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"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
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File: 1696606523662.jpg ( 556.37 KB , 1080x1838 , Screenshot_2023-10-06-22-3….jpg )


Feel the Bern yet?


kek no refunds


you have to go back.


You think information suddenly stops being true just because somebody you've been programmed to hate said it?


Did you forget who you're talking to..?

Of course they disregard information if it comes from 'bad people'


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Nah, it's that you literally couldn't even get this from a source that isn't a retarded libertarian rag where everybody cried when Shinzo Abe got dusted.

Codepink reported on it themselves 2 days earlier, and you didn't see it until the Paultards picked it up without the subtext. It's telling.


>you literally couldn't even get this from a source that isn't a retarded libertarian ra
What are you even talking about, of course leftist media is not going to run a story on how a leftist hero did a shitty thing. Your perception of reality is going to be insanely twisted if all you do is consume a handful of heavily biased sources and blindly reject everything else.


>Sorry, you have been blocked
>You are unable to access nationbuilder.com
Someone's got something to hide.


>Sanders does something bad

Wow feel the bern yet?
Sanders is still a far better option than many other faggots in office.


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this is one of the most retarded uighur transhumanist opinions on the board. poster above me would drone strike 100 third world weddings to get muh single payer alternative medicine acupuncture coverage while he works part time serving ass and drinks at the gay night club


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Fattermans's office staff are Zionists


File: 1696740003755.mp4 ( 3.85 MB , 640x360 , Sanders-mccarthyite-2020.mp4 )

I'm more concerned with that fucking rat sending trillions to finance during the pandemic and sending billions to Nazis in Ukraine. He's turned out to be even more of a scumbag politician than Chris Hedges asserted back when he called him a sheepdog in 2016.


Bernie is such a cuck. The DNC clearly rigged the primary against him, and he still supports them. Talk about a spineless faggot with a loud mouth


>The DNC clearly rigged the primary against him
Twice, even! Fool me twice, shame on me.

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