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File: 1697761292352.jpg ( 35.23 KB , 474x662 , alcohol.jpg )


>still giving up your wages to get poisoned by porky


Being an alcoholic is a requirement for being leftist. If you are not an alcoholic, you are too happy.


Yeah I don't understand people who just raw-dog life without drinking. Maybe they're wealthy.

I will admit drinking is unhealthy and I have kind of a problem with it, so I don't like… recommend drinking or anything.


I don't drink or smoke or anything but my diet is shit. I'm fucked by capitalist sweeteners and carbs.


Then just… stop eating trash? Cook at home?


>Cook at home?
what are you, a fucking housewife?

I don't have time to cook healthy food


>I don't have time to cook healthy food
You literally do.
t. spend about 5 minutes per meal preparing food. Healthy food doesn't take longer.


>I don't have time to cook healthy food
Yeah you do. If you have time to make retarded shitposts on here, you have time to cook.


Honestly, I don't have enough money to ever buy alcohol anymore. I think if I did, I'd just get molly instead.

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