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/b/ - Siberia

"We need an imageboard of action to fight for OC making posters."
Tor Only

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File: 1697158959442.jpg ( 99.57 KB , 700x850 , p8us7ooavt1a1.jpg )

Well anon. You see, the 1800s were socialist paradise. Then we got capitalism, and this happened


They wern't "socialist,
but imagine being able to go to your local crafstmens guild and become a pupil for black smithing, or, tayloring, or, whatever you wanted to learn how to do and after you did it you basically were self employeed. You and everyone in your community all knew eachother on deep and personal levels and all shared in the bounty of the wealth you all created…..except when the tax man/lord/whatever cock sucker came around every so often.
It's no wonder people saw industrial capitalism as an overt threat to their way of life.

They were 100% correct.

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