, they're nazis after all…
>what's your objective? just fun?
fun and mainly propaganda and giving them a red scare.
>positive responses in this route from /chug/posters
/chug/posters? what's that?

ok so next bait I make I'll acknowledge jews early on, the holocaust and etc


If I want to engage in a tad bit of tomfoolery, I rather just pretend to a /pol/fag, turn their beliefs up to 11 and just talk about how even watching anime is degenerate goyslop(which if they weren't hypocrite weebs, they would agree), accuse people of being glowies, being nonwhite, having Jewish blood. Just say that disagreeing with certain things is inherently jewish.
Some of them already think being against pedophilia is a Jewish ploy.


>Going to 4chan to troll mentally ill neets, schizoids and state security agents
Sounds like a massive waste of time


>pretend to a /pol/fag
hmmm but that would mean that I would have to pretend to not be a communist, which is bad for propaganda. but using their tactics with socialist alternatives of their responses/memes/ways of communication/copypastas/etc is the key.
>accuse people of being glowies, being nonwhite, having Jewish blood.
I would accuse them of socialist alternatives of these responses, gotta stay communist after all. such as using "you'll never be a man" to a "you'll never be a woman", it's very effective.
>Some of them already think being against pedophilia is a Jewish ploy.
lol they need to die in a fire


I think /pol/ is more compatible with nazbol ideology. converting half of /pol/ to nazbol might be a possibility


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Real communist drive black Mercedes or Land rovers and stash gold bars in the walls of their homes.
You will never be a real communist.


this. a good minority are already strasserist which is already DSA tier with the added bonus they don't shy away from controversial historical figures. so actually probably significantly better then your average DSA libtard faggot.


See you really need to lurk more to be effective. it's the comfy happening in Ukraine general on pol. It's actually sometimes a pretty nice place. Reminds me of the old Syrian threads /sg/.


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OP here!

369 replies, I suppose it's possible to convert /pol/ to communism, ehh kinda. was surprised that dialog was possible tbh.
I didn't even lurked that much, but I guess saying radical stuff works
strasserist? I supposed they agree with us at least economically then idk(have no idea)
…and CPC unsurprisingly severely punished him and sacked him of his position as secretary.


but holy shit they lie too fucking much. it's like they don't even know reality and keep spewing propaganda fiction like holy shiittt

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