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The Matrix as an analogy for capitalism

>When I talk about the matrix, I'm talking about the systems that have been created by society which are deliberately designed to enslave.

>In the movie the matrix, we're used for our body heat. But here in this Matrix we're used for our efforts and our energies.

>And you're living inside of a system which is deliberately rigged to make the rich richer and the poor poorer.

That was Tate btw


I think if The Matrix was actually intended to be an analogy about capitalism its directors would have certainly bloviated about it in their heavy-handed philosophy regurgitation in the sequels.


I think it has more in common with gnosticism and eastern mysticism but rendered as sci fi than fantasy as such. For example:
In gnosticism:
>through god consciousness you are liberated

And likewise through class consciousness you are liberated


are you liberated anon

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