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Why are burgers so bad at managing money?


>americans earning 150k living paycheck to paycheck
The value of USD has halved since 2019. $150k is basically the minimum for a decent standard of living in the big cities, any less and you have to have roommates.

>US National debt

this is just various imperialist cartels printing money for themselves and then adding it to the collective debt of the proles. it's good money management for the bourgeoisie.


Tldr: amerikwans are braindead consoomers who can't survive withoit the latest iphone, a new car, UberEATS, and $12,500 per month


File: 1695805926112.png ( 351.36 KB , 633x616 , lol fiat.png )

>The value of USD has halved since 2019.
I agree, the problem is not that the proletariat don't know how to manage their money the problem is that the money itself is worthless.

>imperialist cartels printing money for themselves

Central banks are a communist institution. Their job is to centrally plan the economy by manipulating the money supply and picking winners on the stock market. It's even in Marx's manifesto, point 5. Assuming you've read it, a Maxist who has actually read Marx is as rare as a Christian who has actually read the bible.

As if to prove my point, leftists have been programmed to never question the banks for some reason. Curious.


America is a consuner cukture. Most Americans m, at least the average ones, dont own their own farm or workshop to make their own stuff.

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