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File: 1698170455613.png ( 436.8 KB , 700x700 , Caleb_Maupin.png )


Why don't you all obsess over this cult leader any more? Also reminder that christcoms can't be leftist, because to be a leftist you have to be a strict antitheist atheist


If you know who this person is you desperately need to have sex.


Idk, I wasn't one of his fans but a bunch of people brought a bunch of abuse allegations against him.
You are right about the Christian and Leftism synthesis, provided you mean Marxism which is materialistic, but Marxism doesn't have a monopoly on socialism.


> but Marxism doesn't have a monopoly on socialism.

non-marxist socialism is almost always reactionary or liberal


Nah we're Haz gang


>Why don't you all obsess over this cult leader any more?
Literally who?


he was an interesting guy who was at least acting professional but he screwed the troon on that. Haz is a fag who only plays lip service to presenting an alternative to liberal leftists while still acting like a sperg. Maybe Hinkle will be more promising but it's disheartening that all that guys are so closely connected to Schiller. Maybe it's what we need but I'm not familiar enough to say. Based on LaRouche's comments alone, it doesn't seem promising.


Caleb Maupin. An unironic christcom who bordered on Strasserism/Nazbol


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Christian Marxist here, stay mad edgelords



stay there


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Never posted there a day in my life and have no intention of starting. I love you, comrade.


its where reactionaries like you belong


I don't think he's an actual Christian other than in name, he promotes Christianity because he thinks that is an aspect of 'Socialism with American Characteristics" is.


File: 1698240101850.jpeg ( 15.34 KB , 320x320 , images - 2023-10-25T23202….jpeg )

No way he's married to this. Looks like she could be his mother.


Have you ever seen a socialist with a hit gf?


He's a closeted homosexual and that's his beard.
No but I have seen them with their looksmatch.


How is being christian incompatible with marxism or makes you a reactionary?

Literally jesus reeeeee'd about the rich quite a bit


Its not so much the belief itself as it is the organizational power structure of religion. Basically if you consider yourself a christian you are indeed supporting the oppressive entity of the religious organization.


There used to be this pretty white girl on 8/leftypol who was married to this socialist indian dude


>Literally jesus reeeeee'd about the rich quite a bit
So do socdems. Big deal. Socialism isn't about screaming at rich people, and Marxists should be pointing out there is literally nothing wrong with being rich, that's not the issue.

>How is being christian incompatible with marxism or makes you a reactionary?

Being a Christian is inherently idealist and implies virtue morality. To combine it with Marxism creates contradictions.
That doesn't mean someone can't align with both beliefs. People don't need to have an internally-consistent worldview to function effectively. But there are contradictions and


Aside from the fact that he's a paid russkie shill, he also has a shit narcissistic personality and a low autism score. Oh, and he's also a fascist duginoid.

he should be fucking shot like a dog


what did you expect from a retard betabux?


Part of the worldwide revolution will be a christian genocide


Marxism is just Christianity with a secular facade. Underneath it all, the beliefs are identical.

In that sense, we can only hope for genocide


why do you hate Christians so much, do you still hold resentment from your parents forcing you to go to church or something?


load of crap

Religious Dogma is stupid and requires submission to authority as its base level of modius Operandi.
It requires the suspension of logic and thought and if some one is willing to do that about one thing they will be willing to do it about other things.


Always happy to repost my copypasta on the matter:

# Marxianity


History (as a teleological concept), class struggle


Communism, Anarchism, classless stateless paradise

>Garden of Eden

Primitive communism

>Original sin

Racism, colonialism, class society

>Prophets and saints

Marx, Engles, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Che, Ho, Mao, etc

>Everyone's a sinner

No ethical consumption under capitalism

>Atonement through Christ/Muhammad

Being an ally/'it's called being a decent human being'

>Revelations, millenarian end time struggle between good and evil

Proletarian revolution against the bourgeoisie

>Cringe Bible study groups

Cringe Trot student groups

>Holy Spirit

Theory, 'Have you even read Lenin?'

>Slave morality

Slave morality

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