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Does Autism make you steal money? My friend just had drama with her bf for stealing thousands of dollars from him and then today she just got diagnosed with autism.




No. Your friend is just a piece of shit.


>stole thousands of dollars

<Comitting a felony is just "drama"

Your friend is a psychopathic manipulative bitch who should be in jail.



They worked it out together and he forgave her with some stipulations.


Your friend is still a piece of shit even if her BF is forgiving.


What is "theft"? I thought you guys were communists…


>Hurr durr communism means I get to take your toothbrush
Kill yourself.


>property rights for me not for thee
Now you're sounding like a real communist.


>Retard doesn't know the difference between personal and private property


>hegelian thinks that changing the definitions of words somehow changes reality


>it's another "socialists want to take my toothbrush because I don't understand the basics of what they believe" episode

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