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/b/ - Siberia

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>car ownership has gone up since 2006
>Insta-worthy road trips and endless selfies
>meanwhile: the reality of owning a car in America
Never-ending parking scavenger hunts in city jungles to the absurd insurance bills, it's like a bad reality show. Never mind even rental cars!

Anybody got experience in remote rural regions?

Discuss personal transportation vs public transportation.


Your chart kinda sucks, is it supposed to be a percentage of 30k? Or is the vehicle itself 30k and then you pay more for fuel, but then wtf does 28% fuel mean!?

There's also parking which can be expensive. Cars suck, if I had a lot more money I would probably have one for weekends but thankfully I live in a bigger city and i have ways to get around to about 90% of events that I want to and I have to rent a car once every few months or ride-share.


Cars are for fags and women
>Muh, convenience and comfort


cars are for chads and revolutionaries
>sorry I can't start the protracted peoples war, my mum won't give me a lift


You're thinking of tanks. I either want a tank or good public transport.

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